Third Person's POV
We start in the village as it's a seemingly nice day. Mike the Ox is about to lick some ice cream he got from the Ice Cream Vendor, but a burst of flame melts it. The Ice Cream Vendor flees. Sonic and Brody pop put behind the stand, pull the bull to safety behind it, then jump out, ready for action. As it's revealed that Sonic and Brody are facing off with a robot that appears to be a fireman, but is armed with a flamethrower. It shoots a burst of flame at Sonic and Brody, but they dodge it and spin into the robot. They spin into it again and bounce away "Doctor Eggman's evil fireman robot is running loose!" Sonic said "Why does everyone assume every evil robot is mine?" Eggman asks as he's seated on a nearby bench and Brody bounces off Fire Bot again "I dunno. Experience?" Brody asks as he and Sonic leap up to avoid another burst of fire. Knuckles, armed with a large stick, and Amy, armed with her hammer, step up "You're "fired", pal. Ha ha ha! Get it?" Knuckles asks and a burst of flame turns his stick to ashes "Ah, I guess not" He said "Shouldn't firemen put out fires?" Amy asks "Ah, hello? That's the irony? It's the evil opposite of a fireman" Eggman said and Sonic and Brody glare at him "Ah, uh... I assume..." Eggman said "Sonic, Brody, the evil anti-fire bot is putting a baby walrus into a burning house!" Sticks said and Sonic and Brody race over and snatche the baby walrus away before Fire Bot can do so, returning him to his mother "Sonic, Brody, Evil anti-fire Bot is putting a kitten in a tree!" Tails said "Go, evil fireman!" Eggman said and sees Tails, Turbo, Knuckles, Ralph, Amy, and Sticks looking at him "Okay, I admit it. It's mine. Evil robots are what I do. Why stop if you're good at it?" Eggman asks as Fire Bot is now shooting flames at some of the other citizens "This has gone on long enough" Sonic and Brody said and they race over, running circles around Fire Bot and wrapping it in its own "fire hose." Its flamethrower explodes, destroying it "I, um... left the oven on" Eggman said and flees "Heh. Looks like that robot is "fired!"" Sonic and Brody said and Tails, Turbo, Sticks, and Amy laugh "Hey! No one laughed when I said it..." Knuckles said and Ralph pats him on the back "It's okay big guy I thought you said it funnier" Ralph said and Knuckles smiles. The kitten, which is still in the tree, meows pitifully "Sticks, could you get that kitten out of the tree?" Brody asks "Sure thing, Brody" Sticks said and runs over and starts shaking the tree, terrifying the kitten "Um, Sticks? Sticks? Sticks!" Sonic said and the kitten falls out of the tree and bounces off Sonic's head and Brody catches it "What?" Sticks asks.
*Later at Tails' House*
"Sticks, we want to talk about how you treat animals" Brody said "It's not a good idea to shake kittens out of trees" Amy said "I know the law of the jungle. Trees are "no-kitten zones"" Sticks said "Is that true Ralph?" Knuckles asks "No big guy, it's not" Ralph said "You should get a pet. It would help you learn to love animals! Don't you think, Sonic and Brody?" Amy asks "Yes, absolutely" Sonic said "Then you two can take Sticks pet shopping right now!" Amy said "Wait what?" Sonic and Brody asks.
*At the Pet store*
"I hate cute, fuzzy, and adorable! See?" Sticks asks and grabs a pair of squirrels "Too cute!" She said and grabs a rabbit "Too fuzzy!" Sticks said and grabs a trio of monkeys "So... adorable!" She said. Sonic, Brody and Sticks walk away, Sonic and Brody yawn with boredom. A trashcan nearby suddenly shakes, putting Sticks on high alert. She peers into the trashcan, and pulls out a robotic dog "It's... oh, it's..." Sticks said "Disgusting?" Sonic asks "The least objectionable option!" Sticks said as she and the robotic dog have a love at first sight moment "Aww, who's a little cluster-wuster?" Sticks asks and the dog barks "I'm gonna name him "Buster"!" Sticks said ""Buster", the "Cluster"...?" Brody asks and a spray of slimy "drool" splatters on Sonic and Brody's faces. Sticks hugs Buster close. Sonic and Brody are unamused.
