Chapter 13: A Night With Powergirl
Thanks as always to CivilWarrior0 for getting on me to update this story. Also a GIANT thank you to everyone for getting Speed & Power to the #1 ranked Powergirl story!!!
(Ryan is currently tossing and turning in his bed.)
Ryan's thoughts: Ugh, looks like I won't be able to fall asleep anytime soon. Maybe I could sneak into Harley's cell? She could definitely tucker me out.
Ryan: [chuckles]
(Ryan turns onto his back and is now looking up at the ceiling of his cell.)
Ryan: [sighs] I suppose things could be worse. The others don't seem to be bad despite them being villains. I haven't really spent much time with Rick Flag but he seems to be a good leader. Deadshot and Captain Boomerang seem like good dudes. I'm gonna need more time with Black and Killer Frost but I'm sure that I'll grow on them. Then, there's King Shark; the monster of the team. I'm sure the others think he's incapable of speaking but he thanked me for saving him on our mission. I'll have to get him to talk around the others. Finally, onto my girls. First, there's Powergirl. She can say that she doesn't like being called "Hot Stuff" all she wants but I know she loves it when I call her that. Now, granted, we got off on a rocky start, that's on me, I admit. But, I think she's coming around. And there's Harley Quinn. I wouldn't call her the love of my life or anything but she's chill. I should've probably listened to Deadshot and not have gotten involved with her but it's not like I'm going to see the Joker, right?
(Someone opens Ryan's cell door.)
Ryan: Hmm?
Powergirl: Distance?
Ryan: Hot Stuff!
Powergirl: *blush* Don't call me that.
Ryan: [chuckles] Yeah, yeah, what can I do for you?
Powergirl: Well, I was wondering if...
Ryan: If what?
Powergirl: If you'd like to go out with me?
Ryan: Where?
Powergirl: To a small carnival.
Ryan: A carnival?
Powergirl: Yes!
Ryan: *smirks* Is this a date?
Powergirl: *embarrassed blush* No!!!
Ryan: Really? Then what is it?
Powergirl: *small blush* Bonding between teammates...
Ryan's thoughts: Bonding, huh?
Ryan: Okay, I'll go out with you.
Powergirl: Really?!
Ryan: Yeah! I've been wanting to spend more time with you anyway.
Powergirl: *small blush* [whispers] Same.
Ryan: You say something?
Powergirl: No, get dressed and meet me outside.
Ryan: Into my suit?
Powergirl: What else are you going to wear?
Ryan: Normal clothes...?
Powergirl: Do you have any?
Ryan: Of course not, I was hoping-
Powergirl: Just get changed.
(Powergirl leaves Ryan's cell.)
Ryan: Yes, ma'am.
(Cut to Ryan walking out of his cell with his suit on.)
Ryan: Aw, you waited for me!
Powergirl: Shut up.
Ryan: [chuckles] Lead the way.
Powergirl: [sighs]
Powergirl's thoughts: This may have been a bad idea.
(Cut to the duo walking side-by-side in a hallway.)
Ryan: I find it hard to believe that Waller okayed this.
Powergirl: She didn't.
Ryan: Then who did?
Powergirl: Rick Flag.
Ryan: Seriously?
Powergirl: Yup!
Ryan: Okay.
Powergirl: Hard to believe?
Ryan: Yeah, to be honest.
Powergirl: Well, if we run into him; you can ask him if he okayed this.
Ryan: I'll be sure to do that.
(Cut to Ryan & Powergirl about to leave Belle Reve Penitentiary.)
Ryan: Hey, Flag!
Rick Flag: Hmm?
(Ryan zooms over to Rick Flag.)
Ryan: Did you really okay Powergirl and I going to a carnival?
Rick Flag: I did.
Ryan's thoughts: So, Hot Stuff wasn't lying.
Rick Flag: Powergirl practically begged me.
Ryan: Oh, really?
(Ryan turns his head to Powergirl.)
Ryan: Is that true, Powergirl?
Powergirl: *embarrassed blush* Of course it isn't true!
Ryan: *smirks* Sure, it's not.
Powergirl: *sighs* Are you coming or not?
Ryan: Of course I am!
(Ryan zooms back to Powergirl's side & the duo walk out of Belle Reve Penitentiary.)
Ryan: So, are you going to carry me there or...?
Powergirl: Why would I carry you there?
Ryan: Because it would be faster than us walking there.
Powergirl: Why wouldn't you just run over there? You are a speedster.
Ryan: That is an excellent point...
Powergirl: Alright, I'll race you there!
Ryan: Wha-
(Before Ryan can finish his sentence, Powergirl jumps into the air & begins flying towards the carnival.)
Ryan: [chuckles] You really think that you can beat me there, don't you, Hot Stuff?
(Ryan zooms off to the carnival.)
(Cut to the front of the carnival.)
Ryan: [laughs] Piece of cake!
(Powergirl flies down to Ryan.)
Powergirl: You beat me here.
Ryan: Yes, ma'am! Do I get a reward for beating Powergirl in a race?
Powergirl: That depends. What do you want for your reward?
Ryan: Hmm?
Ryan's thoughts: What do I want?
Ryan: A kiss?
