"...adam??" keith gasped. lance looked over.
"keith what's wrong??" he questioned, slowly walking to keith, the woman limping over as well.
adam was shiro's ex. they were supposed to get married. but something happened. keith never knew what happened. shiro never told him so he didn't ask. shiro is pansexual. he had to tell shiro. he reached for his phone in his hoodie pocket. he was so shaky that when he took it out, it fell to the ground and shattered more than it already was.
"fuck." he breathed out. keith didn't want this. adam was like a brother-in-law to him. shiro and adam lived together for most of their relationship. keith loved adam. he wanted him and shiro to be together forever. but we all know that only happens in movies. you'll never be with someone forever. you'll either break up or one of them will die. theres always an end. nothing lasts forever. maybe that's why keith is so afraid of love. keith still thought of adam as his other brother. and he didn't want to be the cause of his own brothers death.
he picked up his broken phone with shaky hands.
akira: shiro
he waited for a response. a minute passed and shiro answered.
spacedad: what is it, keith? is everything alright?
akira: no shiro everything is not alright.
spacedad: oh god. keith what happened???
akira: im so so sorryb shiro
akira: i didntr mean to
akira: its jot my fault
akira: not*
spacedad: keith just tell me what's going on. calm down.
akira: its adam. hes unconscious. theres a woman whos also hurt. come get us please. we're on wimbleton street. hurry.
spacedad: oh god.. adam. im coming keith.
lance was watching their conversation over keith's shoulder.
"who's adam?" lance asked confused.
keith froze. 'shiro's ex. he was like a brother to me. i don't want to be the cause of his death. shiro better come soon.' keith signed to lance. the tan cuban boy raised his eyebrows. he didn't know shiro swung that way. so then he might be bisexual?? just like lance. no maybe he's pan. hm whatever. it's none of his business.
the sound of tires squealing came bolting onto the street they stood on. shiro drove his car over here in the blink of an eye. he rolled down the window.
"get in!" shiro yelled. lance helped the blonde girl get in the front seat as keith tried to drag adam. since he was about half the size of adam because keith was short and adam was very tall, he failed to help him in the car. shiro opened his door and ran to keith's side to assist. they laid adam in the back seat with his head on keith's lap and his legs on lance's lap. shiro stepped on the gas pedal and off they went. lance spoke up.
"wait, guys, why didn't we just call the police or an ambulance or something." keith and shiro both quick looked at him like he said something terrible.
"well.. lance. there are people who hunt down people like keith, and if adam and the other woman explained that they didn't even touch the wheel.. well. they may start making connections to people and if they find out it was keith,,, well. he could,, be killed.." shiro payed attention to the road while explaining and keith cleared his throat.
"wh.. what?! people actually hunt down people with abilities?!? wait wait,, there's moRE THAN JUST KEITH WHO HAS POWERS?!" lance was surprised. shiro nodded and keith looked out the window.
they arrived at the hospital and the nurses took adam away and checked to see if the blonde girl had any injuries. all three of the boys sat in the waiting room. they allowed them to visit the woman.
she had some pretty deep cuts from the glass and she managed to bust her lip pretty badly. her legs were damaged from being squished by the car. her feet up to her mid calf was wrapped in bandages and she had to walk with crutches. they were still viewing adams results.
"thank you both so much for saving me. if it weren't for you i would've been stuck there, unable to call an ambulance. my names romelle." she smiled.
"i'm lance, this is keith," lance said pointing to keith. "and this is keith's brother, shiro." he continued, gesturing towards shiro. she smiled wide and was happy to be alive.
"i don't even know what happened.. it's crazy but it was like something took over the car. suddenly i just couldn't move the wheel. it was going by itself straight into that poor mans car... i know it sounds like an excuse.. believe me or not. it's alright if you don't. i sound insane." she said. lance glanced at keith. the black haired boy turned his head away.
'i'm gonna go get some air.' he signed.
"take as much time as you need, bud." shiro patted his back.
"uh, what'd he say? i don't know sign language.." romelle questioned. lance explained and she made an 'o' shape with her mouth.
romelle just talked the entire time. she didn't stop. usually that's lance's thing. but he was worried about keith, so he was unusually quiet. lance informed shiro he was gonna go find keith. he nodded and continued listening to romelle responding with things like "hm." "uh huh." "wow."
lance searched outside for keith. he wasn't out there. he searched some parts of the hospital but it was so large there was so much to uncover. he then went past the bathrooms. the bathrooms were singles. he heard a familiar voice. even though he hasn't heard keith's voice much, he still knew that it was keith in the bathroom crying and saying "it's all my fault." repeatedly.
lance knocked softly on the door. "um, keith?" he heard a sniff and shuffling. the door creaked open a bit and two eyes and a nose peeked out the door. those beautiful purple eyes. except tears were leaking from the mullet boys violet eyes. keith grabbed lance by his shirt and pulled him in, then quickly shut the door. the black haired boy slid down the door, sitting on the dirty bathroom tile where he was before. the brown haired boy crouched in front of keith. the pale skinned boy with a surgical mask on, kept his eyes on the floor with a blank face.
