alec. oh, alec. he was keith's old friend who liked him at one point. keith didn't know if he still liked him but he just ignored it. they met in the orphanage and remained friends. they went to the same school also.
alec22: hey keith, i found ur messenger so i thought i'd just say hi.
keith didn't know whether he should answer or not. alec and him usually always fought. they were friends, yes and at one point more than friends but everything just ended shitily. he decided to not answer to see if he'd go away.
"keith, we're here." lance said and smiled.
they got out of the car and walked towards the colorful cafe. it was decorated with warm colors mostly, oranges, yellows, some red. it was gorgeous. there were a few plants out front and some flowers in the windows. keith smiled. he liked this place. it felt welcoming. they entered the cafe to a load of people sitting down eating sweets, coffee, some sandwiches. hunk was at the counter receiving money in exchange for a sandwich. there was a menu and multiple different food items in a display. there was a glass fridge where you can grab the drink you want and order. hunk smiled widely and greeted us.
"laaaanceee!" hunk came over and squeezed lance in a large hug. lance groaned as he felt his bones crack.
"hey buddy!!" lance said happily. hunk released lance.
"you ready to be put to work?!" hunk questioned. lance shrugged and nodded. hunk beamed and threw a blue apron at him. lance thankfully caught it and didn't embarrass himself in front of the large amount of customers. keith sat down as shiro said he'd pick him up later. keith nodded in agreement.
there was a small notepad at the table keith sat in. it was next to the window and had beautiful flowers on the windowsill. he grabbed the notepad and the pen that was there. he looked at lance. he recognized his gorgeous features. his tan skin, brown hair, blue eyes, pointy nose, fairly sized lips. everything about him was absolutely stunning. he stood there taking orders, smiling and laughing at hunks jokes. the way he laughs, his smile. he's just so,,, happy all the time. or at least that's what it looks like on the outside.
ironically the pen had blue ink. he drew lance while he was in the middle of giggling. he sketched the body and head shape. it was a drawing of the waist up. the strings of the tied apron flying while he's laughing. he shaded his cheeks slightly so they were rosy. he added some freckles. it was perfect. he looked over where lance was to see if he missed anything. except he wasn't there. then there was a voice.
"can i take your order, sir." sir was emphasized as a joke. keith looked up to see lance with a notepad and pen. he clicked the pen, ready to write. keith's cheeks got warm. his eyes widened and he shoved the drawing in his pocket. he smiled sheepishly.
"mm uh.." keith chuckled.
'i'll have a blueberry cheesecake.' keith signed. he panicked. he was lactose intolerant. whatever.
"mhm.. anything else?" lance questioned, fluttering his eyes.
"..yeah,, you.." keith mumbled.
"what was that?" the tan boy questioned.
"mm. ah um.. i said,,, y-yeah two. haha.." keith started sweating.
"two cheesecakes?" lance asked. the black haired boy nodded. he was not gonna be able to eat two cheesecakes by himself. that was a mistake.
"two blueberry cheesecakes coming up!" he smiled. he walked back behind the counter, humming. keith felt like lance may be a siren the way he falls for him.
alec22: why aren't you answering.
a notification showed up on his phone screen. he ignored it again. he pulled out the notepad and pen and continued to doodle.
alec22: you still like drawing, don't you.
his phone vibrated the table. he peeked at it. what the fuck. how the fuck did he say that as soon as i started drawing??? keith looked around quick.
alec22: ANSWER ME.
keith just all together stopped looking at his notifications. he tried to block it out with drawing. buzz.
alec22: put the pencil down and start typing, slut.
don't look at it keith.
alec22: hm. not even looking at your notifications anymore...
alec22: i may just have to take further action..
keith put his hands in his hair and pulled. he clenched his fist, while tugging his hair. his phone sitting next to him cracked.
he glanced over at it. when he looked over to his phone he also saw a pair of feet standing next to his table. oh thank god lance is back. he looked up smiling, expecting lance. what he got was the opposite of what he wanted.
a tall tan man with black and slicked back hair. he was wearing a fancy grey and purple silk shirt and a nice pair of black jeans. his brown, almost black eyes stared at keith. keith froze in his place. alec.
