Tails' Crush
Third Person's POV
We start in a desert as Sonic is holding Knuckles by his legs near a starting line near Tails, who is holding a stopwatch in his right hand "World record wheelbarrow race test run. Ready, Knux?" Sonic asks "Oh, yeah! I don't forsee any problem trying to do with my hands what the world's fastest runner does with his feet" Knuckles said "And... go!" Tails said and presses the button on the stopwatch, and Sonic runs off, pushing Knuckles. Knuckles quickly loses his grip over the sand and dives into it headfirst, mumbling unintelligibly "Faster? You got it!" Sonic said and begins to run faster as Knuckles feels the heat of the sand "Hot sand! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Aaaah! Aaaah!" Knuckles said and sees the field of cacti ahead of him and screams. Sonic pushes him through the field of cacti, causing thorns to go into him "Aaaah-ha-ha-ha! Ow! Ow ow ow ow ow!" Knuckles said and Sonic runs out of the field of cacti, pushing Knuckles "We're in the home stretch. Just gotta get through the valley of broken glass!" Sonic said "Huh?" Knuckles asks and Sonic runs into the valley of broken glass, pushing Knuckles "Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!" Knuckles said and they approach the finish line, and after Knuckles breaks through the line, he falls over wearily "Ow. Paper cut" Knuckles said "What's our time, Tails?" Sonic asks but Tails is distracted, and doesn't answer Sonic "Tails?" Sonic asks and Tails turns to face Sonic and Knuckles "What? Oh, I forgot to hit stop" Tails said and presses the stop button "Can you do it again?" Tails asks "Oh!" Knuckles said and Sonic's communicator rings. He presses it with his left index finger "Guys, Eggman's finally lost it! You've gotta come see this!" Amy said and Sonic runs away.
At the village, the villagers, Brody, Ralph, Turbo, Amy, and Sticks are gathered around the post office, where Dr. Eggman is talking to Leroy the Turtle. Sonic stops behind Amy and Sticks, and Knuckles, who is no longer covered in thorns and broken glass, catches up to him "I was in my evil lair all day, waiting for that package. I had to take a two minute shower. Two minutes! And when I get out, there's a note on my front door saying I missed the delivery and I need to pick it up here! Why couldn't you just leave the thing instead of leaving the note?" Eggman asks "Because we require a signature" Leroy said and Eggman sets down a piece of paper with his left hand and writes EGGMAN on it with a pen he is holding in his right. He then holds up the piece of paper "So, can I have it?" Eggman asks "Mmm-hmm. I just need the note left at your residence" Leroy said "But... I just signed for it!" Eggman said "You only have to sign for it at home. To pick it up here, you need the note that we left. Why are you complicating this, sir? It's a very simple policy" Leroy said "I have a simple policy, too. Decimator Bot, engage!" Eggman said and Decimator Bot appears and grabs Leroy in his right hand "Thuggery will not get you your package any sooner, sir" Leroy said and Tails flies towards Decimator Bot in his plane. Sonic presses his communicator with his right index finger "Tails, initiate Speeding Swing Suprise!" Sonic said and Tails flies towards Sonic and Brody, who grunt and jump on top of a building. They then jump and hold out their arms in slow motion, only for Tails not to give them the Speeding Swing Surprise. Sonic and Brody grab thin air instead, then as they opens their eyes, they realize this, and fall "Aaaah!" Sonic and Brody said and they land headfirst in a crate of watermelons "Oh!" Sonic and Brody said and Amy runs towards Decimator Bot, carrying her hammer, and uses it to whack his right arm off "Huh! Ugh! Agh!" Amy said and Sticks catches Leroy in her arms "Ugh!" Sticks said and sets Leroy down as Sonic and Brody get out of the crate of watermelons "Knux, Ralph, time for a little teamwork!" Sonic and Brody said and Knuckles and Ralph run behind Decimator Bot and duck as Sonic and Brody run toward him and they knock Decimator Bot down and land near Amy "How bout' another wheelbarrow race?" Sonic asks "Ugh! Ha ha!" Knuckles said and grabs Decimator Bot by his legs and runs away, pushing him. Eggman is now in his Eggmobile "Grrr! You haven't seen the last of me! I'll be back... with that note!" Eggman said