speed reading
The Speed Reading Course
By Peter Shepherd
& Gregory Unsworth-Mitchell
Email: [email protected]
Web site: Tools for Transformation
Copyright © 1997 Peter Shepherd
The Basics of Reading
We all learn to read at school, after a fashion. But for most of us, this is not an
optimal use of our brain power. In this course you will learn to better use the left
brain's focused attention combined with the right brain's peripheral attention, in
close harmony. Good communication between the brain hemispheres is a pre-
requisite for creative thinking and also a sense of well-being, where thoughts and
feelings are integrated.
As you probably expect, this course will also teach you to read much faster and at
the same time, to remember more of what you have read. These are obviously
great advantages.
There is another major benefit. Most of us, as we read, 'speak' the words in our
heads. It is this subvocalisation that holds back fast reading and it is unnecessary.
It is possible to have an inner speech, a kind of 'thought awareness,' that isn't
linked to the tongue, mouth and vocal chord muscles, and this is much faster and
more fluent. Cutting out the identification of vocalisation and the stream of
thought gives a surprising by-product. Many of us think that our constant
subvocalised 'speaking voice' is who we are. Finding out that you can think and
be aware without a vocal stream of words, opens up your consciousness to the
usually unrecognised domain of intuition and spiritual awareness. You'll have a
better sense of who you really are. Try it and see!
The Definition of Reading
Reading may be defined as an individual's total inter-relationship with symbolic
information. Reading is a communication process requiring a series of skills. As
such reading is a thinking process rather than an exercise in eye movements.
Effective reading requires a logical sequence of thinking or thought patterns, and
these thought patterns require practice to set them into the mind. They may be
broken down into the following seven basic processes:
1. Recognition: the reader's knowledge of the alphabetic symbols.
2. Assimilation: the physical process of perception and scanning.
3. Intra-integration: basic understanding derived from the reading material
itself, with minimum dependence on past experience, other than a
knowledge of grammar and vocabulary.
4. Extra-integration: analysis, criticism, appreciation, selection & rejection.
These are all activities which require the reader to bring his past experience
to bear on the task.
5. Retention: this is the capacity to store the information in memory.
6. Recall: the ability to recover the information from memory storage.
7. Communication: this represents the application of the information and may
be further broken down into at least 4 categories, which are:
* Written communication;
* Spoken communication;
* Communication through drawing and the manipulation of objects;
* Thinking, which is another word for communication with the self.
Many problems in reading and learning are due to old habits. Many people are
still reading in the way that they were taught in elementary school. Their reading
speed will have settled to about 250 w.p.m. Many people can think at rates of 500
w.p.m. or more, so their mind is running at twice the speed of their eyes. A
consequence is that it is easy to lapse into boredom, day-dreaming or thinking
about what you want to do on the weekend. Frequently, it is through this type of
distraction that you find you have to re-read sentences and paragraphs, and you
find as a result, ideas are difficult to understand and remember.
The basic problem - the mismatch between thinking speed and reading speed -
arises for the most part from the inadequate methods by which reading is taught.
Since the War there have been two main approaches: the Look-Say method and
the Phonic method. Both methods are only semi-effective. In the Phonic method
a child is first taught the alphabet, then the different sounds for each of the
letters, then the blending of sounds and finally, the blending of sounds which
form words. This method works best with children who are left-brain dominant.
In contrast, the Look- Say method works best with children who are right-brain
dominant. It teaches a child to read by presenting him with cards on which there
are pictures of objects, the names of which are printed clearly underneath. By
using this method a basic vocabulary is built up, much in the manner of learning
to read Chinese. When a child has built up enough basic vocabulary, he
progresses through a series of graded books similar to those for the child taught
by the Phonic method, and eventually becomes a silent reader. In neither of the
above cases is a child taught how to read quickly and with maximum
comprehension and recall. An effective reader has usually discovered these
techniques all by himself.
Neither the Look-Say method nor the Phonic method, either in isolation or in
combination, are adequate for teaching an individual to read in the complete
sense of the word. Both these methods are designed to cover the first stage of
reading, the stage of recognition, with some attempt at assimilation and intra-
integration, but children are given little help on how to comprehend and integrate
the material properly, nor on how to ensure it is remembered. The methods
currently used in schools do not touch on the problems of speed, retention, recall,
selection, rejection, concentration and note taking, and indeed all those skills
which can be described as advanced reading techniques.
In short, most of your reading problems have not been dealt with during your
initial education. By using appropriate techniques, the limitations of early
education can be overcome and reading ability improved by 500% or more. For
example, skipping back over words can be eliminated as 90% of back-skipping is
unnecessary for understanding. The 10% of words that do need to be
reconsidered are probably words which need to be looked up in a dictionary and
clearly defined.
GOLDEN RULE: When studying this course, and indeed, whenever reading
passages that you want to understand and make use of, make sure never to
pass by a word or concept that you do not understand. If you do pass by a
misunderstood word or concept, the rest of the text will probably become
incomprehensible, and you will feel distracted and bored. If it's worth
reading at all, then you owe it to yourself to define any word you're not sure
of, or find the misunderstood word(s) in the concept that is unclear and sort
that out before going further. If your studies bog down, go back to where
you were doing well, clear up your understanding and start off again from
that point.
Techniques in this course will reduce the time for each fixation (the assimilation
of a group of words simultaneously) to less than a quarter of a second, and the
size of fixation can be increased from one or two short words to as many as five
words or half a line. Your eyes will be doing less physical work; rather than
having as many as 500 tightly focused fixations per page, you will be making
about 100, each of which is less fatiguing, and reading speed will exceed 1,000.
w.p.m. on light material.
The Eye and its Movements
In order to understand how we read and how reading may be improved, we must
first look a little at how the eye works. Light entering the eye is focused by the
lens onto the retina, which lines the inside of the eye. The retina itself consists of
hundreds of millions of tiny cells responsive to light. Some cells - the cones -
respond to specific colours; others - the rods - to the overall light intensity. These
cells are connected to a web of nerves extending over the retina, which relay
information to the visual cortex.
The centre of the retina, called the fovea, is a small area in which the cells are
much more tightly packed, so that the perception of images falling on the fovea is
much sharper and more detailed than elsewhere on the retina. When we focus our
attention on something, the light from that item is focused onto the fovea - this is
called a fixation.
A reader's eyes do not move over print in a smooth manner. If they did, they
would not be able to see anything, because the eye can only see things clearly
when it can hold them still. If an object is still, the eye must be still in order to
see it, and if an object is moving, the eye must move with the object in order to
see it. When you read a line, the eyes move in a series of quick jumps and still
intervals. The jumps themselves are so quick as to take almost no time, but the
fixations can take anywhere from a quarter to one and a half seconds. At the
slowest speeds of fixation a student's reading speed would be less than one
hundred w.p.m.