Powergirl: *embarrassed blush* Not. Happening.
Ryan: *pouting* Really? Are you sure?
Powergirl: YES!
(Powergirl walks into the carnival & of course, Ryan follows her.)
Ryan: So, what would you like to do first?
Powergirl: I don't know. How about the Test Of Strength?
Ryan: Sure!
(Ryan & Powergirl walk over the Test Of Strength.)
Powergirl: Wanna go first?
Ryan: No, ladies first.
Powergirl: *smirks* If you insist.
(Powergirl grabs the hammer, walks over to the Test Of Strength, arches the hammer back, and...)
(Powergirl brings the hammer down with all of her strength ultimately breaking the machine.)
Ryan: I should've expected that.
Powergirl: [giggles] Yeah, you should've!
(Powergirl & Ryan continue to play games & ride on rides at the carnival like the Orbiter.)
Powergirl: [screaming]
Ryan: Ugh...
Powergirl: Distance, are you okay?
Ryan: I think I'm going to hurl...
Powergirl: Don't you dare!
(Riding the Ferris Wheel.)
Powergirl: This is nice.
Ryan: Yeah, it really is.
(The Ferris Wheel stops with Powergirl & Ryan's cart at the top with them stargazing.)
Ryan & Powergirl's thoughts: This is romantic.
Powergirl: Hey, Distance?
Ryan: What's up?
Powergirl: I-
(Before Powergirl can finish her sentence, the Ferris Wheel begins to move their cart down.)
Ryan: Were you going to tell me something?
Powergirl: No...
(And the Tunnel Of Love.)
Ryan: Sure is pink, huh? [awkward chuckle]
Powergirl: Yeah. [awkward chuckle]
Ryan's thoughts: I know she said no to a kiss but it is the Tunnel Of Love, right?
(Ryan places an arm over Powergirl's shoulders & leans in for a kiss. Only to kiss her...)
Ryan's thoughts: Her hand? No, it's the palm of her hand.
Powergirl: [giggles] You're gonna have to be faster than that, Distance if you want to steal a from me.
Ryan: Noted.
(And finally, the duo decide to end their night with a carnival game.)
Carnival Employee 4H: Step on up and try to break all of my plates. If you can break them all in two minutes; you get to choose your prize!
(The carnival employee spots Powergirl & Ryan.)
Carnival Employee 4H: Ah, you two heroes, step on up!
Powergirl: It is getting pretty late.
Ryan: Come on, Hot Stuff. It's just one game. Plus, I want a prize!
Powergirl: [sighs] Okay.
(The duo walks up the carnival employee & his game.)
Carnival Employee 4H: I didn't know you were dating The Flash, Powergirl.
Powergirl: This isn't The Flash and I'm not dating him.
Carnival Employee 4H: Oh, who is he then?
Ryan: Distance!
Carnival Employee 4H: Never heard of him.
Ryan: [gasp]
Powergirl: You don't have to play-
Ryan: Nope, I want a prize!
Carnival Employee 4H: [chuckles] That's the spirit!
(The carnival employee explains the rules again.)
Ryan: In two minutes, right?
Carnival Employee 4H: Right! Ready?
Ryan: Yup!
Carnival Employee 4H: Time starts now!
(Ryan proceeds to pick up the toy gun on the counter & break all of the plates in five seconds.)
Powergirl: I didn't even have time to blink!
Carnival Employee 4H: I didn't expect that.
Ryan: Never underestimate a speedster!
Carnival Employee 4H: I won't next time. Now, choose your prize.
Ryan: Hmm, I want that purple cape!
Carnival Employee 4H: Alright.
(The carnival employee hands Ryan a purple cape & Ryan ties it behind his neck.)
Ryan: I love it!
Powergirl: Why the purple cape?
Ryan: Who doesn't love caps? You're even wearing one!
Powergirl: But it doesn't even match your suit-
Ryan: Shush!
Powergirl: Okay...
(The duo walk out of the carnival to be stopped by a little girl.)
Little Girl 7K: Powergirl!
Powergirl: Hmm?
Little Girl 7K: You're my favorite! Can I get your autograph?
Powergirl: Aw, of course you can!
Ryan's thoughts: That's sweet.
(Powergirl gives the little girl her autograph.)
Ryan: Hey, little girl. Want mine?
Little Girl 7K: Who are you?
Ryan: Distance!
Little Girl 7K: Nah, I don't even know you are.
Ryan: *looks down in disappointment*
Little Girl 7K: Anyway, thanks, Powergirl!
(The little girl runs off.)
Powergirl: Uh, Distance?
Ryan: *still looking down in disappointment*
Powergirl: Is there anything I can do to cheer you up?
Ryan: Well...
Powergirl's thoughts: I hope it's something reasonable.
Ryan: Could you fly us back?
Powergirl: Is that why you chose the cape?
Ryan: Possibly.
Powergirl: [sighs] Okay.
(Powergirl walks behind Ryan & places her hands under his armpits.)
Powergirl: Ready?
Ryan: Yup!
(Powergirl flies into the air with a hold of Ryan.)
The blackout was done by the man, the myth, the legend, Royallloyal.
Ryan: This is awesome!
Powergirl's thoughts: Why do I like him, again?
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