and flies away as Sonic and Brody walk up to a distracted Tails, who is leaning against his plane "Dude, what happened out there? You never miss a cue!" Sonic said and Tails doesn't listen and blinks. Sonic then waves his right hand over Tails' eyes. Turbo wipes sweat off his forehead and fixes his bracelet, he notices Tails and smiles "Good job today Tails, see you back at home" Turbo said waving and walks off "Huh? What? Oh, yeah. I was gonna say hi, but then..." Tails said and as he talks to Turbo, his tails propel him into the air "Uh, see you bnack home!" Tails said "Oh ho ho, I see what's going on here!" Brody said and Sonic giggles and Brody grabs Tails by his right leg with his left hand and pulls him down "Tails has been hypnotized by man-eating tomato people?" Sticks asks and Sonic and Brody run up to Sticks "Yeah... that, or our pal Tails has a crush on our mutual friend Turbo" Sonic said "What? Who? T-Turbo? No, Sticks was right. Definitely the tomato thing" Tails said flustered "Oh, my gosh! Tails is in love! That is so adorable! You are so adorable!" Amy said "I am not adorable! I-I'm serious and formidable!" Tails said blushing "Awww!" Amy and Sticks said "I just... don't know how to ask him out is all" Tails said and Sonic then puts his left hand over Tails' back "Don't worry, pal! You're about to be enrolled in the Sonic school of impressin' the boys!" Sonic said.
Later at Sonic and Brody's shack, Sonic teaches Tails how to talk to boys. Tails is sitting at the table, with a pencil in his right hand, and his Hello Doggie journal on the table "All right, first things first. When talking to men, you gotta play it cool. Don't let him know you're interested" Sonic said "Play it cool. Got it!" Tails writes "Now, if you do strike up a conversation, be sarcastic and always have a one-liner ready. Allow me to demonstrate. And by me I mean Brody" Sonic said and walks up to Brody who is leaning against the beam of his house "Hi, Brody!" Sonic said "'Sup?" Brody said 'Can't believe I'm doing this' He thinks "Would you like to accompany me to a movie and/or show?" Sonic asks "Not sure I have the time" Brody said "Is is something I said or... or did?" Sonic asks and puts both his hands over Brody's right arm "Because I can change!" Sonic said "Nah, it's cool! I'm just... super swamped. Can't be tamed, born to run. You know how it is" Brody said and unfolds his arms "Well, maybe we can get a lime ricky at the local mall chap sometime!" Sonic said "Yeah... maybe. Look, I gotta bounce, catch you on the flipside, babe!" Brody said and runs off and Tails writes down what he saw in his Hello Doggie journal "Works every time!" Sonic said and Tails nods.
Later, a dirty Eggman returns to the post office and sets the note Leroy left him on the counter with his left hand "I found the note. It was in the dumpster behind my lair. I hope you're happy!" Eggman said and holds out his right hand "Now give me my package!" Eggman said and Leroy picks up the note with his right hand and walks into the back room. Tails runs up to Eggman and looks around. He sees Turbo, then runs up to a pole. He leans up against it with his right hand as Turbo walks past him "Uh, hmm?" Tails asks and runs up to a tree and leans up against it with his right hand. Turbo walks past him again. Tails then runs up to a building and tries to leans up against it with his right hand, but falls over "Whoa! Ugh!" Tails said and Turbo walks up to him and Tails gets up "Wha?" Tails asks "Hi Tails, are you okay?" Turbo asks "Yeah, I'm all like... whatever. I don't care, I'm busy anyway" Tails said and turns away from Turbo and crosses his arms. He then holds out his left hand "Catch you on the flip-flop" Tails said "Um, okay" Turbo said shrugging and walks away. Tails turns around, only to find Turbo has left "Huh? Oh!" Tails said and unknown to him, Eggman has witnessed the entire event, and is not impressed. He growls in disdain. Leroy returns, carrying the note in both his hands, and sets it down on the table "It appears that package is back out for delivery" Leroy said and Eggman turns to face Leroy "Out for delivery? What? Why?" Eggman asks "Nobody came to pick it up" Leroy said "I came to pick it up!" Eggman said "That's not what it says here" Leroy said and picks up the note with his left hand and shows it to Eggman "Grrrr!" Eggman said.
