The Field Trip To Peter's Personal Hell (Part 1)
For the past few weeks, SHIELD had been sending the Avengers to various schools, orphanages, hospitals and stage events in an attempt to change their public image from 'bunch of enhanced who like to punch stuff' to 'kind-hearted warriors who care deeply about the society'.
That's of course, lifted verbatim from something Uncle Nick said.
On his free days, Peter usually accompanied them to various orphanages, but his school had organised a talent fair meant to be conducted by a few hot-shots today.
"Are you sure you can't skip school today?" Clint asked him for the tenth time while Steve gave him his 'eyebrows of disappointment' ™.
"No, Uncle Clint! My test at the end of the day counts for 20% of my final grade." Peter said, frowning. "I really wanted to come, though."
"It's okay, kid. We'll all go out for ice cream once this is done." Tony said, trying to console him. "Perhaps we can get you that new Spiderman ice-cream they introduced!"
"Really?" Peter asked, practically jumping off the walls. "Yeah, kid. Now scamper off." Tony said, making a shooing gesture with his hands. "Happy's mood is becoming less and less like his name."
Peter hurried off towards the elevator, sprinted into the car and quickly buckled himself up. "I'm ready, Happy!" Peter said, flashing him a thumbs up.
Meanwhile, in the penthouse, the Avengers were getting ready to head off to the next location.
"Where are we going next?" asked Vision.
"Oh, you have no idea." Tony said, a wicked grin forming on his face.
Peter took in the unusually crowded auditorium as he pressed himself between Ned and MJ.
"Hey MJ, Ned!" He greeted them, slinging an arm around Ned. Ned enthusiastically answered back, while MJ grunted, the only sign that she heard him over whatever world she was lost in while reading her book.
The principal stepped onto the podium and tapped the mic, causing Peter to wince at the sharp whine that filled his sensitive ears.
"Hello, dear students! Today is a special day for Midtown High as some very famous guests are arriving today!" The principal said, cheering enthusiastically into the mic.
Flash looked smug, as if he knew something the others didn't, which could be completely possible as his father was an important board member. He saw Peter looking and grinned, flashing the universal symbol of 'you're dead' towards him and whispering, "Get ready to be exposed, Penis!"
"Now remember, you're all supposed to maintain your best behavior in front of these VIP's! They've graciously made time in their busy schedule to meet us!" He paused for dramatic effect.
"Now, the people visiting us are - " He was suddenly cut off by some sparkly orange light that manifested onto the stage.
Peter was suddenly struck with a realization. "Oh dear..." Peter muttered as everyone around him broke into excited whispers, except for MJ, of course, who was silently laughing at Peter.
The orange sparks slowly expanded into a circle of light and out stepped Dr. Strange- his pops-followed by the rest of the Avengers. His dad, Tony, cheerily stepped forward and dramatically said, "The Avengers!" causing everyone on the bleachers to cheer loudly as Peter sank back into his seat muttering the words 'kill me now' again and again.
"Oh my Loki!"(A/N: Get it? OML!) Ned shouted. "It's the freaking Avengers!" He practically fainted alongside the rest of the student body.
"Hello, Midtown High!" Tony said, his voice automatically amplifying due to whatever tech he had on. "I believe there are no introductions required! We, the Avengers, are here to tour your school!"
The principal finally recovered from the stroke he must have had and leaned against the podium. "All of you please collect your schedule for the fair from your respective teachers. Let the fun begin!"
The entire school practically surged towards the doors and Peter, MJ and Ned awkwardly stood at the back of the receding line, while MJ sketched his face again. Peter could have sworn he heard Tony mutter 'activate embarrass the kid protocol '.
They went to Mr. Harrington and quickly collected their schedules. Fortunately, he, Ned and MJ had the exact same schedule, but so did Flash, meaning the Avengers might find out about him.
Oh well.
The first stall that they had to visit for the fair was fortunately his pops'. They all gathered around the stall and waited as Levi floated protectively in front of the stage, making sure that they didn't touch anything.
"Alright!" Dr. Strange said, clapping his gloved hands together. "The mystic art of Karma-Taj is not something everyone can master. It takes great patience and dedication to be able to perform the simplest of magical instructions. Beware, children! One wrong move and you will find yourself stuck on the peaks of the Himalayas, unable to escape." The students quietly shuddered at the statement, some now eying the magical artifacts with slight suspicion in their gazes.
But not even the prospect of death could keep a teenager from wanting to try out magic, and soon all of them were equipped with books that contained basic, non - lethal magical spells and chants.
"Now, to make this even more interesting, the best student in this entire fair will win an exclusive trip to SI! Start chanting!" Pops yelled.
Immediately the books magically flipped open to a page which showed an optical illusion spell. Peter grinned slightly, forgetting his enormous problem. His pops had already taught him basic magic, and this was one of his favorites.
He looked around for a while, noticing that no-one had managed to summon an optical illusion of their choice yet. He was planning on casting the illusion only if someone else had also managed to do so, but the knowing glare that MJ sent towards his direction made him quickly change his mind in fear.
