You Did What!
Peter was bouncing around the backseat of the car with the speed of one of Clint's arrows. His entire body was buzzing with energy.
I can't wait to work with Mr. Stark in the labs for the entire weekend!
"Are we there yet?" Peter asked Happy for the thousandth- maybe even the millionth- time. Happy had rolled up the divider after Peter had asked him this for the 10th time, and had disconnected the car phone after the 15th time Peter called him through it.
Jeez. Talk about short tempered and grumpy. He needs to take inspiration from his name.
After what seemed like infinity, the car rolled to a stop in front of the Stark tower. He quickly said goodbye to Happy and sprinted through the gates. He didn't need a badge as FRI recognized him automatically. He jammed his finger into a button and jumped into the now open elevator.
"Good Afternoon Peter." FRI's metallic voice chimed through the elevator "Where would you like me to take you?"
Peter smiled at the sound of her humanoid voice. "Take me to Mr. Stark, FRI." Peter said happily.
The elevator immediately took off to the 100th floor, where Tony's private lab was. "Oh and Peter, I must warn you. Boss is with-", but Peter didn't catch the person's name as the doors dinged open at that moment and Peter ran out of the elevator.
Besides, it was probably just an intern.
He quickly scanned his hand print, typed in his security code and stepped inside. He threw his bag onto the floor and shrugged his jacket off his shoulders. Since Peter's back was facing the opposite direction, Peter didn't notice Tony's guest.
"What are we going to do today Mr. Sta-" Peter said, freezing mid sentence. Right next to Tony was Bruce frikin' Banner!
"Oh my god!" Peter whispered "Am I hallucinating?." Bruce's face seemed to scrunch up in confusion.
"Hello!" Bruce said, extending his hand. "I'm Bruce Banner. You must be Peter. I've heard a lot about you."
Peter just started at his hand unblinkingly. "Did I do something wrong?" Bruce asked Tony.
"Wait for it..." Tony smirked.
Peter suddenly unfroze and started screaming excitedly. "Oh my god. I'm in the same room as Bruce Banner! Oh- he wants me to shake his hand! He knows my name!" Peter shouted.
"Huh?" Bruce asked confused. He never had anyone fangirl over him and not Hulk instead.
"Hi! I'm Peter Parker - you know that already don't you? Oh my god! You're Dr. Banner!" Peter said, furiously shaking his hand.
"Please - call me Bruce." Peter grinned "Okay, Bruce!"
"Hey! You still call me Mr. Stark!" Tony said, feigning hurt.
"Yeah but you're not the Bruce Banner!" Peter declared. "I need to tell Ned!" He said, whipping out his phone.
Ned picked up at the second ring. "What's up?" He asked Peter.
"Guess who I'm talking to!" Peter exclaimed into the phone.
"IDK, is it Mr. Stark?" Ned asked, rolling his eyes on the other end.
"DR. BRUCE BANNER." Peter screamed.
"HOLY HELL -" Ned said, but was cut off by Peter, who was wincing at Ned's volume.
"Shhh. Gotta Go!" He said, hanging up the phone.
"What. Is. Happening" Bruce asked, confused yet again.
"Your picture is in my school!" Peter said, fanboying once more.
"My what?" Bruce was utterly (A/N: say it with me) confused.
"Anyways..." Tony said, laughing quietly. "Me and Brucie bear need to work on something for a few hours. How about we have our daily lab time after that?"Tony asked.
"Anything for Dr Ban - sorry - Bruce!" Peter replied.
Peter was bored, bored, bored. Sure, he just met his idol, but Tony had said that they would be busy for a few hours, and it was already five hours twenty six minutes and fifty seconds. But who was counting?
He quietly made his way to where the two adults were working in tandem. "What are you doing?" Peter asked them.
"Oh, we're trying to find cures for various diseases." Bruce replied, concentrating fully on whatever he was viewing under the microscope.
"Since when did Mr. Stark become an expert in biology?" Peter asked.
"Since last night." Tony said, laughing quietly at his incredulous face.
"Can I try?" Peter asked them, his curiosity raging. At least this was better than doing nothing.
"Sure." Tony replied "Knock yourself out." Peter took the notes that were thrusted toward him.
Huh. cancer, huh. I guess this ought to do.
He made his way towards the spare worktable and drew a little blood of his blood- which he knew possessed capabilities superior to that of normal humans- from his arm into a syringe and examined it under a microscope. He jotted down notes of comparison between his blood, that's resistant to most diseases, and the average human's blood. He then noticed the dissimilarities between them, and could slowly feel an idea forming in his head.
"Done!" Peter declared, slapping a small syringe filled with blue liquid in front of Bruce ( whom he was still fangirling over ) and Tony.
"What's done?" Tony asked, drawing the structure of a virus.
"The cure for cancer." Peter said, promptly causing the both adults to drop whatever they were holding, ( which unfortunately turned out to be acid in Bruce's case ) and stare at him.
"You... what now?" Bruce asked.
"I was bored. I looked at a few notes, reviewed them and made my own cure for cancer." Peter said shrugging.
He then left them, went to his workstation again and sat on the ceiling above it (which was made entirely of Lego's, another one of Peters creations) for fun.
Bruce and Tony quickly checked it and waddled towards him, mouths hanging open.
"How did you do it?" Tony asked Peter.
"Well, I simply found a stimulus that activates the Lysosomes in only targeted cells, causing them to burst, thereby killing all the cancer cells and other surrounding cells for safety. I noticed that my blood, which is resistant to diseases, had more Lysosomes, Platelets and Mitochondria than usual, leading me to believe that that's the key."(A/N: I don't know, don't you science-y guys kill me) Peter said, most of his attention directed towards the Lego Hulk he was building.
"That's brilliant kid!" Tony said, eyes widened.
"Thanks, Mr. Stark!" Peter replied, grinning.
He slowly made his way down and presented Bruce with the Lego Hulk. "Here." He said, giving it to Bruce shyly. Bruce smiled and accepted it.
"Hulk likes this one..." Hulk told Bruce in his head, and Bruce couldn't agree more.
"What you did was brilliant, Peter." Bruce said, shocked that a kid could figure out the cure to the disease that made most scientists wrack their brains.
"You have no idea what that means coming from my idol!" Peter whispered to himself, bursting with joy.
"Hey! I thought I was your idol!"
"By the way, there's also a cure for Covid-19 in the top desk drawer."
"There's a what!"
"You did what!"
"You didn't tell me that your son was a genius and Spiderman!"
"My what? No! And he climbed onto the ceiling! How else do you think he did that!"
"It's a Lego ceiling! Lego shoes? He's a genius after all..."
A/N: This was 1000 + words! I'm pooped. Here's your new chapter. It's probably crap since I wrote it at 2:00 in the morning. Thanks for the 500+ views!
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