Chapter 12: A Look Into Rooms
A big thank you to CivilWarrior0 for getting on me to update this story. Honestly without him doing that; I'd forget about this story. So, once again; thanks man!
A Few Days After The Last Chapter
(Ryan is currently on his way to the weight room.)
Ryan: [sighs]
Ryan's thoughts: I'm surprised I was able to escape my room. something else. I get a good workout by just having sex with her but that's most a cardio workout. It'll be good to actually lift some weights.
(Ryan walks past his squadmate's rooms.)
Ryan's thoughts: Should I ask if any of them want to lift with me?
(Ryan remembers the last time he wanted a work partner.)
Ryan: Ugh. I was almost crushed by Mammoth so it's probably best if I workout by myself for now. It wouldn't hurt if I peek into their rooms and see what they're doing, right?
(Ryan peeks into King Shark's room.)
Ryan's thoughts: Hmm, all I see is a giant pool. I'm assuming King Shark is-
(King Shark jumps out of the pool of water with a dolphin in his mouth.)
Ryan's thoughts: Oh, there he is-
(King Shark bites the dolphin in half.)
Ryan: [gags] I think I'm going to be sick...
(Ryan peeks into Killer Frost's room.)
Ryan: I can't see a thing! It's covered in mist!
(An icicle spear lands next to Ryan's head.)
Ryan: [gulps] That was close.
(Killer Frost comes out of the mist.)
Ryan: Hey, Kil-
Killer Frost: Get. Out.
Ryan: Okay, sorry!
(Ryan walks up Black Manta's room.)
Black Manta: Speedster. I know you're there.
Ryan's thoughts: How?!
Black Manta: Peek your head in here and I'll kill you.
Ryan: You're bluffing!
Black Manta: Care to find find out?
Ryan: No...
(Ryan walks up Captain Boomerang's room.)
Ryan: His room seems normal enough. There's only a calendar on his wall.
(Ryan looks over to Captain Boomerang who's currently asleep in his bed.)
Ryan: Hmm, Boomerang looks so peaceful when he's sleeping. I think it's best if I don't disturb him. I can always just ask him next time if he wants to workout with me...unless we both end up dead on the next mission...
Boomerang: Oh, Margot Robbie...
Ryan: He must be having a dream.
Boomerang: Don't...stop...
Ryan: [chuckles] He must be having one hell of a dream! I better leave before I accidently wake him up.
(Ryan walks up to Deadshot's room.)
Ryan's thoughts: Hmm, his room is kinda like Captain Boomerang's except for he has a punching bag and a framed picture of a little girl on the wall. She must be his daughter.
(Deadshot turns around.)
Deadshot: Distance?
Ryan: Heya, Deadshot!
Deadshot: What's up?
Ryan: I'm gonna go workout and I was wondering if you'd like to join me.
Deadshot: I appreciate the offer but I'll have to decline.
Ryan: *pouts* Why???
Deadshot: Are you...pouting?
Ryan: *pouts harder* Tell me why you don't want to workout with me!
Deadshot: It's not that I don't want to work out with you.
Ryan: Then what is it?
Deadshot: Well-
Ryan: You hate me, don't you? I knew it!
Deadshot: I-
Ryan: And here I thought we were friends!
Deadshot: Distance.
Ryan: Huh?
Deadshot: Shut the fuck up.
Ryan: ...
Deadshot: I'm declining your offer of working out because I'm still too sore from our mission to workout just yet.
Ryan: I guess that makes sense.
Deadshot: And we are friends, Distance.
Ryan: Really?!
Deadshot: Yes.
Ryan: Best-
Deadshot: I wouldn't go that far, Distance. But as I've said before; we are friends.
Ryan: I'll take it!
Deadshot: Good.
(Ryan begins to walk away.)
Deadshot: Hey, Distance.
Ryan: Hm?
Deadshot: Why don't you ask your new clown girlfriend to workout with you?
Ryan: Harley?
Deadshot: Who else?
Ryan: I would, but she's resting after I've been rocking her world for the past few days!
(Ryan holds his hand up for a high five.)
Deadshot's thoughts: This guy can't be serious?
Ryan: Come on, DS! Give me five!
Deadshot's thoughts: Ugh, he is. And did he just call me "DS"?
Ryan: Okay, fine.
Deadshot: *sighs*
(Ryan gestures for a fist bump.)
Ryan: How about a fist bump then, DS?
Deadshot's thoughts: There's that stupid nickname again.
Ryan: Please, D-
Deadshot: I'll give you a fist bump if you stop calling by that god awful nickname.
Ryan: Hmm, okay!
(Deadshot & Ryan fist bump.)
Ryan: Sweet! I'll see you later, Deadshot.
(Ryan begins to walk away.)
Deadshot's thoughts: I can't believe I'm friends with that guy.
Ryan: Deadshot?
Deadshot: What is it now, Distance?
Ryan: That's your daughter in that picture, right?
Deadshot: Yeah?
Ryan: She looks just like you.
Deadshot: Thanks.
Ryan: We'll get our sentences reduced enough to where we'll be out of here in no time!
Deadshot: ...
Ryan: And when that happens you've got to introduce me to your daughter!
Deadshot: ...
Ryan: I'm really leaving now. Later!
(Ryan finally leaves.)
Deadshot: [chuckles]
Deadshot's thoughts: Maybe that's why I'm friends with him.
RayTheRipper here! Long time no update. I'd like to apologize for the long wait on this chapter. I've just been having so much fun with my other stories plus my Request Book. But I will try to update this book regularly. Until next time! ✌🏽
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