Peter's eyes drifted towards the book and he twisted his hands into a mudra and slowly chanted the spell. Immediately, a red and orange ball made up of interwoven, sparkling threads of light formed in his palms, it's interior toned with a green glow emitting from a beautiful pseudo-emerald that he had conjured up.
All the muttering ceased, and everyone stared at Peter. Dr. Strange looked up from his book, his eyes shining with pride when he saw that Peter had conjured up his favorite illusion.
"Ah, Peter! I should have known that you would be the first one to complete this task!" Dr. Strange exclaimed happily.
"Thanks, Po- I mean, Dr. Strange!" Peter corrected hastily. Everyone suddenly began to whisper that Dr. Strange, an Avenger, knew Peter's name. Peter wrung his fingers together and hastily said, "Stark internship, remember?"
The students were currently seated in front of a collection of weapons and relics, which looked quite different from Dr. Strange's. Fortunately for Peter, curiosity had taken hold of his classmates and they had stopped shooting him weird looks. His side was still painful from the quick beating Flash and his goons had given him. Thankfully, it would heal in two minutes.
Loki and Thor stepped up onto the platform and eyed the children warily. "Today we are going to teach you how to fight with knives." Thor declared, stepping forward.
"Since I -" cue Loki's terrifying glare "- didn't want you kids to get hurt, we will be training with blunt knives today." Thor said, while Loki sported a 'what's the fun in that' look.
"Now pair up, children!" Thor exclaimed.
As Peter was moving towards Ned, Loki quickly said, "Not you, Peter! We are going to show them what a real duel looks like!" Loki's mouth pulled into a sly grin as he looked at Peter's reaction.
Peter groaned. He really didn't want his friends to find out everything about him.
"Really, Uncle Loki?" Peter hissed. "Now?"
He quickly glimpsed Flash's face, which was pissed off as two Avengers had called out to Peter till now. He warily trudged towards the stage and squinted up at Loki.
"Now, brother." Thor said, "You know the rules, only one knife."
Loki scowled and removed a knife from his sleeve, then one from the other. Then two from his pant legs, three from his jacket, two from his shoes, one from his back, two from his socks and on and on and on until about a hundred knives were on the table.
"Loki." Thor warned, and Loki pouted and pulled out a final dagger from his vest and threw it onto the table with a small 'clunk'.
Peter laughed silently at everyone's stunned faces. He knew that half of those were illusions. He carefully selected a real knife from the pile and easily slipped into a fighting stance in front of Loki, while his uncle did the same.
"Begin!" Thor boomed.
Immediately, Loki advanced forward, spinning his knife in one hand and catching it precisely. Peter quickly dodged, and slashed his knife towards Loki. He expertly caught Peter's arm and bent it down, twisting it in an awkward angle. Peter quickly jabbed at him, causing Loki to be pushed back against the wall.
He quickly slammed the hilt of his knife into Loki's palm, trying to disarm him. Loki seemed to have had the same thought, as the two blades clashed against each other mid-swing, the gleaming metal shattering on impact.
Peter grinned and flung the now-useless dagger on the ground. "You did good, my little apprentice." Loki said, beaming.
"Thanks, Uncle Loki!" Peter replied, while Thor ruffled his hair.
Flash chose that exact moment to act stupid. "What the hell! There's no way Penis Parker can draw with an Avenger! He can't even defend himself from me!" Flash shouted.
Flash was screwed.
"What did you call him?" Loki said, his eyes wide with anger, as he teleported in front of him and pressed a knife against his throat.
"Nothing- nothing, sir!" Flash trembled. "Uncle Loki! Did you forget the 'don't threaten minors' talk that I had given you last month!" Peter said, quickly moving towards him.
"But he's a pesky one! The world will be better without him!" Loki argued.
"Amen to that." Peter could hear Ned and MJ muttering.
"No! What will Uncle Nick say?" Peter said firmly.
"Alright!" Loki conceded. "But don't think that we won't talk about this when we get home!" Thor threatened, Mijoner in hand.
"Please don't tell Dad!" Peter pleaded, his eyes turning puppy-like.
"Fine!" Thor said, melting, while Loki muttered, "Maybe."
Peter and his friends were soon quickly ushered off towards the next stall. Everyone bombarded Peter and started to ask questions the moment the two brothers left them alone.
"How do you know them?"
"Are they your friends?"
"Where did you learn to fight like that?"
"Why do you call them Uncle?"
"One more word and all of you are dead!" MJ shouted. "Believe me! Thor and Loki's sister is the goddess of death and she loves Peter!" Everyone quickly gave them a wide berth, still too shocked to be skeptical of MJ's- surprisingly correct- words, and Peter silently thanked MJ.
He sighed in defeat as he imagined what the rest of his day would be like, thinking that he would rather bury himself alive.
A/N: That was really long. 1903 words to be exact. Please comment and vote this story! It will just make my day to read your comments.
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