Meet Ash!
Thanks to SpiritViri for submitting Ash!
King Dice: Alright, state your name for the tape, please.
Ash: Uhh... Hi! I'm Ash!
King Dice: So, what position are you applying for?
Ash: I'm applying for the position of assistant to Bill Cipher!
King Dice: Ambitious... You should know that Bill has very... High expectations for his assistants.
Ash: Okay...
King Dice: So, any notable abilities?
Ash: Well, I can shapeshift, possess people, turn people's souls into jewellery...
King Dice: ...Wow. Definitely taking that into consideration...
Ash: So... That's a good thing?
King Dice: Any good qualities?
Ash: Good as in a good person?
King Dice: Bill's very chaotic. I'd say he'd want an assistant that reflects that.
Ash: Good! I was afraid there for a second. I'm very, very silly.
King Dice: You already sound like you'd be a good fit for the big guy.
Ash: Thank you!
King Dice: So, you ready to meet him?
Ash: You mean I got the job?!
King Dice: Well, the boss has to approve of ya first. He's right in his office.
Ash: ...Okay. Thanks for the interview, Mr. Dice!
King Dice: Good luck, Ash.
Ash walked into the office, and there he was. Bill Cipher, sitting at his vanity mirror.
Bill: Hello, there! You're Ash, right?
Ash: That's me!
Bill: Nice to meet ya, kid!
Ash: Nice to meet you, too! So... Did I get the job?
Bill: Pretty to the point, eh? Well, in short... Yes!
Ash: Really?!
Bill: You were the first person to apply! I'm running a "first come, first served" style operation.
Ash: Neat! So... What now?
Bill: There's just a few last things to do. All you need to do is sign this dotted line.
Bill produced a contract. He put it down on the table in front of the two of them, handing Ash a pen.
Bill: Yeah, contracts aren't really my forte, but Dice insisted we get all agreements in writing for "legal reasons".
Ash: Do you mind if I read over this?
Bill: Knock yourself out!
Ash looked over the contract.
Ash: "Signing this contract agrees to being at the beck and call of Bill Cipher anytime during the show... Will fulfil any expectations he sets..."
Bill: So... We got a deal?
Ash: ...Deal.
Ash signed her name on the contract, and the ink glowed a bright gold colour.
Bill: Excellent! Welcome to Cartoon Chaos, Ash!
Ash: Thank you, boss!
Bill: Now, let's talk about getting you a uniform...
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