*Later at Stick's house*
Sticks is giving Buster a bone "Sticks, when I said get a pet, I didn't think you'd come back with something so--" Amy said "Wonderful?" Sticks asks and Buster drops the bone, spraying another stream of slimy drool "Ucky" Knuckles said "Sticks, are you sure you want to keep this... Cluster?" Sonic asks "Ahem. It's "Buster." Finally, I have an adorable little pet that doesn't disgust me!" Sticks said and Buster belches, spraying slime on Tails "Eww... Buster got slime in my fur!" Tails said "That just means he woves you" Sticks said and kisses Buster, getting slime around her mouth.
Amy is getting an ice cream cone from the Ice Cream Vendor, but Buster leaps by, eating it. Amy growls with annoyance. Buster leaps onto Sticks' lap, and sticks starts petting it. Next, Sonic and Brody are running through the jungle together. They see Buster coming and manage to dodge a spray of slime, but slips on some slime on the ground and they fall onto each other. Buster licks their cheeks, leaving slime on it, much to Sonic and Brody's disgust. Later, Knuckles and Ralph are lifting weights. Buster suddenly appears, drooling slime on Knuckles' face. Knuckles loses control of the bar, and struggles to get out from under it and Ralph puts his weights away and helps Knuckles. After that, Tails and Turbo are working in their workshop, when a ball falls from above. Buster jumps down after it, bouncing the ball up into the air. It catches it, eats it, then sprays more slime at Turbo and Turbo looks annoyed.
*Later at Meh Burger*
Everyone is seated at a table. Everyone except Sticks is slime-covered and annoyed "Who's a hungry little Cluster? Who's a hungry-wungry Cluster-Wuster, huh?" Sticks asks "Would Buster like a french fry? I don't want any. They've got slime on 'em!" Tails said "Ah-na-na-na-na-na! We only eat organic garbage now, don't we, Buster?" Sticks asks "Help! Someone is robbing the DangerCo Deadly Equipment Warehouse! Seriously help!" The worker said as an explosion comes from the warehouse. Orbot and Cubot exit, wearing crudely designed masks of Sonic and Tails "Cybernetic tentacles? Check! Deadly nanobots? Check! Evil spare parts? Check!" Cubot said and a swarm of Bee Bots fly out, holding the parts "Oh, these people have everything" Cubot said as Sonic and Brody are running over, and stop. Orbot and Cubot see them "Look, it's Sonic and Brody. Let's grab the boxes and go" Orbot said "Henchbots, you take care of them!" Cubot said and the Bee Bots fly at Sonic and Brody, who try to swat them away. Tails, Turbo, Knuckles, Ralph and Amy run over "They've gone 'round back. Someone stop them!" Brody said "I've got 'em" Knuckles said as he, Ralph, Amy, Turbo and Tails are also confronted by the Bee Bots. Sticks walks over, carrying Buster "Quick, Sticks, run around back and head 'em off" Sonic said "I don't wanna put Buster in danger! Besides, it's his walk time" Sticks said and puts a leash on Buster and goes off with him. Sonic looks on in disbelief, then goes airborne, spinning into two of the Bee Bots. When he lands, he spots Orbot and Cubot leaving with more boxes. Sonic zooms after them, but Buster gets away from Sticks and goes in the same direction. Sonic ends up tripping over Buster and faceplanting into the dirt. Buster walks over and licks Sonic's cheek again, much to his disgust.
