Hidden Secrets (Part 1)
A/N: Peter's birthday is in December instead of August for plot convenience.
Peter sat down on the piano bench and delicately caressed the ivory keys with his fingertips.
It's been five months. Why does it still hurt so much?
Ever since Aunt May had died, Peter hadn't been able to play. After three months, he had started coming into this room to try and lose himself in music every day, but every single time had ended the same, with him looking at the piano for hours, tears silently streaming down his face.
It just hurt so bad.
Thankfully, none of the Avengers knew about any of this, so they didn't see Peter this way- without any will to mask the sorrow that seemed to appear whenever he was alone . He smiled sadly as he looked at the pianos ivory keys, just waiting for him to play them.
He missed her so much. Every now and then, he accidentally called out to her before realizing that she can't hear him anymore. She had died so young, killed because she tried to stop two men from mugging a young girl.
Why didn't you call me May?
Even though she was gone, he still felt her presence, not like a ghost, but in himself. She wanted to be with him every step of the way, but she couldn't anymore. So he remembered May for her, so that she would be able to stay with him forever.
Gently, he let his fingers slide over the keys as he finally poured his soul out.
It's been a minute since I called you
Just to hear the answerphone
Yeah, I know that you won't get this
But I'll leave a message so I'm not alone.
This morning I woke up still dreaming
With memories playing through my head
You'll never know how much I miss you
The day that they took you, I wish it was me instead
But you once told me, "Don't give up
You can do it day by day"
And diamonds, they don't turn to dust or fade away
So I will keep you day and night, here until the day I die
I'll be living one life for the two of us
I will be the best of me, always keep you next to me
I'll be living one life for the two of us
Even when I'm on my own, I know I won't be alone
Tattooed on my heart are the words of your favorite song
I know you'll be looking down, swear I'm gonna make you proud
I'll be living one life for the two of us
I could feel your blood run through me
You're written in my DNA
Looking back in every mirror
I know you'll be waiting, I'll see you again
But you once told me, "Don't give up
You can do it day by day"
And diamonds, they don't turn to dust or fade away (fade away)
So I will keep you day and night, here until the day I die
I'll be living one life for the two of us
I will be the best of me, always keep you next to me
I'll be living one life for the two of us
Even when I'm on my own, I know I won't be alone
Tattooed on my heart are the words of your favourite song
I know you'll be looking down, swear I'm gonna make you proud
I'll be living one life for the two of us
One life for the two of us
I'll be living one life for the two of us
We'll end just like we started
Just you and me and no one else
I will hold you where my heart is
One life for the two of us
By the end, Peter eyes were glistening with unshed tears. Slowly, he closed his eyes, locking his emotions into a tight box and hiding them before rising from the bench. He chuckled gently at the irony of the situation. He finally played again, and that too on his birthday- the supposedly 'happiest' day of his life. Not that anyone remembered.
On his way out, he caught the reflection of his face on the smooth surface of the piano. He looked like he was crying.
Peter forcefully plastered a smile on his face as he closed the door to the music room and headed towards the exit. He got into the elevator and asked FRI to take him down to the lobby.
On the 50th floor, the doors of the elevator opened and Peter instantly schooled his face to look more cheery. A man in a white shirt, black vest and red tie walked into the elevator.
"Hey Mr. Stark" Peter greeted his mentor. "Hey kid" Tony replied, distracted by a tab that he was holding. "We were looking all over for you." Tony said, looking up. Peter turned to face Tony as his chest burst slightly with giddiness. Did they remember his birthday?
"Cap wanted to test your agility. Where were you?" Tony asked.
Peter's eyes widened in shock as he stumbled a little. "Oh - nowhere - nothing important- I was in the gym. I was just leaving." Peter lied, feeling as if someone had just dunked him in a bucket of cold water. Even Mr. Stark didn't remember.
"OK. I'll come down with you. You and Cap can train later." Tony said, missing the frown that had appeared on Peter's face.
The doors dinged open as Tony and Peter got outside the elevator. "I've got to go home now Mr. Stark." Peter said. "It is pretty late. Your aunt will have my head if you were outside past your curfew. Say hi to her, will you?" Tony said.
"S - sure." Peter choked. "Bye kid." Tony hummed, reading something that had just popped up on the tab. Peter quietly left the building, eyes rimmed with tears.
"That felt weird." Tony muttered, referring to the conversation he just had with Peter. He shrugged it off- it was probably a teenage thing- and got back into the elevator, once again absorbed by his tab.
Tony wiped a bead of sweat off his face as he brought the blowtorch closer to the iron he was welding. As soon as the two pieces joined together, Tony caught it with a pair of tongs and dropped it into a bucket of cold water. He leaned against the bench, tilting his head up towards the ceiling and twirling a screwdriver between his fingers.
"What time is it, FRI?" Tony asked his trusty AI. "It's 8:01 pm, December 16th." FRI replied. Tony frowned, thinking about the date. Something about it was familiar to Tony. "Is there something important on December 16th, FRI?" Tony asked.
"It's Peter's birthday, boss." FRI declared. Tony mind was flooded with shock, and he dropped the screwdriver he was holding onto his foot. "What the-" Tony demanded, yelping.