Thus the eye takes short gulps of information. In between it is not actually seeing
anything; it is moving from one point to another. We do not notice these jumps
because the information is held over in the brain and integrated from one fixation
to the next so that we can perceive a smooth flow. The eye is rarely still for more
than half a second. Even when you feel the eye is completely still (as when you
look steadily at a fixed point such as the following comma), it will in fact be
making a number of small movements around the point. If the eye were not
constantly shifting in this way, and making new fixations, the image would
rapidly fade and disappear. The untrained eye takes about a quarter of a second at
each point of fixation, so it is limited to about four fixations per second. Each
fixation of an average reader will take in two or three words, so that to read a
line on this page probably takes between three and six fixations. The duration of
the stops and the number of words taken in by each fixation will vary
considerably, depending on both the material being read and the individual's
reading skill.
Although the sharpest perception occurs at the fovea, images that are off-centre
are still seen, but less clearly. This peripheral vision performs a most valuable
function during reading. Words that lie ahead of the current point of fixation will
be partially received by the eye and transmitted to the brain. This is possible
because words can be recognised when they are in peripheral vision and the
individual letters are too blurred to be recognised. On the basis of this slightly
blurred view of what is coming, the brain will tell the eye where to move to next.
Thus the eye does not move along in a regular series of jumps, but skips
redundant words and concentrates on the most significant (useful and
distinguishing) words of the text.
Immediate memory span depends on the number of 'chunks' rather than the
information content. When we read, we can take in about five chunks at a time.
A chunk may be a single letter, a syllable, a word, or even a small phrase - the
easier it is to understand, the larger will be the chunks.
In the case of a skilled reader, the fixation points tend to be concentrated towards
the middle of a line of print. When the eye goes to a new line, it does not usually
start at the beginning, instead it starts a word or two from the edge. The brain has
a good idea of what is to come from the sense of the previous lines and only
needs to check with peripheral vision that the first few words are as anticipated.
Similarly, the eye usually makes its last fixation a word or two short of the end
of a line, again making use of peripheral vision to check that the last few words
are as expected.
The rhythm and flow of the faster reader will carry him comfortably through the
meaning, whereas the slow reader will be far more likely to become bored and
lose the meaning of what he is reading. A slow reader, who pauses at every word
and skips back reading the same word two or three times, will not be able to
understand much of what he reads. By the end of a paragraph the concept is lost,
because it is so long since the paragraph was begun. During the process of re-
reading, his ability to remember fades, and he starts doubting his ability to
remember at all.
There is a dwindling spiral of ability. The person re-reads more, then loses more
trust in his memory and finally concludes that he doesn't understand what he is
reading. For over a hundred years, experts in the field of medical and
psychological research have concluded that most humans only use from 4% to
10% of their mental abilities - of their potential to learn, to think and to act.
Speeding up a process such as reading is a very effective method of enabling a
people to access a larger proportion of the 90-95% of the mental capacity that he
is not using. When a person is reading rapidly, he is concentrating more, and
when he can raise his speed of reading above about 500 w.p.m. with maximum
comprehension, he is also speeding up his thinking. New depths of the brain
become readily accessible.
In addition, accelerated reading can reduce fatigue. Faster reading improves
comprehension, because the reader's level of concentration is higher, and there is
less cause for him to develop physical tensions such as a pain in the neck or a
headache. A further benefit is the improvement of the completeness of thought.
E.g. try watching a 90 minute video tape in 9 ten-minute sections; comprehension
will be much less than it would be had the video been presented in its entirety.
There is an optimum reading speed for maximum comprehension, which is
proportional to your top speed. This rate will vary from one type of material to
another, and finding the best rate for the material you are reading is critical for
good comprehension.
Test of Reading Speed
Choose a novel or book that you are interested in and can read easily. Measure
the time it takes to read five pages. Your reading speed can then be calculated
using the following formula:
w.p.m. (speed) = (number of pages read) times (number of words per average
page), divided by (the number of minutes spent reading).
Are you a Left-Brain Reader or a Right-Brain
Recently researches were carried out in the United States to determine the
difference between a left-brain reader and a right-brain reader. A special
apparatus was constructed, consisting of a television screen to present the reading
material, with a cursor that the subject had to fixate upon. Eye-movements were
monitored electronically, so the cursor would move when the subject moved his
eyes. The equipment could be set up in two modes. In the first mode, material to
the left of the cursor would blank out on the screen, if the subject attempted to
move his fixation point to the right of the cursor. In the second mode, material to
the right of the cursor would blank out, if the subject attempted to move his
fixation point to the left of the cursor.
In the first (left-brain) mode, when words to the left of the cursor blanked out,
preventing the subject from regressing or back-skipping, this duplicated the
habitual pattern of a left-brain reader, who always reads one or more words ahead
of a particular fixation point. In the second (right-brain) mode, when words to
the right of the cursor blanked out, preventing the subject from anticipating by
reading one or two words ahead of the fixation point, this duplicated the habitual
pattern of a right-brain reader, who tends to re-read the words leading up to a
particular fixation point.
This equipment was tested on a group of 30 subjects. When the equipment was
set- up in the left-brain mode, the maximum observed average reading speed of
the group was 1600 w.p.m., and when the equipment was set-up in the right-
brain mode, the maximum observed average reading speed of the group was 95
w.p.m.; a difference of 17:1. Note: with material presented in the left-brain mode
the average reading speed of the group was raised from 500 w.p.m. to 1600
w.p.m.; it was more than trebled.
Without the specialised equipment described above, this test is somewhat
subjective, although it should give you a good indication. The steps are as
1. Take a novel and read this silently whilst running your finger along the line
of print as you read it.
2. Note carefully: How far are you reading ahead of your fixation point? The
fixation point is determined by your finger position.
3. Do you find that it is difficult to read ahead of the fixation point? Do you
find that you are holding on to the two or three words you have just read?
If the answer to 2. is yes, and you are reading ahead of the fixation point, you are
a left-brain reader. If the answer to 3. is yes, and attention is drawn back to the
words that you have already read, then you are a right-brain reader.
Visual Guides
A visual guide is a pointer, such as the end of a pencil or a fingertip, moved
along underneath a line of print. The reason children are discouraged from
pointing to the words as they read them, is that stopping to point at each
individual word can indeed slow down reading. But if instead, the finger is
moved along smoothly underneath the line of text, it can help to speed up reading
considerably, for three reasons:
1. If the eye is trained to follow the visual guide, then most unnecessary back-
skipping is eliminated.
2. Deliberately speeding up the visual guide will help the eye to move along
3. As the eye moves faster it is encouraged to take in more words with each
fixation. This increases the meaningful content of the material - each chunk
makes some sense - so that comprehension actually approves.
The following practical procedures are divided into six sections:
A. Preliminary Exercises, to teach a better method of inner speech.
B. Speed Perception, to improve your capacity to duplicate;
C. Pacing & Scanning Techniques, to improve your initial understanding
at speed;
D. In-Depth Reading Techniques, including the use of keywords and
mindmaps to improve depth of understanding;
E. Visual Reading Techniques, to improve retention and recall.
F. Defeating the Decay of Memories, to apply the newly acquired speed
of thought to learning new information.
