Chapter 6: The Briefing & Meeting Her
Currently Ryan & the rest of the Suicide Squad are in the brief room awaiting to hear about their first mission from Rick Flag.
Flag: Shut it Distance! Now before I brief you on the mission let me introduce you to my second in command.
(A blonde woman wearing a white suit, blue gloves & boots, & a red cape walks in.)
Flag: Ladies & gentlemen this is Pow-
(Before Rick Flag could finish his sentence Ryan zooms right past him to introduce himself to the blonde who entered the room.)
Ryan: Hey there hot stuff. The name's Distance.
Blonde: Uh hello?
Ryan: So Supergirl, are you really joining the Suicide Squad? Because aren't you like a good guy? Or girl in this case? I can't imagine the boy scout can't be hap-
(The blonde interrupts Ryan.)
Blonde: What did you just call me?
Ryan: Supergirl?
Blonde: Yeah, that's what I thought.
(The blonde grabs Ryan by his throat & lifts him up by his throat.)
Blonde: That'!
(The squad is speechless & are watching what is transpiring with peaked interest.)
Ryan: (struggling to breathe) Harder mommy...
Blonde: *blushes* (but it quickly fades) You're disgusting! (her eyes begin to glow red)
Flag: That's enough! Drop him Powergirl!
Blonde: Whatever.
(Drops Ryan)
Boomerang: [chuckles]
Frost, King Shark, & Manta: *having no reaction whatsoever.*
(Deadshot is about to go check on Ryan but Harley beats him to it.)
Harley: Oh, my, goodness! Distance, are you okay?
Ryan: (continuously rubbing his throat) Yeah I'm fine.
Harley: That's you liked to be choked? *seductive eyes*
Ryan: Maybe? Why do you ask? (smug face)
Harley: *blushing* No reason...
Flag: Harley, Distance, shut up before I blow your heads off!
(Harley & Ryan shut up.)
Flag: As you've all probably heard me before; this is Powergirl, my second in command. Many of you have probably heard of her before & maybe even fought her in the past. It seems to me that at least one of you (stares at Ryan) hasn't heard of her before.
(Powergirl & Ryan are now glaring at each other.)
Flag: Powergirl why don't you tell the Squad a little about yourself?
(Powergirl stops glaring at Ryan & is now looking at the entire Squad.)
Powergirl: The only thing you villains need to know about me is that I am capable of taking down each & every one of you so please try me.
(The entire Squad gives her an annoyed look except for Ryan.)
Ryan: Someone's cocky.
Powergirl: Keep talking & you'll end up on your ass again!
Ryan: Is that so?
Flag: (takes out a detonator) One more word out of you Distance & you're history!
(Ryan finally shuts up.)
Flag: Okay, our mission is to retrieve a bomb from a terrorist group in Afghanistan. They call themselves The Everlasting Revival. We have reason to believe that some of their operatives plan to take their bomb to Metropolis with intentions of blowing up everyone, themselves included, in the square so they can achieve their "Everlasting Revival." So get ready. We head out in 10!
(Everyone heads out to get some last minute preparations but Ryan holds Powergirl back a bit.)
Powergirl: What do you want?
Ryan: I'd...I'd like to apologize for earlier.
Powergirl: Really?
Ryan: Surprising I know but look if we're gonna be working together for a while or at least until I get my head blown off it would be best if we could get along. Also I honestly thought you were Supergir-
Powergirl: Don't. Say. Her. Name.
Ryan: Okay, okay, I got it.
(A few seconds of silence pass.)
Powergirl: You really thought that I was her?
Ryan: Yeah & like I said I'm sorry.
Powergirl: Alright well (puts her hand out for a handshake) like Flag said I'm Powergirl.
Ryan: (accepts the handshake) I'm Distance. I look forward to working with you.
Powergirl: (starts to crush to Ryan's hand)
Ryan: Okay...ouch! Please let go!
Powergirl: Oh, I'm sorry (smug face) see you on the mission Distance!
(Powergirl walks away.)
(Ryan is holding his hand as he watches her walk away.)
Ryan's thoughts: Yeah, I like her.
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