*Later at Tails' house*
"We have to talk" Amy said "Oh no..." Sticks said "I'm afraid so, Sticks" Brody said "You brought him a Cluster sock for our one week anniversary. But you didn't know I already made him one" Sticks said "No! Buster's getting in the way of everything" Amy said "He ruined our chance to stop those robots" Ralph said "Ugh, he got slime all over our equipment!" Tails and Turbo said and Buster drools more slime at Tails and Turbo's feet "First you say you want me to have a pet, then you say you don't want me to have a pet. I know what's going on here. A massive government mind-control experiment!" Sticks said "That's... one theory. The other is, we just want you to discipline him. Show some--" Amy said and she suddenly screams as Buster is on her head, drooling right in her face "Forget it! Either Buster goes, or we do!" Amy said "Well, if Buster goes, I go! And I'm not going!" Sticks said "Oh. I guess that means we go" Sonic said and the others start to leave, but suddenly stop "Wait. This is my house" Tails said and Eggman suddenly pops from outside "Oh, hello! I was just stopping by with a present for your little cluster" Eggman said and holds out a box and Sonic, Brody, Tails, Turbo, Knuckles, Ralph and Amy look surprised. Sticks, however, looks excited "A present? For Buster?" Sticks asks "Since little Buster here was created in my lab, I still feel like a father to him" Eggman said "You created Buster?" Sonic and Brody ask "I did. And now I want to give him this little present!" Eggman said and opens the box, revealing a robotic bone "Wait a minute. Are you sure this Cluster isn't just another evil robot built to destroy--" Sonic said and Buster suddenly leaps out of Sticks' arms and grabs the robotic bone "No, it's not an evil robot! It's an evil Slime Bot! It's a totally different thing. A Slime Bot is a robot covered in disgusting goo" Eggman said and Buster eats the bone and transforms into a monstrous form with tentacles "Is that the tentacle you stole from the warehouse?" Brody asks "Oh please. I used that tentacle as a backscratcher. When I was done scratching, I used it to build him" Eggman said and Buster attacks Sonic and Brody, but Sonic and Brody manage to avoid the attacks, and run over to the others "Hey guys, I think We're gonna need a little help with the Cluster here" Brody said "No! Don't make me hurt my beloved Buster!" Sticks said "Well, I never liked him much" Knuckles said and charges out and uses a ground pound, but this doesn't faze Buster, who approaches meanacingly "Did I say "never liked"? I meant "never got to know."" Knuckles said and is seized by one of Buster's tentacles along Ralph "All right, Buster, the hammer's coming down!" Amy said charging with her hammer but is seized as well "Or up, as the case may--" Tails said but is seized along Turbo "Heheheheh!" Eggman said and Sonic and Brody race around Buster, then leap, landing on the edge of a nearby table. It goes flying through the air, and neatly severs one of Buster's tentacles "Ah ha!" Sonic said when the tentacle suddenly grows back "Uh oh..." Brody said as he and Sonic leap away but are soon seized as well "Good boy, Clusterbot! Now... " Eggman said and points at Sticks "Get her!" He said and Buster menacingly approaches Sticks "Sticks! Buster won't attack you!" Brody said "Aww, that's sweet!" Sticks said "No, He means if there's any way you can stop him, now's the time!" Sonic said "Buster, don't do this. You're good inside! Remember all the times we had!" Sticks said and a "flashback" shows Buster and Sticks running down the beach, then the two of them dancing together, then Sticks holding a ring for Buster to jump through, then the two of them exploring what appear to be ancient ruins. Back to the present, Buster shakes his head, then looks angry again "Yeah... I don't remember any of that either" Sticks said "And now, my Clustery friend... Finish them!" Eggman said and Buster pulls Tails in, preparing to eat him first "Uh oh..." Tails said "Buster, no!" Sticks said and Buster looks at her in surprise "No eat friends! Bad Cluster! Bad Cluster!" Sticks said and Buster wilts under her discipline "What? No! Good Cluster! Eat friends!" Eggman said "Buster, sit!" Sticks said "No! Stand! Be evil!" Eggman said and Sticks continues to glare at Buster, who finally puts down Sonic, Brody and the others "No!" Eggman said and Buster sits, as commanded "Buster?" Sticks asks and points at Eggman "Take out the trash!" She said and Buster charges at Eggman. Eggman tries to flee, but Buster catches him and starts swinging him around "No!" Eggman said and he is flung away by Buster "I'm never making one of these agaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnn--" Eggman said as he disappears into the distance "Now give the bone back" Sticks said and Buster spits up the robotic bone, and returns to his original form and Sticks pets him "Good Cluster!" Sticks said and gets a faceful of slime. The others recoil, but then start laughing and Sticks can only smile sheepishly-
*Later at Seaside Island, beach*
"Buster, it turns out you were an evil robot. So, maybe you're not pet material. I guess this is goodbye" Sticks said and puts a hobo pack on Buster, who walks off "Have fun out there in the big world" Sticks said as she watches Buster go, waving goodbye "Hey guys, I found a giant octopus! Think I can keep him?" Tails asks and he is suddenly eaten by the giant octopus. It then spits out his goggles "Changed my mind. Help!" Tails said from inside the octopus as this chapter comes to an end.
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