Back at Sonic and Brody's shack, Tails is standing near Knuckles, who is at his bench, lifting weights "Ugh! See, your first mistake was going to Sonic for advice on boys. When we all know Brody has the pants in that relationship" Knuckles said and sets his weight down and gets off his bench and picks up a weight in each hand "What men want is someone who's manly!" Knuckles said and Tails is now holding his Hello Doggie journal in his left hand and a pencil in his right "Let me right that in my Hello Doggie journal" Tails said and writes in his Hello Doggie journal, until Knuckles swats it out of this hands with his left hand "No, dude! Oh, Manly! You gotta lift weights! Eat red meat! Take up woodworking! Ha! That's what they want!" Knuckles said "Uh, I don't know. It seems a little archaic. Do guys really respond to that?" Tails asks as he scratches his head "Ah! Ah!" Knuckles said as he lifts his weights.
Later, Eggman is at Meh Burger, talking into a cell phone he is holding in his right hand "Re-routed? My package has been re-routed? To where? Guatamañana?" Eggman asks and Turbo is drinking from a cup he is holding in his right hand as Tails walks up to him "Hey, Turbo! I was just at the gym, throwing some weights" Tails said in a faux masculine voice and Turbo drinks from his cup, and Tails put his right hand on the table "This table's got some excellent craftsmanship. What's that? Birch? Cedar?" Tails asks and Turbo taps his left index finger on the table "I think it's particle board" Turbo said "Oh, yeah. I had a particle board tree once. Chopped it down, built me a cabin out of it" Tails said "Tails are you okay?" Turbo asks when Dave sets a steak down on the table "One meh steak, extra rare" Dave said and Tails looks up at Dave. A confused Turbo looks over at Tails, who is now holding a knife in his right hand and a fork in his left "The redder, the better!" Tails said and winks at Turbo "And your Meh meal toy" Dave said and holds out his left hand, revealing a Hello Doggie pencil in it. Tails puts down his knife and fork and takes the pencil from Dave with his right hand "Oh! A Hello Doggie pencil to go with my notebook!" Tails said and looks over at Turbo and grins nervously "Uh, I think I left my bandsaw running!" Tails said and runs away. Unknown to him, Eggman has once again, witnessed the entire event. He taps his left index finger on the table and growls in disdain.
Later, Tails is at Amy's house as Amy is pouring tea from a teapot she is holding in her right hand "Now, as I was saying, boys also like romance and chivalry. You know, like in the movies. Watch and learn" Amy said and picks up a remote control with her right hand and presses a button on it. She then sits next to Tails on the couch "How thy voice is like a songbird, let my eyes feast upon your beauty and my soul be nourished by your love! A thousand roses would dare not smell as sweet as you!" The actor said and tears of joy fill Amy's eyes, and a confused Tails, scratches his head with his left index finger as a tear rolls down Amy's left cheek "Oh!" Amy said "Oh, even if thy face is hidden beneath the mask, your heart is visible to me now and forever!" The actress said "Oh!" Amy said and gets off the couch "See?" Amy asks and Tails gets off the couch "I'll do it!" Tails said.
In the village, Tails is now dressed like the Phantom of the Opera as he walks up to Turbo "Turbo, come forth from your chamber window!" Tails said "What?" Turbo asks and Tails gulps "How now, brown cow. Your voice is like a songbird, singing... uh... songs! And you smell!" Tails said "What?!" Turbo asks "Um... like a flower of some kind! Not a stinkweed, uh, something better!" Tails said getting nervous and Leroy drives by Tails in his mail wagon, with Eggman following behind him "I know you have my package in your wagon! Ugh! Just give it to me!" Eggman said "Once it's in the wagon, I have to deliver it to your residence!" Leroy said "Oh, for the love of..." Eggman said and before he can finish, he looks back at Tails "Not this train wreck again!" Eggman said "Looking into your eyes is like looking into a pair of... eyes! Nice ones, even!" Tails said "Tails what's wrong? Are you sick?" Turbo asks about to put his hand on Tails' forehead but Tails runs off. Once again, Eggman growls in disdain.