Therefore, the following selection of exercises reflect the three dimensions of
Duplication, Understanding, and Memory.
A. Preliminary Exercises
Subvocalisation & the Thought-Stream
There are two types of reading: the first type is a compulsive speaking aloud of
words as they are read. This may be at an inaudible and sub-conscious level, but
is nevertheless expressing perceived words in equivalent movements of the tongue
and larynx - a kinaesthetic representation. We will call this process
'subvocalisation' on this course. The second type we will call 'thought-stream',
and this is consists of understanding and imagery only, with no vocal or subvocal
Generally speaking, subvocalisation is unnecessary to the adult reader, except
perhaps when reading poetry (in which case rhythm, rhyme, and alliteration are
an important component, and so subvocalisation may be more enjoyable when
poetry is read silently). However, subvocalisation limits the maximum reading
speed to about 300 w.p.m. +/- 20%. In contrast, a trained reader may read at
more than 1000 w.p.m. with a pure thought-stream.
A thought-stream is essential for full understanding. Although it may be possible
to read light material such as a novel without using a thought-stream at all,
memory will be impaired. The thought-stream is particularly important when
reading abstract material that cannot be easily visualised, and when long and
complicated sentence constructions are used. When this type of material is read
and the thought-stream is suppressed, it is nearly impossible to preserve word
order and syntax. When the material is difficult to visualise, syntax and word
order may be the only guides to meaning and understanding.
Before a student can learn to let go of subvocalisation without at the same time
suppressing inner speech altogether, he has to learn to differentiate between
subvocalisation and the thought-stream. This first step can be done by a process
of localisation. Most people will experience subvocalisation as being connected
with the mouth or the throat, and also the breath. When asked to attend to it
fully, a person will tend to look down.
The thought-stream will be experienced more in the top of the head, without
connection to the vocal organs or breath; it is a kind of thought awareness, based
on an understanding of the stream of words being read. Differentiation between
the two types of reading may be achieved through the following steps:
Step 1. Choose a page from a light novel. Easily understood material is required
because even when a good reader is reading something that he finds difficult to
comprehend, there will be a tendency to revert to subvocalisation, when a phrase
or sentence containing unfamiliar or foreign words is presented. Unfamiliar
words can only be held in mind either by having extremely good powers of
auditory visualisation or by rehearsing them subvocally.
Note: a reader using thought-stream, rather than subvocalisation, will find he is
able to detect misunderstood words more easily, because he will revert to
subvocalisation as he strives to give meaning to the unfamiliar. If you find
yourself suddenly subvocalising when you would otherwise use thought-stream,
this is a strong indication that you have just gone past a word that is
misunderstood, or a group of words forming a concept that does not make sense.
Misunderstood words should each be defined and then the concept re-evaluated.
Step 2. Count out loud from one to ten repeatedly, whilst reading the page
silently using thought-stream. Counting out loud will occupy the motor-vocal
system, so that the mind is unable to subvocalise.
Step 3. When you are able to read silently whilst counting out loud, then begin to
read silently using thought-stream and to count silently at the same time using
An alternative method to counting is to say or subvocalise a repeated "Eee ... eee
... eee ..." which has the same effect of occupying the vocal-motor system. Get
plenty of practice with Steps 2 & 3, so that this skill is fully acquired and you can
easily recognize the difference between 'spoken' subvocalisation and the thought-
Step 4. Once you can read silently whilst counting silently, begin to increase
your reading speed. When your reading speed exceeds 360 w.p.m., the two types
of subjective reading will become more differentiated. (Test). By using thought-
stream you can read much faster, whereas subvocalisation is limited by the speed
of motoric response.
Step 5. Now that you can easily read with thought-stream, leaving behind any
subvocalisation, it is time to add more character to the inner speech, so that it is
not just a silent stream of thought but is also a stream of visualisation. Image the
dialogue of the novel, adopting different voices in your inner speech to suit the
characters. This should further differentiate your thought-stream from
subvocalisation, which would always tend to be a reflection of your own voice.
At the same time, visualise the scenarios of the story, hear the environmental
sounds, smell all the various scents, and feel the emotions portrayed.
Continue with the above exercises until you have a reality about the two types of
reading (subvocalised and thought-stream) and can choose between them. This
approach is better than trying to suppress subvocalisation altogether.
By suppressing both types of subjective reading, one can learn to skim at more
than 2000 w.p.m., however, there will be very little retention of what has been
read. This type of reading is valuable only when one is searching for a particular
datum, or when one is doing this as a perceptual exercise.
Maladaptive Scanning Patterns
Since the left hemisphere is better at verbal tasks, whatever lies in the right visual
field will have its verbal content processed more quickly than that which lies in
the left. If a person is reading from left to right, the material that has not been
read, but which is nevertheless being processed peripherally, is being received by
the left side of the brain, more specialised at verbal processing. Reading right to
left, or looking back over what has been read, will therefore be processed by the
right hemisphere, resulting in confusion.
The following diagram illustrates the visual processing of a line of text. When
reading left to right, the material yet to be read is taken in with peripheral vision
and analysed for content by the linguistic left hemisphere. This helps the brain
decide the best next point of fixation and increases the efficiency of reading.
Book-worms are nearly always using the right hand visual field (connected to the
left hemisphere), and dyslexics use the left visual field (connected to the right
hemisphere). Both these extreme cases tend to have maladaptive scanning
patterns, because they are nearly always using one side of the nervous system
exclusively. Maladaptive patterns will include back-skipping, missing lines, and
reading the same line twice. Practicing the speed reading techniques as presented
in this course should help to correct these patterns.
B. Speed Perception
Many speed reading courses currently available operate by changing a student's
motivation and by the suggestion that the course will be successful. With focused
conscious intention, reading speed can be increased by about ten percent per
session, and it may sometimes be doubled during a course of 10-20 sessions.
However, this is the absolute limit for this type of approach. The length of time it
takes to make a fixation and the number of words fixated are changed but little,
most of the improvement has occurred because there is less mind wandering and
back-skipping. The gains from this type of reading course are seldom stable,
because the underlying problem of perception remains unhandled.
In contrast, by turning pages as fast as possible and attempting to see as many
words per page as one can, perception and the will are conditioned into much
more rapid and efficient reading practices. This high speed conditioning can be
compared to driving along a motorway at 100 miles per hour. Imagine that you
have been driving for an hour at this speed. Suddenly you come to a road sign
saying 'Slow down to 30 m.p.h.' Now imagine that your speedometer is not
working; what speed would you actually slow down to? The answer would
probably be 50-60 m.p.h.
The reason for this is that your perceptions have become conditioned to a much
higher speed, which becomes 'normal'. There is a ratchet effect by which
previous 'normals' are more or less forgotten as the result of the perceptual
conditioning. The same principle applies to reading; after high speed practice,
you will often find yourself reading at twice the speed, without even feeling the
Speed Perception
1. Point with your index finger or a pen to the words you are reading. Try and
move your finger faster, this will aid you in establishing a smooth and
rhythmical reading habit.
