Chapter 8: An immortal chick
"Ah!Ahh!" A moaning sound fills the room.
"That is some nice moves you got there." A British man chuckles and get out of bed.
"Leaving so soon." A women wrapped in nothing but towel asks.
"I would love to stay here but I got something much more important brewing up back in my lab. Don't wanna reshedule it or just might have a news of explosion in area." He laughed as he put on his coat and went out. There is a sudden creak as the door opens and closes again.She sighs.
"What a waste of time?" She grumbles as she gets out of bed to pick up a brooch.
"Another useless bang up job." A sudden voice make her flinch and she drops her towel taken aback .
"Quiet a view you got there." He smirked without changing his expression. He was a tall man with stout look. His face was latented by the brim of English hat he was wearing. The beard on his face strikingly astonished the look given by Hitler himself. He was wearing a brown overcoat all the way down to his jumper shoes and a still look. She quickly covered herself.
"None for you to peek." She glared.
"Oh! Do you think I care about that? It is just young skin on 300 year old bones." He keeps looking.
"I see you still have got your creepy attitude. Now why are you here?" She asked .
"There has been a development. My friends in SBSCC have informed me that there was an attack on three of its agents by a robot." He told her.
"So? What I am supposed to do with that piece of information?" She bites her lip.
"You know as well as I that you are working on Annex project. I am sure that you will take proper measures to not let it be known to world quite so .. early." He raises his eyes.
"Of course! I am not stupid." She scowls.
"Good!I would be disappointed to see it fall after centuries of preparation." He stood up drawing near her as she felt the heat rising and her cheeks turned red.
"You are not as intimidating as you think." She smirked.
"Am I not?" He smiles cunningly as he send a shiver down her spine by pressing on her back. Both kept looking for a second and then he abruptly moved away and exited through the door.
A guy was talking on phone carrying some vegetables.
"I will just be home, sweetheart. Don't worry at all.." He trailed off seeing a man walked through the door. As the man raised his head grinning menacingly at him, he fainted.
"Ha! Looks like his sweetheart would have to wait!" He chuckled to himself as he stomped down on him walking out of the apartment.
She was angry. It was becoming frustrating to get intimidated by that bearded guy again and again. And talk about his timings. Coming stealthily to startle her so that she could embarass herself naked. She could have sworn at least a dozen times that how she will make him pay for all those times but so far , nothing but curses. The Annex Project was running awfully well. But no! Those nerd heads had to mess up and now she is here fucking her brains out with guy she met last night in a bar .
That is it. She couldn't take anymore. All of this was a mess and after executing Clive, it was not what she was planning to gain for herself. It was pretty good win for her when she was able to start a second world war but no! That Hitler had to get tight head and lose.
Ugh! All men. Ever so tempered and ever so rash in madness of conquest and yet to finally fail.
Whatever! She sighed internally as she started putting back on her clothes. With leather jacket and a gun in side strap , she was feeling quite ready now.
"Who knew 21st century would be this much fun?" She chuckled as she smashed herself out of her window and started to move fastly on bike.
Battle of Plassey time zone
"Lady Portuguese, Clive has won this battle too. It seems like we would no longer be able to establish our empire." A soldier knelt to her.
"Don't worry. It doesn't seem like it . It is like it ." She smirked as she started going into tunnel.
There was quite a crowd there with all scientists marching around.
"Hi Diana! So what do you think about courting me? (Dating me-Courting me in 18th century)
"I have already told you." She was about to lose her cool at persistent young lab assistant when she smiled internally maliciously.
"Alright! Since you are so persistent but you have to do something for me first." She looked at him.
"Oh anything! Just name it." He gushed excitedly at prospect of getting such a hot girl. (Ya! I know hot word was not used for girls or anyone at that time but still keep up with time)
"Well you see one of our key project is on hold because of no volunteers. Perhaps there is no men brave enough to do it . " She faked being disappointed.
"Huh! Don't worry. I will do it for you." He held her hands and she smiled sweetly as if to say 'thank you'
20 minutes later
He was strapped to a chair powered by a strange orb.
"Raise the voltmeter."
"Fluid acceleration static"
"Pressure level normal"
Suddenly there was a spark and the whole chair started jolting with shockwaves. He screamed as the thunder hit him and then after few minutes, fell to one side dead. His whole body was burned to crisp.
"Hmm! Gotta say it does smell strikingly similar to bacon." She sniffed the smell . Two people started to take him away on bed.
"Well so much for experiment. Anyone else wanna get gushy with me." She announced as all fell silent scared.
"Good! I thought so" She giggled.
"Diana! There is something you need to see. Come here." A man yelled at her as she entered the lab.
"Aw my ears! Just because I am an immortal chick doesn't mean invincible ears." She glared.
"Oh sorry!" He begged pardon.
"It is fine. What is it ? You better hope that you have good enough reason to blast off my ear drum." She folded her arms.
"You need to see this." He showed her tab as she raised her eyes as familiar face of Spice came in sight.
"You are lying." She stepped back.
"No! It is true." He stated calmly.
"How! How could this happen?" She screamed sliding off all the books off a table.
Keep posted for next chapter.
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