Chapter 2: Weight Room Woes
We now continue our story right after Ryan had convinced (annoyed) Icicle Sr enough into sending Mammoth to lift with him.
(Ryan & Mammoth are now walking together toward an open bench press.)
Ryan: So Mammoth how's it going?
Mammoth: ...
Ryan: So did your parents actually name you "Mammoth" or is that just your supervillain name?
Mammoth: ...
Ryan: Not much of a talker huh?
Mammoth: (Annoyed growl)
(Ryan & Mammoth reach the bench press. Ryan is on the bench press while Mammoth is spotting him.)
Ryan: So......(huff)......still not.....(huff).....talking to me?.....(huff)
Mammoth: ...
Ryan: (huff).....You have.....(huff).....a sister right?.....(huff).....Shimmer?.....(huff).....I think she's.....(huff).....pretty cute.....(huff).
(As Ryan is about to push the bar up Mammoth pushes it back down hard & starts to put all of his weight onto Ryan.)
Ryan: Huh Mammoth (wheeze) I think you're (wheeze) killing me (wheeze).
Mammoth: (Angry growl)
Ryan: Are you (wheeze) crushing me (wheeze) because I (wheeze) called your sister (wheeze) cute? Okay she's (wheeze) not cute! (Wheeze).
(After Ryan had said this it seemed like Mammoth had begun to press the bar even harder against Ryan's chest.)
Ryan: Yeah okay (wheeze) I think you (wheeze) just cracked my (wheeze) chest cavity.
Mammoth: (Loud angry growl.)
(A guard finally notices this.)
Guard: Hey Mammoth, get off of him or I'll shock you til sunrise!
(After this threat Mammoth gets off of Ryan.)
Mammoth: (One last annoyed growl.)
Ryan: (Holding his chest & gasping for air.)
With that Ryan & the other inmates begin to head to the showers.
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