2. As you move your finger along the line that you are reading, try and take in
more than one word at a time.
3. When you have reached the limits of the previous exercise, then take some
light reading material and try to read more than one line at the same time.
Magazine articles are good for this purpose because many magazines have
narrow columns of about 5 or 6 words, and often the material is light
4. Various patterns of visual guiding should be experimented with. These
include diagonal, curving, and straight-down-the-page movements. Exercise
your eye movements over the page, moving your eyes on horizontal and
vertical planes and diagonally from the upper left of the page to the lower
right and finally, from the upper right to the lower left. Try to speed-up
gradually day by day. The purpose of this exercise is to train your eyes to
function more accurately and independently.
5. Practice reading as fast as you can for one minute, without worrying about
comprehension. Don't worry about your comprehension this is an exercise of
perceptual speed.
6. For this exercise you are concerned primarily with speed, although at the
same time you are reading for as much comprehension as possible. Reading
should continue from the last point reached. Do this for one minute and then
calculate your reading speed (see Test ) - call this your highest normal
7. Practice reading (with comprehension) for one minute at approximately 100
w.p.m. faster than your highest normal speed.
8. When you can do that, continue increasing your speed in approximately 100
w.p.m. increments. If you calculate how many words there are on an
average line, then it is easy to convert w.p.m. into lines per minute. E.g. if a
line has 10 words and you are reading at one line per second, then you are
reading at 600 w.p.m.
9. Start from the beginning of a chapter and practice reading three lines at a
time, with a visual aid (such as a card) and at a fast reading speed, for 5
10. Read on from this point, aiming for comprehension at the highest speed
possible. Do this for five minutes, then calculate and record your reading
speed in w.p.m.
11. Take an easy book and start of the beginning of a chapter. Skim for one
minute using a visual guide at 4 seconds per page.
12. Return to the beginning of the chapter and practice reading at your
minimum speed for five minutes.
C. Pacing & Scanning
The previous Speed Perception exercises involving reading three lines at a time
or a page in four seconds, may be called 'skimming' - this is a superficial way of
reading, more a perceptual exercise than reading for meaning. Pacing, the next
reading technique to be learned, describes an unconventional way of reading a
page, which can reduce the amount of work by more than half without
significantly reducing the comprehension. The following Scanning technique is a
two-step process that involves collecting related facts and ideas and arranging
them in a meaningful sequence. This involves the skill of summarising.
A plastic ruler or strip of transparent plastic 5 cm wide, is placed vertically down
the page, as shown below, to delineate the section of the page where your Pacing
Technique will be used.
By fixating only the words in the pacing zone, you reduce your reading time by
about one half. But you don't reduce your comprehension by one half because
you are forced to think beyond the words your eyes are seeing. When your
thoughts are on the same subject as the material you are reading, the addition of
your personal experience to the reading increases your understanding and
If you read within the pacing zone by sliding back and forth in a Z or S-type
pattern to the bottom of the page, you will find that you have read about 200
words with no more than 50 or 60 fixations. All the time you are reading in this
way, your eyes are seeing and picking-up the odd word from peripheral vision
and you are thinking all the time and putting together ideas, because the mind
abhors a vacuum.
Using a 5cm transparent plastic ruler:
(see next page...)
(Text from 'Wordpower' by Edward de Bono)
The first 10-15 times you use this technique, expect to be frustrated. At first you
may remember only 3 or 4 words from each reading, but your objective is to go
past the literal act of remembering isolated words, to collecting and relating
ideas. This takes a lot of practice, so don't give up! Once you have become used
to this manner of reading, you can develop the use of the technique further by
letting your eyes stray beyond the boundaries of the ruler, selecting from the page
the words that are most informative. As you practice in this way, try to fixate on
parts of speech, i.e. nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc. You will find that you start to
see more and more through peripheral vision, and as a result you will find that
you are concentrating more and speeding-up your thinking.
Pacing Exercise
1. Place the book you intend to read in front of you and place the plastic ruler
or strip as above.
2. Use your right index finger or a pen as a pacer, moving it smoothly down
the centre of the page, over the transparent strip. This may be helpful until you
have disciplined your eyes to 'pace the page'. You may find that moving a 3 x 5
cm card down the plastic strip will be less distracting. The reason to use either the
card, a pen, or your fingers in this way is to keep your eyes moving down.
3. When you reach the bottom of the page, jot down any words you
remember. If you do not remember any words at all, don't let this upset you -
you will improve with practice. Eventually you will remember thoughts and
groups of words. By pausing frequently to mentally summarise what you have
read, you will organise your thoughts and improve retention.
To acquire the skill of rapid reading requires you to break old habits and form
new ones. The most important habit to break is the habit of reading word-by-
word, whilst expecting complete comprehension. Many reading exercises require
you to forget comprehension and concentrate all your efforts on the physical skill
of speed reading.
To master the Pacing Technique you must understand the training you are going
to give your mind. You are being asked to look at words so fast that you cannot
possibly pronounce them, and so fast that you cannot understand them either.
Every time you do the above exercises you will comprehend a few words. As you
continue with these exercises, you will begin to grasp thoughts and eventually,
you will read at a much higher speed. When performing this type of exercise, you
should always go back and re-read the passage at a comfortable rate, i.e. at a rate
at which you can obtain understanding.
Every time you do a speed-exercise and then return to what appears to be your
normal speed, you will find that your normal speed has become faster.
Since written English is often highly redundant, i.e. much of the material can be
omitted without any loss of meaning, a large proportion of information in a text
can be absorbed through peripheral vision. Words that are highly likely to occur
in a given context do not have to be checked by looking directly at them -
peripheral vision can check that they are what is expected even while the eye is
fixating elsewhere. The Pacing Technique helps prepare you to read in this
expanded way, reading not along each line, but from side to side of the centre of
the page, taking in most of a line in one glance, and also peripherally absorbing
several further lines beneath it.
Making fuller use of peripheral vision, the skilled reader is able to get a better
idea of the general sense of what is to follow, and this helps to speed up reading
as well as to understand and integrate the material. This is why many students
find that as soon as they become adept at speed reading, their comprehension
actually increases. They have a broader perspective of what they are reading, and
since they are reading faster, the short-term memory for what has just been read
goes back several sentences further and the words currently being read are
understood within a larger context.
High-speed training has two further advantages: It encourages you to see the key
words in the text; and it brings the right hemisphere (which controls peripheral
vision) into the reading process, increasing integration and thereby facilitating the
right-brain's ability to synthesise relationships within the material.
A scan is a fixed pattern of search. Scanning is a useful preliminary action, to
preview material rapidly before reading it in-depth. This gives you more of the
context of what you go on to read and having viewed it once already, it will have
some familiarity and retention will be improved.
1. Make a rapid scan of a light novel. Start at a rate of 15 seconds per page.
Later, with practice, this time can be reduced to 12 or 10 seconds per page
or even less.
2. You are scanning for significant people, events and conflicts. At the end of
each chapter stop to review what you have just read. Then try and speculate
about the contents of the next chapter.
