Confused? Me Too
Peter groggily walked across the lab, fetching a screwdriver and a wrench for some modifications that he was making to the Iron gauntlet. He slowly sat back onto a workbench, not realizing that he had missed it completely. Instead, he accidentally sat on thin air. His hands groped the table lazily, and he looked back-confused-when he realized that the arm was over on another table.
He let out a groan and tried to use telekinesis to magically make it appear in front of him as Tony looked at Peter in alarm.
"I give up!" Peter sighed and walked towards Tony, immediately collapsing onto him and curling his arms around his neck.
"How much sleep has he had FRI?" Tony asked, concerned.
"Mr. Parker has had approximately six hours of sleep in the past five days." FRI replied.
"I'm going to have to ground the kid when he wakes up" Tony groaned, looking at the kid who had already fallen into a deep slumber. "If he wakes up" Tony corrected, picking Peter up bridal style and carrying him to his room, which was quite close to the lab due to a few hundred episodes like this one.
Tony slowly tried to pry his kid off himself, as Peter was adamantly sticking to Tony. Peter was extremely clingy when he was drowsy.
"Hey, kid?" Tony said, checking to see if he could hear him.
"Yeah?" Peter replied groggily. "You do remember that the Rogue Avengers are coming back tomorrow right?" Tony said, treading on thin water.
Peter was still angry at the rogues but had pushed it deep inside for Tony. Together, they had figured out a compromise between the government and the rogues, and now they could return to their normal lives, no longer fugitives.
"Yup..." Peter said, his brain processing it as 'You do remember that the broke cantaloupes are robbing a bank tomorrow night?' (A/N: IDK, as long as it rhymes.)
Tony smiled as he tucked Peter into his countless blankets, wrapping him up like a cocoon. Hopefully, tomorrow won't be as bad as he thought it would be.
Peter yawned adorably as he rubbed his eyes with his fists. He blinked a few times before realizing that he was in his room.
"Huh," He thought. "Mr. Stark must've bought me here. Again." He climbed out of bed and lazily brushed his teeth with an Iron Man toothbrush and marched towards the living room.
He walked into the room in his Hawkeye PJs, not caring if Pepper, Bruce, Rhodey or Tony saw him in them. He glanced at the clock and saw that it was 1:32 pm. He had slept for a long time.
"Hey, Mr. Stark."
"Hey, Bambi."
He shuffled towards the kitchen, something nagging him at the back of his mind. "There was something important today, something about cantaloupes and a... bank?" Peter shook his head, mixing pancake batter in a bowl.
Peter bustled about the kitchen as the newly arrived Rogue Avengers unabashedly stared at him. "Want some, Mr. Stark?" Peter asked him, unaware of the company they had.
"No thanks, kiddo" Tony said, face immediately lighting up as he talked to Peter, something that happened only when he was with Pep, Rhodey or Bruce. All the Avengers started wondering about who this kid was.
"I wouldn't mind some." Sam piped up as Peter spun around in shock. "Gah!" He screamed, throwing the entire bowl of pancake batter at Sam.
Clint fell from the sofa, dying of laughter. "Oh my god!" He wheezed out "That's priceless!" He said, gesturing wildly at a batter covered Sam, who was slowly wiping his face. Even Steve and Bucky chuckled lightly.
"Oh my god!" Peter muttered, "I'm in the same room as a real Avenger!"
"What am I? A doppelganger?" Tony exclaimed, dramatically slapping his chest.
"I said a real Avenger." Peter said, not taking his eyes off the heroes sitting in front of him.
"Good taste in clothes, and sass?" Clint said, "I like this one." Peter glanced down at his Hawkeye PJ's and blushed.
"Miss. Romanoff, Miss. Maximoff, Mr. Barton, huge fan!" Peter exclaimed, snapping out of his stupor.
"Please," Wanda said, "Call me Wanda."
"OK, Ms. Wanda!" Peter grinned while Wanda shook her head, smiling. Where did Stark get a kid this precious?
"Hey!" Sam protested "Aren't you a fan of Falcon?" He asked.
"I'm sorry, who?" Peter sassed, causing everyone to start laughing.
"I'm confused. Who is this kid Tony?" Natasha asked, eyeing him skeptically.
"Guys, Underoos. Underoos, Guys." Tony said, flourishing his hand.
"Hi!" Peter said nervously, slowly waving a hand. "It's amazing to meet you guys. I'm- I'm Parker. Peter Parker." He said, glancing at Tony, who nodded encouragingly at him . They had decided earlier that they would tell the Avengers about his secret identity so that they could trust Spiderman during missions and won't start poking around if they noticed something off.
"It's actually Parker Stark now."
"What!" Everyone shouted, causing Peter to wince. "I adopted him a few months back when his aunt died in an accident." Tony told the Avengers.
"How do you even know him?" Steve asked Tony. In response, the billionaire motioned Peter to continue.
"I'm ... well, I'm Queens. I'm Spiderman."
"You're what!"
"Oh my god, a kid defeated me!
"How did he..."
"I dropped an airport terminal on a kid!"
"I can't believe it!"
"He blocked my punch!"
"What the shit"
"Honestly, I'm not surprised." (A/N: you can guess who said that)
"You bought a kid to battle, Tony?! He could have been hurt. What were you thinking? For once in your life can you care about anyone but yourself?" Mr. RighteousAss shouted.
Tony moved forward to protest but was cut off by Peter, who marched forward and punched Steve square in the jaw. He had been trying hard to make sure today went smoothly, but he couldn't hold it in anymore when Cap insulted Tony. All the hatred he had felt towards Steve in the past few months surfaced again, filling him with rage.
"As you can see, I can hold my own against you very well, thank you." Peter ranted. "Don't you dare blame my dad. You turned on him, all because you didn't want to sign a stupid accord which could have been modified! Instead, you ran away with your best friend and tore down everything that my dad has built. Then you tried to kill him because he was angry that Bucky killed his parents! That's right! I know what happened. Did you know that he was in a coma for a week? He almost died because of you! He was freezing when I found him, Arc reactor smashed in and destroyed! And he still worked to bring you back, because he didn't want you to be outlaws! He welcomed you back into his home without any hesitation!" Peter shouted, causing Steve to flinch. "I think he has a right to be angry. You took everyone away from him. No wonder he needed help from a teenager!"
Steve looked down ashamed. "I guess we didn't think of it that way." he said. "I apologize. I'm sorry Tony..." Peter punched him once more.
"That's a warning." Peter told Cap before stalking off to the gym blow off some steam.
"That's my kid." Tony smiled behind him, still shook because Peter had just called him dad. "Oh, and Bambi?" He called out behind him, "Sleep well or you're grounded." Tony said, turning back into the conversation the Avengers were having.
"I'm adopting him."
"No, I'm adopting him."
"He's mine already, thank you very much."
A/N: There you go! Shout out to weaselmerch ! Please vote and comment! I would love to read your words and thoughts on this book. P.S: I've edited this chapter so it's slightly different from before.
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