"it's okay. it's not your fault." lance reassured him. keith shook his head.
"no it's not lance! this is not fucking okay! i'm not normal!! i could have killed adam! and that poor woman!! this is all because of me and my dumb abilities!!" keith yelled, instantly regretting it because of the look on lance's face and because his throat was sore now. lance had a frown on his lips and was sad for keith. a teenage boy shouldn't be burdened with these powers. powers that can easily hurt people. powers that can kill people. this is so fucked up. keith didn't deserve this.
"lance it's my fault! i didn't mean to! i hate this!! i hate this. i hate this..." keith screamed, slowly tiring himself out with each 'i hate this.' lance scooted closer to keith and brought him basically into his lap on the bathroom floor. keith was sobbing at this point. he snuggled his head into lance's neck and the tan boy placed his chin on keith's wild untamed hair. lance rubbed his back and let him use his shirt to cry on.
"lance... i'm sorry. you don't deserve this. we shouldn't even be friends.. it's too dangerous." keith whispered through his hiccups and cries.
"no, keith don't think like that. i love being your friend. you're a good person." lance said, cringing at the word 'friend'. they kissed and made out. did that mean nothing to keith? he needed to stop thinking about that and focus on the situation at hand. the faucet in the sink jiggled and turned on and off. lance took notice but keith didn't. his breath hitched.
"keith, just calm down.. i'm here." lance eased. he nodded and sniffed. he slowly calmed down, making the faucet stop.
"good job. you're doing great. now we should get to the others." lance smiled. the raven haired boy nodded. keith wiped his eyes as lance got up and helped the pale boy up, off of the bathroom floor. they both came out of the bathroom at the same time. (i know, not a smart move.) they looked around and a nurse spotted them, raising an eyebrow. lance grinned and put his finger up to his lips whispering, "shhh." keith smiled sheepishly at her as lance grabbed his wrist and ran away from the embarrassing scene.
they went into romelle's hospital room. as soon as they got in there, a doctor came running in informing them that they could see adam. keith, lance and shiro ran to the room they kept him in, shiro in the lead. the three of them burst in, surprising the tan, injured boy. his glasses were shattered and one of his arm and both legs were bandaged up. he had a neck brace on and a bandage wrapped around his head/ forehead area.
"oh, adam!" shiro gasped, running to his side.
" 'kashi?" adam questioned, rubbing his eyes, trying to see without his glasses. takashi nodded.
"yeah it's me!" shiro grinned. they hugged and keith walked forward. adam squinted.
"keith??" adam asked.
"yeah.. it's me." keith cleared his throat. he had to talk or else adam could barely see his sign language.
another hug. "oh, wow you can speak now?!" adam asked, his eyebrows raised.
"well he sorta can... but it just hurts terribly for him." shiro answered for the partially mute boy.
"so... how're you feeling..?" shiro questioned. adam was usually pretty optimistic, but right now he was just being a sarcastic shithead.
"well, takashi i'm doing great for being in a car crash that i could've died in." adam smiled.
"what even caused it. neither of us had our hands on the wheel." adam questioned. everyone stiffened and lance cleared his throat, whistling.
"uh..." shiro looked down. silence took over the room. everyone was uneasy. keith shifted in his seat. adam knew about red also.
"i'm sorry adam! i didn't mean it! it wasn't me!! i cant control it!! red does whatever they want!! i'm so sorry!!" keith rambled, shouting and jumping up from his seat, straining his voice. everyone was surprised when keith's sudden burst of words came out.
"wha- keith. no no no no no it's not your fault." adam stopped him. but keith snapped.
"yes it is! adam don't you understand?! it was red! red did this! red made you crash and almost lose your life! it's my fault.." keith screamed at him. realization struck adam. red did this. he made adam and romelle get in a car crash.
red made adam almost lose his life.
wow what an angsty bitch i am. lmaoo i love romelle tho she's just too pure. idk if i want to add her as like a side character or not. soo. also idk if i should make adam a side character either. also sorry for not updating!!!
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