Bringing Him Back
Peter crouched in front of a headstone. Dressed in a simple black suit, he gently layed a bouquet of blue flowers in front of it. His hands shook slightly as he stuffed them into his pockets, and then he couldn't take it anymore. He collapsed in front of the grave, curling up into ball and rocking himself back and forth.
He stayed that way for hours. Eventually, heavy drops of rain started falling from the sky, like in one of those cliché movies. But Peter didn't mind. At least that way, no one could see his tears.
Peter stared down at the paper in front of him. "All you have to do is sign here." the man awkwardly coughed. Peter wordlessly moved his pen and signed his name on the line at the bottom of the page.
The man snatched the papers as soon as he was done and stuck them into his brown leather briefcase. "Thank you. You may go now" Peter said quietly. The man nodded and scampered through the door, finally leaving Peter alone to his thoughts.
Peter looked down at the little box in front of him, which was beckoning him to open it, tempting his with what lay inside. With trembling hands, Peter opened the box.
At first glance, all that was inside the box was a piece of think ivory paper. Carefully, Peter picked it up. On it- in Tony's elegant script -were simply the words - 'Just in case -TS.' A small map with a few words had been scrawled onto its back, detailing the route for small room hidden inside the Avengers facility.
Under the paper, Peter discovered a small set of keys. Carefully, he picked them up and put them in his pocket. "It's time to take a ride." Peter muttered to himself. Slowly, he head down to the garage at SI and picked a sleek, black car out of all the others that hadn't been used for years.
He drove quickly to the Avengers facility upstate, completely ignoring the gasps and shocked faces of the people who saw his car with the license plate 'TS'. He parked the car under the big A symbol on the building and walked into the lobby. He noticed a Clint and Bucky and greeted them politely before excusing himself.
Quickly, he pulled out the note and started following the route drawn on it. Left, right, right again, another left, a diagonal path and then finally, a locked door. Using one of the keys (after a hand print scanner recognised him) Peter opened the door.
Peter wasn't sure what he was expecting but he definitely didn't think it would be a private library.
Huge stacks of books were lined up against shelves which seemed to go on forever. The books were arranged according to the author and Peter looked down at the card again, which simply said Shakespeare.
He slowly walked towards it and started scanning the 'S' section. He saw the pile of Shakespeare and started reading their titles. Suddenly, Peter noticed A Midsummer Nights Dream.
One of the characters in it was called Peter. It also happened to be Peter's favourite. Chuckling a little at Tony's antics, Peter pulled the book out of the shelf. Slowly, the bookshelf swung open and Peter was greeted with another door. He pressed his palm against the scanner again and used another key on the set.
The door swung open to reveal a set of stairs. Peter tried to find a light switch and groped the walls for it but he couldn't find one. He couldn't even ask FRI as she had shut down after Tony's ... you know.
Thank god for his enhanced senses.
Peter walked down the stairs and saw a huge lab in front of him. It was around two times as big as the lab he and Tony used to work in and was encased by glass.
As soon as he walked inside, the lights in the ceiling flickered on, illuminating the room. Once Peter's eyes adjusted to the lights, he noticed that this was by far the most high tech lab in the world. Huge counters were stacked sky high with all sorts of gadgets. An entire wall was covered with different robot parts while the other two were an ensemble of Iron Man suits. ' So this is where Tony keeps - kept - his suits. '
The floor was packed with some of Tony's inventions that could move around- like DUM-E. Under the counters were many, many drawers packed with tools, nuts, screws, wires and god knows what else.
Peter arduously opened every drawer until he came across a locked one under what looked like Tony's workbench. Using the very last key, he twisted it until he heard it open with a satisfying click.
Peter peered in it and saw- much to his confusion -that the only thing in it was a very broad box and a little remote with a single button on it. Sighing, he pressed the little button.
Instantly, all the lights flickered once and a small machine in the corner started whirring and buzzing. Slowly, as though Peter was watching an image load, it started to project a person.
Peter had started trembling in shock, automatically holding his breath and wringing his fingers in anticipation. The machine whirred to a stop as the blue beam of light turned into Tony. "Hey Underoos, missed me?" Tony smiled at Peter.
Snapping out of his stupor, Peter ran toward Tony and tackled him. Peter realised a second too late that Tony was a projection and that Peter would pass right through him, but to his great surprise, he hit a solid Tony.
"Tony- Tony. Oh my god. I thought I'll never see you again." Peter said. Tears were streaming down his face freely as he hugged his mentor, his father. "This is nice" Tony chuckled.
"How?" Peter said, reluctantly stepping away to try and believe that Tony was actually here. He madly hoped this wasn't one of his hallucinations. "Holo tech. It's something I developed after the snap. It's not projecting light, it's assembling carbon fibers instead." (A/N: I don't know don't kill me).
"Oh my god" Peter sobbed again before hugging Tony again. "Hey underoos, it's okay. I'm here. I'm actually here." Tony said, caressing his hair. "I've missed you so much Tony." Peter cried. His heart was a mess of emotions right now, each one swirling, flying and lifting him off the ground.
"I've missed you too Pete" Tony said warmly. They stood that way, clinging onto each other as if their lives depended on it. Eventually, Peter broke the silence.
"I love you Tony" Peter said quietly. Tony looked taken aback by this, before splitting into a huge grin. "I love you too kid" Tony said softly.
"I wish you stayed" Peter whispered. "I wish that too." Tony said sadly "But what if I did, or well, will?" Peter looked at Tony uncertainly. "I don't understand" Peter said. "Open the box."
Peter walked towards the workbench and pulled open the lid. Inside were a bunch of notes and diagrams. And a single vial of a red liquid. Peter stared at it in shock. "Is that-" Peter started. "A Pym particle. Yes" Tony replied. "How?" Peter asked, completely shook.
"Well, when Cap and I stole the tesseract, we grabbed a few vials of Pym particles. We had one left over." Tony said. "These are my notes on when I tried to develop them on my own. I almost succeeded, mind you, but I couldn't figure out a way to vary the coupling between atoms and the surrounding Pym field."
"So we can bring you back?" Peter asked, hands delicately clutching the vial, which was the only thing that mattered his life at the moment- except for Tony ofcourse. There was only one thing he had wanted from the past few weeks, and that was to bring Tony back. "If all goes according to plan, then yes." Tony smiled.
"And you're going to try to solve it now, because your head is quite literally connected to the internet?" Peter asked. Tony shook his head and said "No Peter, you are going to make it. I couldn't do it, and I know it's not going to make a difference if I try now. But you can. You're smarter than me."
"But I'm not - smarter than you I mean." Peter said. "FRI?" Tony asked without taking his eyes off Peter. "Yes boss?" FRIDAY said, reactivated now that Tony was back. "What's the difference between mine and Peter's IQ?" Tony asked. "45 points sir."
"Told you" Tony grinned. "I missed your snark." Peter said, rolling his eyes at Tony, but a little truth still shone through his voice. "So you think I can do it?" He asked. "Kid, I know you can" Tony grinned.
"Well" Peter said, cracking his knuckles. "Then let's get down to business."
A/N: "To defeat, the HUNSSS"
Voila! Here you go, another chapter. Initially, I wanted it to either be Pym particles or Holo Tony but then I couldn't decide and was like, what the hell, and decided to do both! Tell me what you think about it.
P.S. We're 24 in irondad now! Holy fuck.
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