3. When you have scanned several chapters, no more than five, then you will
probably need to ask yourself some questions relating to missed events and
information, in order to be able to follow the development of the story.
Speculate on these answers, then go back and re-read these chapters
normally, to see if you were correct.
4. When you have reached the end of the book in the above manner, take some
time to summarise the story mentally. Form and answer any unanswered
questions about the story and evaluate what you gained from this book.
By using the above exercises you will soon find that you have much greater
concentration and retention. Through these procedures you will have developed a
lasting and very useful skill.
D. In-Depth Reading Techniques
Scanning techniques are not really useful for fiction - because you don't want to
know what's going to happen ahead of time! With serious and non-fiction
material they are useful to assess the contents and quality, to provide a context for
your study, to find a particular datum or to decide whether to actually study the
material. But it is of little value to be able to read at 2,000 words per minute if
half an hour later 90% of the information has been forgotten. Reading, as
described earlier, includes not only the recognition and assimilation of the written
material, but also understanding, comprehension, retention, recall and
The most common approach to the study of a new text is the 'start and slog'
approach. The reader opens the book at page 1 and reads through to the end. This
might seem the most obvious approach, but it is in fact an inefficient use of the
reader's knowledge and time and has a number of disadvantages:
1. Time may be wasted going over material that is already familiar, or that is
irrelevant to the study in question, or which may be more conveniently
summarised later.
2. The reader has no overall perspective until he finishes the text, and possibly
not even then.
3. Any information that is retained is usually disorganised; it is seldom well
integrated with the rest of the book nor with the reader's whole body of
4. Motivation is low and the reader tends to become bored, dull and tired,
leading to poor reading efficiency.
A linear approach to study is like going shopping by systematically walking along
each street, going into every shop, hoping to find something but not knowing
The holistic approach to study parallels the normal activity of shopping: one
prepares a list of what is required, goes only down the relevant streets (noticing
other shop windows on the way in case they contain unexpected items of
interest), and visits only those stores that contain all that one needs, with time and
energy to spare.
In-Depth Reading or 'study' is the most complicated and slowest of the reading
processes. After an initial survey or pre-reading (scanning), gathering the context
and main concepts, the in-depth reading involves critical and analytical thinking
to interpret, evaluate, judge, and reflect on information and ideas. There are four
main aspects to in-depth reading:
1. Gathering facts and ideas.
2. Sorting facts and ideas for relative importance and their relationship to one
3. Measuring these ideas against one's existing knowledge base.
4. A process of selection, separating the ideas into those that you wish to
remember or act upon, and ideas that you wish to reject.
In-depth reading techniques are a form of Self-Questioning. As we read we try to
answer questions of HOW and WHY together with the implied suggestions:
explain, describe, evaluate, interpret, illustrate, and define. When reading non-
fiction and other serious material, the full procedure is as follows:
1. Establish Purpose
Answer the following question as carefully and completely as possible: What do I
want to learn from this material?
Your answer to this question is your purpose for reading. It may help at this stage
to review your current knowledge of the subject. This increases expectancy of
what is to come, and exposes gaps in one's knowledge and a corresponding desire
to fill the vacuum.
2. Survey
A book or publication should be surveyed as follows:
Read the title, any subtitles, jacket summaries (in the case of a book), and
identify the source of the publication, i.e. the author and publisher.
Read the date of publication or copyright. The book may well have gone
beyond its sell-by-date, e.g. a book on electric motors written in 1950
would be irrelevant, unless perhaps you were trying to mend Grandma's
Analyse the Index. The particular concepts listed and the way in which
they are organised will tell you a particular author's bias and whether or
not the book will cover the ideas that you are trying to get wise on.
Frequently, the Index is a better guide for these purposes than the
Contents page.
Read the Preface. Nearly always written last, it will often provide an
excellent summary, and usually a statement of purpose for the book and a
note on the author's perspective on the subject. Also scan the Forward and
Read the Table of Contents. Note the sequence and check for Chapter
summaries. Chapter summaries are an abstract of the Chapter contents.
They will frequently inform you whether or not a particular publication is
suitable for your purposes.
The next step is to look at the visual material. Read the maps, graphs,
illustrations, charts, and bold headings.
Get a close feel for the actual contents of the book by looking at
beginnings and ends of chapters, subsection headings and anything else
which catches the eye - bold print, italicised sections, etc. Read any
summaries the author may have provided. If there are study questions at
the end of each chapter, you should look at these also. This will give you
an indication of the level of the book in relation to your present
Now you have completed these steps, then decide to use the book or not.
3. Revise Purpose
Once you have surveyed the material and gained more information and if you
have decided to use the book, then revise your original purpose for reading the
book. Ask yourself: Why am I reading this? This will establish your specific
learning objectives.
4. Study in Depth
Keeping in mind what you want to learn, speculate on what the material will tell
you. Begin to read with the satisfaction of your objectives in mind. Sometimes it
is inappropriate to start at the beginning, so decide where to start reading. Your
overall purpose for reading the material is your best guide. Note: the manner in
which the author presents his ideas will demand that you constantly vary the rate
of reading and the reading technique you are using, if you wish to be efficient. If
you continue reading at the same rate for a prolonged period, it is a good
indication that you are not reading flexibly and that you are allowing yourself to
become inefficient.
Make notes, jot down main ideas and Key Words and use Mind Maps (see later
chapters). It also helps to mark or underline key words and concepts in the book
itself, with a soft lead pencil that can easily be erased, to aid review. If it is your
own book, do not be afraid to use different coloured pens; it helps memory and
distinguishes different themes and topics.
Be prepared to omit sections that are irrelevant, already familiar, padding,
repetition, outdated, or excess examples. Also reject false arguments, such as:
generalisation from the particular; false premises; undefined sources; misuse of
statistics, etc.
Continually ask WHO, WHAT, WHY, HOW, WHERE and WHEN questions, as
an interactive dialogue between yourself and the study material, in order to
extract the important facts.
The Who question helps you to hold in mind any significant people. Why
classifies purposes. How classifies cause and effect sequences, time sequences,
procedure or process instructions or where the new information fits into your life.
The Where question points to where the action is taking place or where the new
information can be used. The When question can both denote when a subject
takes place and when you can use the information. Finally, the What question
allows you to take a quick survey of your current knowledge.
Take regular breaks every thirty or forty minutes. After each short rest break,
take a minute to review the previous work: this consolidates the retention.
5. Evaluation
Your thoughts should be organised in such a way as to describe the things that
you have learned that definitely focus on your primary purpose. Your thoughts
may be organised in the following way:
* State the most important idea or concept pertaining to your reading
* List related key words, facts, and information in order of importance -
using as few words as possible - that pertain to your learning objectives.
* Finally, jot down important words or phrases in relation to the ideas
listed above. The most important things to jot down are key people,
important events, places, and dates. These will act as thought joggers or
memory clues, which relate directly to the primary and secondary ideas
For more about the inter-relationship of left and right brain functions, see
Two Ways of Knowing in 'Transforming the Mind'. Also the Bilateral Meter site
contains information of profound significance in the field of psychotherapy.
