Part 2
Kate's (POV)
The next day I wake up after hearing a knock on my door of the dorm that I'm staying in..
I quickly get dressed in a sleeveless red top and a black skirt and tennis shoes..
After making sure I have my black diamond ring and Garnet on my fingers plus my brown leather bracelet that has my name on it..
I do a quick check in the mirror..
Then I open the door.. and my heart drops seeing who's standing in the doorway...
"Hunter?" I was in complete shock..
"What are you doing here?" I ask.
He looks at me and I see he's just as creepy as ever..
"I was just in the area and thought you might want some company on the way to breakfast?" He says..
I laugh.. "I'm good I'm actually going to breakfast with some of the Athletes from Boone County."
The smile he has falls and I see something dark cross his face..
"You're not going with those LOSERS..
You're coming with me." He says..
Before I can take a step down the hallway toward the elevator Hunter suddenly grabs my wrist so tight I yell and wince in pain..
Hunter looks at me his eyes still dark..
"You're not going anywhere especially with those Boone County Losers! You're coming with me!" He says a dark tone lacing his voice..
I'm so terrified when suddenly I hear his voice..
"She said LET GO!! I would listen or you'll regret it!" I look and see Alec standing a few feet away with a bat? In his hand.
Hunter laughs.. "Remember Alec you're as much an Athlete as I am and if you lay one punch on me you get put on the bench for the whole Summer Games!"
My heart sinks Alec told me he would be my bodyguard but if it means he won't get to compete in Special Olympics Summer Games that would mean all his hard work would be for nothing..
Alec laughs as he looks down at the bat.
"Oh this.. It's for Softball.." Alec then flashed a smile then said.. "Hey Hunter think FAST!!"
Suddenly a lot of softballs are being thrown down the hallway we are in..
I can't see who's throwing them because as soon as I'm free from Hunter I hit the floor and put my hands over my head..
When the softballs stop I lift my head and see Alec right next to me..
We both take off to Softball practice..
As soon as we are there I smile at Alec knowing he has to practice..
But I stop him real quick..
"Alec?" He turns and looks at me..
"Who threw those softballs at Hunter?" I ask.
Just as he's about to answer he has to be on the field for practice..
He gently grabs my wrist that Hunter had a hard grip on and I wince in pain..
"'s ok just tell me after practice." I tell him.
He looks at me with worry and as I watch him go onto the field I hold my wrist..
Unsure of how to tell him about my wrist..
I watch as the softballs get thrown almost too fast for me to keep track..
And I watch Alec and his teammates run the bases..
Practice doesn't last long about thirty minutes maybe an hour..
When it's over I jog over to Alec.. "I thought your practice went good. I say to him..
He looks at me his response shocks me.. "Yeah but we still have to work on some stuff."
He gently grabs my wrist that Hunter had grabbed hours earlier..
And the pain shoots through it causing me to pull my wrist out of his hand..
Alec looks at me with a puzzled look..
"Come on let me see your wrist." He says gently grabbing it..
I reluctantly let him knowing there's NO arguing with him..
As he touches it I wince everytime..
I watch Alec as he reaches into his backpack and he pulls out a icepack then a scarf.. and he makes a sling for my wrist..
Alec looks at me and asks "Is that better?"
I just nod my head Yes..
We are both lost looking at each other when we hear clapping?..
I turn around and jump Alec is instantly in front of me..
HUNTER.. is standing there smirking..
"Ah look at the lovebirds. How cute..
Oh wait Kate Can't Date Athletes because she's a Volunteer!" He says with a smirk on his face.
I hold my smile in..
Before I can respond Alec beats me to it..
"Actually Kate isn't a volunteer for Special Olympics Summer Games."
Hunter looks at us puzzled.. "Then what is she?"
"She's an Athlete!" Alec says..
"I compete in the Softball Throw!" I say.
Hunter looks furious.. "You tricked me. I didn't go after Alec but I went after you. Which means I can't compete in the Summer Games."
I look at Hunter and respond..
"I'm not going to tell the coaches. This looks like a sprained my wrist during practice."
Alec steps in front of me "You Leave Her Alone the rest of Summer Games and You get to compete. No matter how Damar will play Boone County will always play fair."
Alec and I leave as we both head back to the dorm because tomorrow is going to be a Long One for the both of us with softball competition!!
He looks down at me and smiles "You know Kate.. A WIN wouldn't be bad either!"
I smile at him.. then respond "Alec I'm excited for Summer Games."
Author's Note: I'm not the best with writing from experience or dreams.. PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, and READ!! It means a lot because this is my first book based off of again REAL experiences/dreams I've had with Special Olympics!!
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