"hello keith." he said in a deep tone. keith swallowed. he was sweating bullets. alec moved and sat on the opposite side of the booth from him. no no no go away.
alec inspected the menu. he hummed. lance came over and smiled but then looked over at alec. keith looked down and panicked. lance set the two plates of blueberry cheesecake down.
"ah you're so nice, keith you even got me a cheesecake!" alec smiled at keith then to lance. he smiled but his eyes looked terrifying.
"u-um enjoy your meals?" lance gulped. he felt betrayed.
"hm. seems like bad service with all the stuttering." alec questioned lance. keith looked up abruptly at alec. he gave him a warning.
"you seem to not have confidence... why would that be.." alec pondered for a moment. keith completely lifted his head up. his hair was in one of his eyes. he scowled at alec. alec chuckled.
"ah keithy over here seems to be getting a bit defensive." he smirked.
"hm.. you should eat more,, mm what's your name..? let me see your name tag." he pulled lances apron towards him.
"ah, lance. yeah, lance you should eat more, you look like a twig. maybe clean up your hair.." alec smirked. keith was beyond pissed. keith grabbed alec's collar.
"listen here you fucking slicked back fancy ass, this is a perfect fucking person right here. just cuz he doesn't have fucking greased hair doesn't mean he's any less than you. so how bout you shut the fuck up and leave me alone. i don't want you back in my life so stay back." keith just broke his throat saying that. that was a lot.
keith grabbed the back of alec's head and dropped it into the blueberry cheesecake.
"enjoy your fucking cake. i'm lactose intolerant anyway." keith said as he scooted out of the booth. keith tried to walk away with lance but his wrist was grabbed. alec had a hold on him. a death grip.
keith looked back at him.
"let go." keith growled. he didnt. keith scowled at him. the plate with the cheesecake on it cracked. alec didn't seem to notice. he still was grabbed onto him. keith looked straight into alec's dead eyes and furrowed his eyebrows. alec's hands were being removed from keiths wrist by a force. red. he heard a crack in alecs hand. okay red that's enough. his hand proceeded to crack and slowly bent. alec grunted. THATS ENOUGH RED!
sirens. they blared outside the window. keith's attention immediately turned to the red and blue flashing lights. alec's attention also turned to that. alec turned back to lance and keith except they were gone.
"let's get out of here!" lance yelled. they ran out of the back door and went into the woods.
keith could feel reds energy. red was getting closer to keith. red gave away some of their energy to keith so he could run faster. keith looked to his left. lance was running beside him. they made eye contact. lance made a strange face at keith.
"keith! what's going on with you! what's that thing around you?!" lance yelled. keith was confused. he furrowed his eyebrows.
"there's a- you're- ah.. you're glowing?! you're glowing red!" lance tried to explain. keith looked at his arms and body. woah.
the red aura separated from him and was into a human figure running next to keith. lance was completely surprised and confused. the figure seemed to have longish hair. medium length. he noticed it was a girl. lance couldn't see much of her because she was just a misted figure and was running. the figure and lance made eye contact. he quickly looked away and continued running. they stopped running and slowed to a stop. lance leaned against a tree. keith panted. keith finally realized that red was right next to him. keith was mesmerized by the mist cloud.
"who are you?" he whispered.
she put her finger to her lips as if she were shushing us? she then faded and the red mist floated towards keith. it was almost as if keith absorbed the mist.
"woah.. what the hell?"
what's up bitches. i like this chapter a lot.... pls don't hate it too much. :} i just realized that looks like momo. i write like 99% of this on the bus over a week or two. so yeah. fun. bye owo <3
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