Kidnapped (Part 1)
Peter fell onto the floor, coughing up blood. He dimly registered the blinding lights and the plain metal walls- interrupted only by a one-way viewing window- as his eyes blurred. He strained against the cuffs that locked his hands together, making his wrists bloom red.
Peter stared at his hands in shock. The only metal that he couldn't break was Vibranium. Whoever kidnapped him must be well connected. He heard the door open with a creak and tried to flip his chair around in his haste, making his head violently bang against it.
"Welcome back, Winter Spider." a harsh voice echoed through the room.
Peter instantly froze. This was a voice that he recognised- the voice that was featured in every single one of his nightmares.
"You think I'm going to let you bring him back so easily?" Peter asked, gritting his teeth.
"Well, we have already managed to drag you back here, haven't we? And as for your true self, he never went away, did he?" the man drawled, smirking.
"I tried. That's more than what can be said for you, Winter Soldier." Peter mocked.
"I did what I must, Winter Spider. My loyalties lie with my Commander, and as should yours." the Winter Soldier replied, unflinching.
"Your loyalties should lie with those who are good, not with those who control you!" Peter fired back in rage.
"Goodness is a comparative quality." he said, monotone.
"It doesn't have to be."
A voice suddenly echoed through the room, snapping Peter away from the Winter Soldier. "Enough talk, Winter Soldier," The voice of Agent Coulson said. "Inject him."
"Is that wise Commander?" The Winter Soldier asked uncertainly.
"Agent?" Coulson barked harshly.
The Winter Soldier stiffened, "Ready to comply."
The Winter Soldier injected a dark red liquid into Peter's body, which slowly started spreading through him, making him collapse into his seat. Peter's chair broke at the impact-splintering into a thousand pieces, his Vibranium cuffs shattering with it, but he didn't notice, for he was overcome with pain, the edges of his vision slowly darkening. The Winter Soldier quickly ran into the safe room.
"Wonderful..." Coulson laughed as a red glow spread around the room. "It's fighting back."
"What do you mean you can't find him?" Tony screamed, slamming his hand on his desk, making everything fall off. "We have the best tech in the world! How can some random kidnapper hide him?" He exclaimed, frustrated.
"We're trying, Tony!" Natasha fired back. "I love Peter too!"
Tony sighed, wiping his face with his hand, downing his 45th cup of coffee as he stayed awake for more than 45 hours. "Banner?" He asked.
"All I can say is he isn't anywhere in NYC. Looks like they took him off the grid." Bruce said, focusing on the net of screens mounted sky high in front of him.
"No shit, Sherlock!" Tony snapped.
Tony collapsed onto a chair and immediately pulled up plans of the city through Jarvis. "I'm going to find you, Pete. I'm going to."
Peter remembered.
Every single moment in his life was flashing through his head. It was like someone had inserted a reel into his brain and hit play.
"Goodbye, Peter."
"Winter Spider?"
"Ready to comply."
"Your next mission is in New York."
"Hello, lady. I don't know who you are, but you really shouldn't take kids from the streets home!"
"Call me May."
"You're the spiderling, right? The crime-fighting spider?"
"I can't go to Germany!"
"'Cause I have homework..."
"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that."
"Don't do anything I would do, and definitely don't do anything I wouldn't do. There's a little grey area in there, that's where you operate."
"I can keep the suit?"
"It's not a hug- I'm just grabbing the door for you"
"I just wanted to be like you!"
"And I wanted you to be better."
"What are you hiding Peter?"
"I'm just kidding- I don't care. Bye!"
"You're coming with us."
"Thanks, but no thanks, I don't want to."
"We didn't ask for your permission."
"I'm not going to come easily - you know who I am."
"But you're surrounded by people - and you wouldn't want them to know you're the wall- crawler. And worst of all, you wouldn't want them to get hurt, would you?"
"Now get in the car without making a fuss."
"Tranq him."
Peter strained against the straps that bound him to a thick metal bed that was propped up vertically. Around ten different electrodes and no less than seven different machines were strapped to him, all showing various information about his body. Some fifteen-odd scientists were surrounding him, checking his vitals and all the other readings that they got.
Peter angrily kicked one of the machines away from him, causing its wires to tear.
"Awake are we Winter Spider?" Coulson smiled.
"My name is Peter Parker. Not. Winter. Spider." He said through gritted teeth.
"When will you learn to accept who you really are?" Coulson laughed.
"Have you done that? You're a spy, a plague in SHIELD. Nick Fury trusted you!" Peter screamed.
"Nick Fury is a fool who cannot see the entire picture!" Coulson barked.
"I think he's the only one who does" Peter spat.
"Sir?" One of the scientists called Coulson. "Here's a scan of artifact #221B. It seemed to have accepted the body of the host." Coulson marched towards the scientist and grabbed the screen in front of him.
"What do you mean?" Peter asked, his blood running cold as he remembered the red substance that was injected into him earlier.
"Well," Coulson said, coming face to face with him. "Earlier today, we put something called the Aether in your body" Peter's eyes flashed in recognition. He remembered the things that Thor had told him about what it did to Jane Foster.
"And that little thing will make you HYDRA's minion again. We are the only ones who know how to save you from its pain- you'll be crawling on your knees, begging for us to help you. You'll give us anything in exchange." Coulson laughed.
"Pain's an old friend Phil." Peter replied.
"Well- now it's your enemy." Coulson said as he grabbed a gun out of nowhere started firing at him. Suddenly, Peter's body convulsed as a blinding red light rushed out of him, pushing away everything in its path. Peter screamed out at the pain, trying very hard not to lose himself in the darkness that spread around him.
"Where are you, Tony?"
"Wipe his memories"
A/N: Aaaand... I'm back! This is going to be a two part story, but I don't know when I'm going to publish the next part- I'm really sick. Shoutout to Short_Storiesss for requesting this! And Spidey's back in the MCU!!! Yasssss! I cried for like a whole hour after I found out!!
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