Chapter 16 - A Talk
Error's POV
I sat on my bed while in deep thought. I was trying to figure out what made Ink cry. It was obvious that he wasn't telling the truth.
Blush appeared on my cheeks when I remembered that I also saw his body without clothing. Ink had said that he had tattoos but he never said that it covered the entirety of him.
The bathroom door opened to show Ink stepping out. He wore a sweater and jeans, seeming to try to cover up his body after what had happened. There was tear stains on his cheek which told me that he was still upset about something.
He didn't say anything as he grabbed his sketchbook, sitting on his bed with his eyes never leaving the paper.
I sat still for a few seconds. My mind was chaotic yet blank at the same time. My mouth couldn't form words nor could I will myself to stand up. I didn't want to make Ink more uncomfortable than he already was.
Taking a deep breath, I approached Ink slowly. He looked up when he noticed my movement.
Me: Can I sit with you?
A silent nod allowed me permission. Sitting down, I looked at my hands but occasionally glanced at my friend.
Me: Do... you want to get coffee?
Ink stared at me for a minute, making me somewhat nervous. He eventually nodded and closed his book.
(Time Skip)
The smell of coffee hit me after we entered the café. Some girls were recognizable but they no longer looked as attractive then I used to believe.
I walked up to the counter with orders in my mind. However, my expression fell when my eyes landed on Martina.
Ink looked at me and then at the tanned woman. He patted my shoulder, trying to comfort me.
Martina locked eyes with me. The best smile that I could give her was an awkward one.
Me: Hola, Martina.
(Hello, Martina.)
Martina: Hola.
Me: Cómo está?
(How are you?)
She sighed while making other orders.
Martina: Estoy muy cansada y un poquito enojada porque usted.
(I am very tired and a little mad because of you.)
Me: Lo siento mucho pero no te quiero. Tu no era para me.
(I'm very sorry but I don't love you. You're not for me.)
Martina sighed as she turned away. There was a sad yet angry look to her. In a split second, she looked at me and replaced her frown with a neutral smile.
Martina: What can I get you? You are holding up the line.
The conversation that we shared had completely broke what little of a relationship that we had left. Although, I was relieved knowing that I was single once more.
Once the orders were placed, I went to a table at the side to gather small pods of creamer.
Martina: Error.
Me: Si?
Martina: Hay es otro persona?
(Is there another person?)
I shook my head. I had no intention of dating another person. I realized that I wasn't happy with dating Martina and better off just being friends with her.
The drinks were finally ready. My hands grabbed them as quickly as possible so I could leave the scene and join Ink at a table.
My friend watched people through the windows, seeming to be deep in thought. I stared at him and soon felt my cheeks become warm.
Ink's attention was drawn to me once I placed his coffee on the table. He smiled as a way to kindly greet me which slightly uplifted my current mood. He raised his hands and began speaking.
Ink: "I saw that conversation over there. How did it go?"
Me: Well, we're probably never going to go on another date but I am happy with the outcome. She can get with someone that would actually love her.
I rested my head on my arms against the table. My eyes moved to the glass.
Me: As for me, I... honestly don't know. Recently I've been confused. Maybe love isn't for me.
I spoke, my words muffled by my sleeve.
Suddenly I felt a hand on mine. Ink was holding my hand as he gave me a comforting smile. His rainbow eyelights seemed to make me nervous in a way. The smile caused me to lose sense of my words which only allowed unintelligible stutters to escape through my lips.
I broke eye contact with him as I felt myself become shy. Ink pulled his hand away, taking a sip from his coffee. I drank my own beverage but kept myself somewhat rested against my arms.
Ink looked at his phone but I had the urge to stare at him. It could have been because I just needed to watch if he signed to me or...
Something else
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