Words & Meanings, Semantic Development and The Semantic Differential are
chapters in 'Transforming the Mind' that offer further insight into the power of
words, as does Ken Ward's Notes on Alfred Korzybski's General Semantics.
This is taken further in The New Life Course - the complete personal
development program - where many exercises reveal how false thinking entraps
us in conditioned thought.
Key Word Noting
A lot of people are dissatisfied with their note taking. They realise that they take
down too many words, which in turn makes it difficult to get an overview. They
find it difficult to sort the essential facts out of a lecture, a meeting or study
materials. Very few people have had a satisfactory training in effective note
taking, so the purpose of this article is to improve this skill.
Association plays a dominant role in nearly every mental function, and words
themselves are no exception. The brain associates divergently as well as linearly,
carrying on thousands of different actions at the same time, searching, sorting and
selecting, relating and making syntheses as it goes along, using left and right
brain faculties. Thus a person often finds that in conversation, his mind is not just
behaving linearly, but racing on in different directions, exploring to create new
ideas and evaluating the ramifications of what is being said. Although a single
line of words is coming out, a continuing and enormously complex process is
taking place in the mind throughout the conversation. At the same time subtle
changes in intonation, body position, facial expression, eye language, and so on,
are integrated into the overall process.
Similarly the listener or reader is not simply observing a long list of words; he is
receiving each word in the context of the ideas and concepts that surround it, and
interpreting it in his own unique way, making evaluations and criticisms based
upon his prior knowledge, experience and beliefs. You only have to consider a
simple word and start recognising the associations that come into your mind, to
see that this is true.
Words that have the greatest associative power may be described as Key Words.
These are concrete, specific words which encapsulate the meaning of the
surrounding sentence or sentences. They generate strong images, and are
therefore easier to remember. The important ideas, the words that are most
memorable and contain the essence of the sentence or paragraph are the key
words. The rest of the words are associated descriptions, grammatical
constructions and emphasis, and this contextual material is generally forgotten
within a few seconds, though much of it will come to mind when the key word is
Because of their greater meaningful content, key words tend to 'lock up' more
information in memory and are the 'keys' to recalling the associated ideas. The
images they generate are richer and have more associations. They are the words
that are remembered, and when recalled, they 'unlock' the meaning again.
When a young child begins to speak, he starts with key words, especially concrete
nouns, stringing them together directly - for example, 'Peter ball' or 'Anne tired'.
It is not until later that sentences include grammatical construction, to give
expressions such as 'Please would you throw me the ball' or 'I am feeling tired'.
Taking Notes
Taking notes performs the valuable functions of:
* Imposing organisation upon the material.
* Allowing associations, inferences and ideas to be jotted down.
* Bringing attention to what is important.
* Enhancing later recall.
Since we do not remember complete sentences, it is a waste of time to write them
down. The most effective note taking concentrates on the key words of the
lecture or text. In selecting the key words, a person is brought into active contact
with the information. The time which would have been spent making long-
winded notes can be spent thinking around the concepts. He is not simply copying
down in a semi-conscious manner but is becoming aware of the meaning and
significance of the ideas, and forming images and associations between them.
This increases comprehension and memory. Because the mind is active,
concentration is maintained, and review of the notes becomes quick and easy.
The ability to pick out the most appropriate word as a 'key' word is vital if you
want to remember the most important information from any text. We mainly use
the following parts of speech when we pick key words:
Nouns: identify the name of a person, place or object. They are the most essential
information in a text. 'Common nouns' are whole classes of people or things, e.g.
man, dog, table, sport, ball. 'Proper nouns' name a particular person or thing, e.g.
Beethoven, the 'Emperor' Concerto, Vienna.
Verbs: indicate actions, things that happen, e.g. to bring, kiss, exist, drink, sing.
Adjectives: describe qualities of nouns (people and things) - how they appear or
behave, e.g. old, tall, foolish, beautiful.
Adverbs: indicate how a verb (activity) is applied, e.g. gently, fully, badly.
A key word or phrase is one which funnels into itself a range of ideas and images
from the surrounding text, and which, when triggered, funnels back the same
information. It will tend to be a strong noun or verb, on occasion accompanied
by an additional key adjective or adverb. Nouns are the most useful as key words,
but this does not mean you should exclude other words. Key words are simply the
words that give you the most inclusive concept. They do not have to be actual
words used in the text - you may have a better word that encapsulates and evokes
the required associations, and a phrase may be necessary rather than just a word.
As an example, suggested key words have been indicated in bold type throughout
the following text, starting on the next page. There may be words you do not
understand, even when taking account of the context; in this case it is certainly
necessary to look these up in a dictionary. Psychological terminology like
'intrapersonal' may not be in your dictionary, but the prefix 'intra' means within,
so the meaning can be derived.
Though there is no way to place oneself within the infant's skin,
it seems likely that, from the earliest days of life, all normal
infants experience a range of feelings, a gamut of affects.
Observation of infants within and across cultures, and
comparison of their facial expressions with those of other
primates, confirm that there is a set of universal facial
expressions, displayed by all normal children. The most
reasonable inference is that there are bodily (and brain) states
associated with these expressions, with infants experiencing
phenomenally a range of states of excitement and of pleasure
or pain.
To be sure, these states are initially uninterpreted: the infant has
no way of labelling to himself how he is feeling or why he is
feeling this way. But the range of bodily states experienced by
the infant - the fact that he feels, that he may feel differently on
different occasions, and that he can come to correlate feelings
with specific experiences - serves to introduce the child to the
realm of intrapersonal knowledge.
Moreover, these discriminations also constitute the necessary
point of departure for the eventual discovery that he is a distinct
entity with his own experiences and his unique identity. Even as
the infant is coming to know his own bodily reactions, and to
differentiate them one from another, he is also coming to form
preliminary distinctions among other individuals and even among
the moods displayed by 'familiar' others. By two months of age,
and perhaps even at birth, the child is already able to discriminate
among, and imitate the facial expressions of, other individuals.
This capacity suggests a degree of 'pre-tunedness' to the
feelings and behaviour of other individuals that is extraordinary.
The child soon distinguishes mother from father, parents from
strangers, happy expressions from sad or angry ones. (Indeed,
by the age of ten months, the infant's ability to discriminate
among different affective expressions already yields distinctive
patterns of brain waves.)
In addition, the child comes to associate various feelings with
particular individuals, experiences, and circumstances. There are
already the first signs of empathy. The young child will respond
sympathetically when he hears the cry of another infant or sees
someone in pain: even though the child may not yet appreciate
just how the other is feeling, he seems to have a sense that
something is not right in the world of the other person. A link
amongst familiarity, caring, and the wish to be helpful has
already begun to form.