Once he had picked it up, he turned to FRI (A/N: I don't know, how do you turn to an AI? You look up?) "Are you sure FRI?" He demanded. "Yes boss."
"Shit." He cursed. How could he forget his own sons birthday? Woah son? Where did that come from? Tony simply shook the thought (A/N: I shake it off! Shake it off! Sorry) off and groaned. No wonder Peter was looking off today. No one even remembered that it was his birthday.
Tony quickly tapped his chest, and a brilliant gold and red suit formed around him. He then ran to his bedroom and pulled out the gift that he had bought Peter ages ago for his birthday. "Open up the window FRI." Tony said. FRIDAY lowered the bulletproof glass in one swift motion as Tony launched into the air and took off towards Queens.
He made it to Aunt May's apartment in record time as he tapped his reactor to make the armor retreat back into it. He quickly climbed up the brick stairs and rang the little gold bell.
He heard footsteps on the other side of the door in a few seconds, and he nervously patted down his tie. "Hey May, I'm-" Tony called out as the door opened, before stopping abruptly.
Standing in front of him was not Aunt May, but a young girl in her twenties, holding a small baby in her arms. "Are you Tony Stark?" The girl gasped, instantly recognizing him.
"Where are the people who live in this apartment?" Tony demanded, whipping off his sunglasses. "What do you mean, Mr. Stark? I live here, with my husband." The woman said, confused and shocked. Tony furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
"Is there a May Parker here?" Tony asked her. The woman's eyes suddenly lit up in realization as she exclaimed "Oh! May Parker? She was the previous owner of the house." She said.
"Yes I know. Where is she?" Tony asked, getting exasperated. "Oh. Haven't you heard? She died five months ago." The woman declared. Tony's heart stopped dead in its tracks. "She died?" Tony demanded. "Yes. She was killed by a mugger I think."
"Do you know where Peter Parker is?" Tony asked the woman. "I'm sorry Mr. Stark." She shook her head. He thanked the woman as he turned around in a daze, tapping his reactor to form his suit around him again.
"FRI! Scan New York for Peter." Tony demanded. "Use security camera feeds, heat drones or fucking government satellites!" Tony asked FRIDAY. "I don't care. Just find him."
"Signature detected." FRI said after a minute as she mapped out a path for him. Tony readied himself and launched into the sky at top speed.
Why did Peter not tell him? Why did he keep it a secret?
Peter shivered at the cold as he walked towards his apartment. He could barely jump over the broken concrete and loose nails as he furrowed deep into his coat, one of the few clothes he had left that could protect him from the biting cold. He suddenly stumbled over a wooden plank, almost falling against a damp wall with graffiti spray painted onto it.
You see, Peter lived in one of the poorest areas of New York.
It's just so cold today. Peter thought as he finally reached his apartment. By then, he had started shivering violently, the tips of his fingers and nose turning blue. He unceremoniously tripped over the stairs as he tried to unlock the door to his apartment.
It was too much to bear.
Peter shakily tried to get up so that he could lock the door, but instead recoiled at the sudden burst of pain in his skull. Breathing heavily, he crawled into the depths of his one bedroom apartment as he grasped some blankets tightly, making them fall onto him and knock him down.
He quickly wrapped himself tightly with the blanket, but that wasn't enough. He tried to find something to relieve the sharp pain that war ringing through him and knocked everything off his nightstand in search of some medicine.
Everything was too loud.
Everything was too bright.
Everything was too painful.
Peter shivered once more in his blankets before he hit the floor, his eyes rolling back into his head.
Tony flew towards Peter, surveying the area as the streets and walls turned increasingly broken and violent. Oh Peter. Is this where you have to live? This was the poorest part of the city. He could have just asked Tony if he could stay in the tower. He would agreed in a heartbeat.
I'm so sorry kid.
He finally reached the place FRIDAY had mapped out and walked towards the door. His body tensed up when he saw that the door was wide open. Raising a gauntlet, Tony quietly opened the door.
What he saw inside broke his heart.
Peter was lying on the floor, face contorted in pain. He wasn't moving. The gift he had gotten Peter fell to the ground, shattering into a million pieces, just like his heart.
Tony rushed to his side and tried to find out what had happened. He has a pulse. Thank god. But even that was very weak. He scooped Peter into his arms as he saw that his body had gone completely blue due to the cold.
Tony held him bridal style, mind running a mile a minute as he flew from Peter's apartment to the Avengers tower.
Just hang in there, Pete.
A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for not updating sooner. I was really hurt from the past few days. I think I pulled a nerve or something in my hand *sigh*. Anyways, here's your new chapter with 1900+ words. I know this just sucks because I mashed three plots into one.
The songs called Two Of Us by Louis Tomlinson. *cue one directioners screaming*
Anyways, I know this is illegal but...
I might update a little faster if I get 4 votes and 2 comments for this part.
I'm so sorry. You can practically smell my desperateness.
PS: December 16th is my birthday. Yeah, I was born on the day Bucky killed Howard and Maria Stark. Yay me.
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