adoptive dad
You drummed your fingers against the table as you watched your husband Spencer read up on the case the BAU had. Child abductions. They were taken as infants from orphanages and released just after they turned 18, making it impossible to track the abductors. But now there was a break in the pattern: twins were taken, not just a single baby. And the team was very close to catching the abductors.
"Spence, have you ever thought about it?" You asked him, and he looked up from the file.
"Kidnapping kids?" He asked, very confused.
You couldn't help but laugh. "No, having some of our own."
His face fell as he took your hand in his, fingers gracing over your wedding ring. "Y/N, I would love to have kids with you. But, paranoid schizophrenia is genetic, I wouldn't want to curse my children with it."
"I understand."
He smiled, kissing your temple. "I love you more than anything."
"I love you too." You turned your head to kiss his lips.
The door opening caught your attention. "Hey lovebirds, we got an address." It was Morgan, and you immediately leapt up. "Come on!"
As the cars pulled up to the multi-story house, you made sure your bulletproof vest was secured. Spencer gave you one final reassuring smile before you climbed out of the car, guns drawn. Approaching the house, Hotch signaled for Morgan to kick open the door. The team split up, Rossi and Prentiss taking the top floor, Reid and Hotch on the ground floor, while you and Morgan investigated the basement.
You heard babies crying, and your motherly instincts kicked in, causing you to throw caution away and take off running towards the sound. "Y/N!" Morgan whispered angrily, following after you.
You heard voices in a room, it sounded like two women. Morgan caught up with you, and quietly turned the handle. "FBI, put your hands up!" He yelled, throwing the door open.
Standing there were in fact, two women. No babies in sight. "Where are they?" You growled, aiming your gun right at the older woman.
"You'll never find them." She snarled back, clearly the dominant personality.
The younger woman shifted nervously, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear. Strange, the woman you assumed to be her mom was a dark brunette. It dawned on you. "Rose McClellan?" You asked.
Rose McClellan was the first baby taken 23 years ago, the team had assumed she died since there was no record of her popping up again. The girl looked up at you in wonder. "How do you know my name? Mother says nobody at the government cares about me."
"They don't." The old lady she called Mother glared at you.
"This woman is not your Mother. Your real mom died in a fire when you were two months old. This woman, Josie Pallano, kidnapped you from the foster home where you were being taken care of." Morgan explained. "Now, where are the twins? The boys she took."
Rose didn't say anything, but her green eyes betrayed where they were as she looked at the closet behind you. Morgan kept his gun trained on them as you holstered yours to look in the closet. You were met with two baby carriages on the floor, each holding a peacefully sleeping baby.
"Morgan, they're here." You told him, kneeling down beside them and quickly disposing of your bulletproof vest.
"We got the kids, Josie Pallano and Rose McClellan are down here. Need backup." He spoke into his radio as you looked at the babies with wonder.
They were fraternal twins, one had thin brown hair and small signs of freckles while the other had thick black hair that was already curling. You picked up the carriages to gently set them on the bed. You heard others enter the room as you unstrapped the curly-haired one and picked him up.
"Hey baby." You cooed, rocking him close to your chest. He moved slightly, only to nuzzle further into you.
"Y/N, your vest." Spencer spoke sternly from behind you, and you turned around to look at him. He was still holding his gun as the women were arrested.
"Put that thing away and pick up a baby." You scolded him, and he obliged, taking the brown-haired one in his arms.
He first seemed a bit awkward holding it, but soon found a way comfortable for him and the baby. The kid fussed for a moment as he woke up. "Shh, you're okay now. I promise." Spencer assured him, and the child looked up at him curiously.
"He reminds me of you, Spence." You giggled as the baby he was holding reached out for your husband's hair.
"Annoying?" He scoffed, but there was a loving smile on his face as he looked at you naturally caring for the baby.
The team took the baby boys back to the BAU to figure out what to do with them. As far as you knew, they were going back into the system, and that broke your heart. So you sat on the couch in Hotch's office cradling the two babies as your unit chief spoke to the adoption agency in the conference room.
You silently said goodbye to them, kissing the tops of their heads as the dark-haired one rested against your chest and the lighter-haired one looked at you understandingly. Not that they could even understand what was happening.
A knock on the door caught your attention, and you figured it was the agency coming to take them. "A couple more minutes." You mumbled, not wanting to cry in front of them.
"Y/N." Spencer's calming voice reached your ears as he sat with you on the couch. "You really don't want to say goodbye, do you?"
You could only shake your head as Spencer took the brown-haired boy onto his lap. "I talked to the adoption agency," he continued, letting the baby grab for his hair again. "And they said we could be viable adoptive parents for the twins."
Your jaw dropped, and you looked at Spencer hopefully. "Really? You'd want to do that?"
"Of course! When I said I didn't want kids, I wasn't clear about what I meant. I didn't want the possibility of passing on my schizophrenia, but we can always adopt!" He bounced the baby on his knee, and he giggled in return.
"Good, because I've already kind of been naming them in my head." You admitted.
"And what'd you come up with?"
"This one," you motioned to the one on your lap. "I was thinking Aaron. Aaron David."
"Wonder how you came up with that name." He teased you.
"Shush." You rolled your eyes. "And Mini-Spencer, after the people important to you in your life; Jason Derek."
Your husband's eyes filled with tears as he pulled you into his side. "You're the person most important to me."
"I know, but I figured it'd be a little conceited to name the kid after me." You teased him, giving him a kiss. "So we're really doing this?"
"Yes. Absolutely." He kissed you again, then put a kiss on each of the boys' heads. "We just have to figure out where we're going to put two cribs into our tiny apartment."
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