Thanks to a clever experimental technique devised by Gordon
Gallup for studies with primates, we have a way of ascertaining
when the human infant first comes to view himself as a separate
entity, an incipient person. It is possible, unbeknownst to the
child, to place a tiny marker - for example, a daub of rouge -
upon his nose and then to study his reactions as he peers at
himself in the mirror. During the first year of life, the infant is
amused by the rouge marking but apparently simply regards it
as an interesting decoration on some other organism which he
happens to be examining in the mirror. But, during the second
year of life, the child comes to react differently when he beholds
the alien colouring. Children will touch their own noses and act
silly or coy [embarrassed] when they encounter this unexpected
redness on what they perceive to be their very own anatomy.
Awareness of physical separateness and identity are not, of
course, the only components of beginning self-knowledge. The
child also is starting to react to his own name, to refer to himself
by name, to have definite programs and plans that he seeks to
carry out, to feel efficacious when he is successful, to experience
distress when he violates certain standards that others have set
for him or that he has set for himself. All of these components of
the initial sense of person make their initial appearance during the
second year of life.
(From 'Frames of Mind' by Howard Gardner)
Looking at the marked key words separated from the text, the sense of the
passage can be re-constituted:
facial expressions
specific experiences
intrapersonal knowledge
other individuals
ten months
second year
Read the Introduction to 'Transforming the Mind' and write down the words that
you consider to be key words. Then from your notes, try to reconstruct the full
information of the text. In retrospect, then see if you could have made a better
choice of key words. Then choose another text and repeat the exercise.
When you practice picking out key words, you will probably find that you tend
to take down too many words, 'just in case'. Try to reduce the number of key
words, and concentrate instead on finding key words that hold many associations,
and which remind you of the meaning of the text.
The more that notes consist of key words, the more useful they are and the better
they are remembered. Ideally, notes should be based upon key words and
accompanying key images, and incorporate summary diagrams and illustrative
drawings. This concept is further expanded in the next article on 'Mind Maps'.
Mind Maps
Meaning is an essential part of all thought processes, and it is meaning that gives
order to experience. Indeed the process of perception is ultimately one of
extracting meaning from the environment. If the mind is not attending,
information will go 'in one ear and out the other'; the trace it leaves may well be
too weak to be recalled in normal circumstances. If concentration is applied, i.e.
there is conscious involvement with the information, more meaning is extracted,
more meaningful connections are made with existing understanding, the memory
is stronger, and there will be more opportunity to make meaningful connections
with new material in the future.
Associative Networks
Memory is not recorded like a tape recording, with each idea linked to the next in
a continuous stream; instead, the information is recorded in large interconnecting
associative networks. Concepts and images are related in various ways to
numerous other points in the mental network. The act of encoding an event, i.e.
memorising, is simply that of forming new links in the network, i.e. making new
associations. Sub-consciously, the mind will continue to work on the network,
adding further connections which remain implicit until they are explicitly
recognised, i.e. they enter the pre-conscious as relevant material, and are picked
up by the spotlight of consciousness.
Such associative networks explain the incredible versatility and flexibility of
human information processing. Memory is not like a container that gradually fills
up, it is more like a tree growing hooks onto which the memories are hung. So
the capacity of memory keeps growing - the more you know, the more you can
know. There is no practical limit to this expansion because of the phenomenal
capacity of the neuronal system of the brain, which in most people is largely
untapped, even after a lifetime of mental processing.
Mind Maps
Because the brain naturally organises information in associative networks, it
makes sense to record notes about information you want to remember in a similar
way. Using the method of Mind Maps, all the various factors that enhance recall
have been brought together, in order to produce a much more effective system of
note taking. A mind map works organically in the same way as the brain itself, so
it is therefore an excellent interface between the brain and the spoken or written
Paradoxically, one of the greatest advantages of Mind Maps is that they are
seldom needed again. The very act of constructing a map is so effective in fixing
ideas in memory that very often a whole Mind Map can be recalled without going
back to it at all. Because it is so strongly visual, frequently it can be simply
reconstructed in the 'mind's eye'.
To make a Mind Map, one starts at the centre of a new sheet of paper, writing
down the central theme very boldly, preferably in the form of a strong visual
image, so that everything in the map is associated with it. Then work outwards in
all directions, adding branches for each new concept, and further small branches
and twigs for associated ideas as they occur. In this way one produces a growing
and organised structure composed of key words and key images (see the previous
article on 'Key Words').
For more information about Mind Mapping and many examples, visit these web
BrainLand | Peter Russell | Creative Mindmap
Shared Visions | Learn Mind-Mapping
When you've got a good reality on Mind Mapping, read through this Speed
Reading Course and at the same time, based on your growing understanding,
build up a Mind Map displaying the main ideas and how they connect.
E. Visual Reading Techniques
People who find it easy to follow instructions, create a visual movie of
themselves doing the task. This enables them to 'see' if more information is
required before they begin. Immediate mental feedback creates a trial run which
eliminates mistakes before they are made.
Ineffectual reading typically leaves out visually constructed imagery from the
thought-stream. As a result the reader has a poor memory and poor contextual
analysis skills. Without imagery to 'reality test one's comprehension, one may
pass a totally anomalous word and fail to notice that it does not fit. Once the
reader has a richly detailed internal picture, which includes colour, sound and
movement, he will no longer be able to read past words and concepts that
obviously do not make sense, because these will seem strange in the picture or
movie that he has made. For example, a student reads: 'The child was made to do
the maths problem in front of the class upon the skateboard.' From his prior
picture of a classroom, the student will realise immediately that the word should
be 'blackboard', instead of skateboard, and will self-edit the word.
One of the characteristics of visual storage is speed, so increasing the pace at
which material is covered, with the assistance of speed-reading exercises, usually
increases the powers of visualisation. Those students who can adapt to the visual
mode of representation successfully are multi-sensory; however, there are some
students who have difficulty. These are students who have failed to make the
transition between an auditory mode of representation and a visual mode of
representation. In normal development this transition occurs at about the age of
ten. In the case of these students, retention can be so poor that one sentence later
they are unable to remember what they have read. These students will attempt to
retrieve the rote sound of words; they will try to store an auditory sequence of the
word without transferring the words into pictures in their minds. A student with
this problem will frequently state, 'I don't remember what it said.'
It is now known that reading involves both sides of the brain: the left side
specialises in coding and decoding, the right side in synthesis of overall meaning.
By using this as an operational definition, you can determine which side of a
student's brain is deficient when diagnosing his reading ability, and it can be used
to formulate a prescriptive plan of how to improve his reading. For example,
when a student is able to code and pronounce words disproportionately to his
comprehension, his left brain is working in excess of his right brain.
The following technique addresses those students who fall in between the two
extremes of the good visualiser and the student who has no visual capacity at all.
1. The first step is to check that you have the ability to picture in your mind's
eye. Look at your desk and pretend that this desk is really your bedroom, and that
you are on the ceiling, looking down at the four walls and everything contained
inside. Mentally point to the wall where the bed is, the walls with windows, the
door, the shelves, and so on. Do this exercise again with the layout of the whole
house. This exercise will validate that you can make mental pictures of concrete
objects, a right-brain skill.