Later, Tails is at Sticks' burrow "When a male wishes to woo a male, he must perform a traditional dating dance" Sticks said and jumps onto the table and flaps her arms "Where he displays his radiant, colorful plumage. This must be done in a public form to assert his dominance over the other males" Sticks said "Well, it's worth a shot!" Tails said.
Later, Tails is in the village, flapping peacock feathers he is holding in both his hands. The villagers are all gathered around him and laugh "Ca-caw! Ca-caw! Ca-caw!" Tails said "Tails, are you feeling okay?" Turbo asks "Wha? I'm feeling great! Check out my majestic plumage!" Tails said and the peacock feathers tickle Turbo's nose, causing him to sneeze "Huh? Achoo! Well, as long as you're all right!" Turbo said and runs away "Oh!" Tails said and walks away sadly. Once again, Eggman has witnessed the entire event "I can't watch this anymore! You got no game, kid! Let me help you!" Eggman said "You? But you're our sworn enemy!" Tails said "Nonetheless, in situations this dire, the bro code trumps the enemy thing. Take my advice, you'll never land a boy or a girl by acting like someone else. Just be confident in your own pelt. And for pete's sake, ditch the feathers!" Eggman said and Tails grins nervously. He looks down at the feathers and drops them "How do I know I can trust you?" Tails asks "Believe me or don't, it's no hair off my mustache! You're the one doing the funky chicken in the middle of town square!" Eggman said and Leroy is now holding Eggman's package in both his hands as he sets it down on the table "Your package" Leroy said "Finally!" Eggman said and grabs the package with both his hands and opens it "He he he!" Eggman said and tosses the box aside, and he is now holding the background music generator in his left hand "My new background music generator! This'll really make my attacks more exciting!" He said and presses a button on the background music generator. Energetic music plays as Giant Robot rolls into the village. The villagers scream and run away. Two Motobugs then roll in front of Giant Robot and fire at the villagers "Ho ho! Sweet! Listen to those drums!" Eggman said and Tails picks up his monkey wrench and flies away. He destroys seven Motobugs with his monkey wrench along Turbo as Eggman jams to the music from his background music generator, until the pieces from one of the Motobugs lands near him "What?" Eggman asks and a Giant Robot picks up Turbo with his right hand "Hey! I can't move" Turbo said. Sonic, Brody, Ralph, Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks all run up to Giant Robot, whom Sonic points at with his right index finger "Amy, you and Knuckles head..." Sonic said but before he can finish, Tails flies his plane towards Giant Robot. He holds his left hand out at Sonic "No need, Sonic! I got this!" Tails said and flies around Giant Robot, causing him to spin out of control "Tails! Help!" Turbo said "Hang on, Turbo!" Tails said and presses a button on his plane's control panel with his right hand. He locks onto Giant Robot's right arm, and fires a beam at it, breaking it to pieces and setting Turbo free, but also causing him to fall "Oh!" Turbo said and Tails presses the button on his tool belt with his right hand, unleashing the speeding swing surprise. He throws it down near Giant Robot and Turbo grabs the speeding swing surprise with his right hand, and Tails pulls it up, causing Turbo to land in the back seat of his plane "I taught him everything he knows" Sonic, Knuckles and Amy said while Brody and Ralph facepalm. Tails fires a blue beam at Giant Robot, destroying him, and creating a cloud of black smoke, which he flies through. Sonic, Brody, Ralph, Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks all cheer "All right, Tails!" Amy said and Eggman, who is now holding the background music generator in his right hand, walks up to the destroyed Giant Robot "Well, that wasn't as exciting as I'd hoped" Eggman said and presses a button on the background music generator with his right hand, and Tails lands his plane "Good job Tails!" Turbo said "Thanks!" Tails said "Are you done pretending to be someone else?" Turbo asks "Hehe yeah, sorry" Tails said and Turbo kisses his cheek "Don't worry, you're perfect the way you are" Turbo said "Oh ho ho! Look who got the boy by being himself! I didn't see that coming!" Eggman said "Do you mind?" Turbo and Tails ask "You're welcome Tails!" Eggman said and presses a button on the background music generator with his right hand, and romantic music plays. Tails and Turbo look at each other, and they put their right hands over each other and they lean closer sharing a sweet kiss "I'm glad I sprang for the heart iris upgrade!" Eggman said as this chapter comes to an end.
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