2. Read a phrase or sentence out loud. The sentence is the easiest
grammatical unit to use for this particular method. A sentence should be chosen
that uses nouns that are concrete and action verbs, rather than abstract nouns and
the verb 'to be', as these will prevent the use of right-brain picturing abilities.
As soon as you have stopped reading the sentence, close your eyes and picture in
your mind what the sentence described. Notice the colour, size, shape,
foreground, and distance of the picture in your mind. This will give you a further
idea of your basic capacity to visualise. Used as a repetitive exercise, this will
improve your visualisation.
3. Once you can form a reasonably good mental picture from a sentence you
have just read, the next goal is to find how many pictures you can hold on to.
Read out between 3 and 9 visualisable sentences. If you go beyond your capacity,
you will lose the first and second picture. This will tell you your capacity for a
sequence of separate pictures. Practice will improve this ability. People who find
it easy to create pictures and take in large amounts of information have the
facility to take information spread out over several pictures and sequence this
information into a movie. when you can do this well, you will have a seemingly
infinite memory capacity, taking advantage of the right brain's incredible powers
(you will probably have noticed how much easier it is to remember peoples' faces
than their names).
Those who have done little visualisation in the past, tend to make pictures which
are sparse in detail and poor in quality. They may leave out submodalities, the
major components of our senses. A partial list of submodalities follows, under the
headings of three sensory systems (modalities):
black/white pace of speech
movement number of sounds speed of movement
location of sound location of felt sensation
perspective rhythm
When reading a novel, many people fail to make adequate use of auditory
imagery, even when they are good visualisers. If you use your auditory imagery
to give all the 'he said ...' and 'she said ...' dialogue, then your memory of the
story will be vastly improved. When you read a book and use all the forms of
imagery, you will experience the story as a three-dimensional movie in
stereophonic sound, with imagery of emotion and movement, touch, taste and
even temperature. You will be totally at one with the book and your subsequent
recall will be nearly perfect. You will hardly be aware of reading the words,
unless there is a gross printing error.
It may be difficult to construct concrete images when reading abstract material
such as philosophy. A student who has both high right-brain and left-brain
capacity will tend to form abstract patterns, rather like modern art, to hang the
words and pictures upon. Modern physics has little that can be visualised as
concrete imagery, however, when a psychologist asked Einstein about his
thinking processes, Einstein replied, 'I think in a combination of abstract visual
patterns and muscular sensations; it is only later, when I wish to speak or write to
another person, that I translate these thoughts into words.'
F. Defeating the Decay of
The decay of memory capacity is such that an hour after trying to memorise,
approximately fifty percent of the facts may have been forgotten. A day later
nearly everything related to the memory exercise may have evaporated. A graph
drawn to show the way in which people forget would show a sudden, dramatic
downward curve starting about five minutes after the attempted memorisation.
This assumes that full attention was given to the spoken or written materials, with
understanding; obviously if little attention was paid or the material was not
understood, there would be little to be remembered! The amount of forgetting
passes the fifty percent mark at one hour and falls to 90% after a day. The curve
then levels off at about 90 - 99%.
Suppose instead one could turn this curve around and increase the amount of
remembered facts with the passage of time. Studies have been carried out by Dr
Matthew Erdelyi of New York University which showed that volunteers trying
out his ideas, found themselves remembering twice as much information the day
after the learning had taken place than five minutes after. From these studies
practical techniques have been evolved which enable anyone to reverse the usual
forgetting curve and remember things better as time goes by.
The method is as follows. Suppose you have to attend a lecture or meeting where
it is not possible to take notes or make a recording, yet it is vital to recall the
salient points which were discussed. To ensure effective recall you must set up a
programme in your mind which will act as a store for information. Therefore, as
the session proceeds make a mental note of key points which are raised by
repeating these subject headings to yourself in numerical order. Repeat this list
from the beginning as each new heading is added. In this way you can keep a
running total of all the successive points that have been raised. This is possible
because your inner thought-stream is much faster than the vocalised speech that
you are listening to, so you can fill in the gaps with your review programming. It
also helps to accompany each heading with a visual representation of the subject
matter, particularly if that image is striking or humorous, i.e. memorable.
Five or ten minutes after the session ends, find a quiet place where you can sit
down and relax, then go through these key topics in your mind. Do not worry if
in this short space of time quite a lot of the material seems to have been
forgotten. Spend a couple of minutes on this exercise and never strain yourself to
recall elusive items. Just make an educated guess about anything you cannot recall
at that time. Repeat each of the topics to yourself just once and make a written
note if you can. This helps the initial neurological consolidation of the memories
from short term to permanent long term recordings.
About an hour later, have a second recall session, exactly as before, going
through all the topics without undue strain, repeating them to yourself. New
aspects and data will reappear by association. The third session should take place
about three hours later, the next after six hours, preferably before going to sleep.
This makes maximum use of the consolidation occurring during the dreaming
process. Repeat the recall procedures three or four times on each of the second
and third days, spacing the sessions out evenly through the day.
Matthew Erdelyi found that his subjects recalled information most easily if they
were able to call up mental images associated with a particular topic. It seems that
the mind handles images, especially vivid and unusual ones, far more effectively
than it deals with words, numbers, or abstract concepts. You can make use of this
fact by briefly forming a picture of each major topic when it is initially described
and later as you review the topic; this will enhance retention and recall.
If you get stuck at any point make use of the picture association to jog your
memory. Remain relaxed and think of the first thing that the previous item you
were able to remember reminds you of. This should produce an association of
some kind that can be used as a trigger, leading on to the next link in the chain.
After perhaps up to ten such links have been pulled out of your mind, one of the
missing topics will reappear, like a rabbit out of the conjurer's hat.
Try this review system as an exercise at the earliest opportunity in a real-life
situation. Compare the gain in remembered facts with what you were normally
able to hold in your mind over a period of three or more days. Your memory and
your ability to learn are much, much greater than you may have supposed. The
effect of such a review programme is to reduce greatly the rate of forgetting.
Instead of the memory dropping off rapidly by about 80% over the first 24
hours, it can be reinforced by reviews at the critical consolidations periods and at
subsequent intervals, and it can be raised back towards and then above, that which
was initially retained.
The same technique can be applied whenever you study materials that you intend
to remember. It may be thought that with continued study of a subject, the
reviews would accumulate and take over most of your study time. Actually, this
is not the case. Supposing a person studied every day for one hour a day, and in
addition set up a review programme for this study. On any one day he would
need to review the work from the study session just finished (immediately after, a
few hours after and before going to bed), and also material from one day, one
week, one month and six months before.
Review of work done:
Time taken:
Same day
5 minutes
1 week before
3 minutes
1 month before
1 minute
6 months before
1 minute
Maximum review time
on any one day:
10 minutes
Thus a person spending one hour a day on study would need to spend only a
maximum total of 10 minutes a day to complete all the necessary reviewing, and
improve his memory many times over. Thus a few minutes devoted to review
makes the hours spent studying effective and worthwhile.
When you have acquired the discipline of organised review of previously studied
materials, and received the benefits, the procedure will become automatic and
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