Chapter 13
"Kenma you brought your friends today?" A bright cheery woman asked from behind the counter as she washed it
"Yeah" Kenma muttered, wow how many times does Kenma come here for the employees to know him
"you've got cash register duty tomorrow Kenma" she scolded
"Yeah I know" Kenma responded
"Wait Kenma you work here?" Kuroo exclaimed
"My family owns the business" he explained bluntly "Our house is upstairs"
"You haven't told anyone?" the cashier asked slightly hurt
"Little bro that's important we need business" she exclaimed
"Wait 'little bro'? you've got a sister Kenma?" Kuroo exclaimed
"Yeah" Kenma walked over to one of the tables in the corner
"You never told anyone about me either" she whined leaning on the counter
"Nope" Kenma muttered not looking up from his DS
"How mean I tell all my friends about you" she frowned
"I don't overshare" He explained as we went over and sat down
"are you going to introduce me to your friends or not?" she asked putting her wash rag down on the counter putting her hands on her hips, Akaashi went over sitting down next to Kenma,
"That's Kuroo, Bokuto and Akaashi" He explained briefly
"Kenma you're the worst at introductions" His sister came over and pulled up a chair after we all had sat down
"I'm Konna Kozume" she started, Kenma's sister had similar long straight black hair that he did in middle school though his sister had dyed the tips of her hair a dark royal purple color "I'm Kenma's older sister, call me Konna"
"I'm Bokuto Koutarou" (A.N. and I don't know how to spell his given name correctly) I explained with a smile
"I'm Kuroo Tetsurō" Kuroo explained
"Oh so you're the infamous Kuroo Tetsurō?" She asked with a bright smile
"Huh?" Kuroo asked
"Kenma talks about you all the time" she laughed, Kenma's face turned a dark red
"Really you talk about me Kenma?" Kuroo exclaimed
"Possibly" Kenma muttered not looking up from his game
"And what's your name?" She asked looking at Akaashi who was watching Kenma play his game. I nudged him
"What?" He asked looking up
"What's your name" his sister repeated
"Oh...., I'm Akaashi Keiji" he explained his voice shaking slightly
"What a nice name" she commented
"O-oh" Akaashi seemed awkward almost as much as Kenma when he met someone new which was odd coming from him. Maybe it was because he couldn't hear meeting new people would be weird when he didn't know what their voice sounded, he knew mine Kuroo's and Kenma's though she was new. I found it odd the way that Akaashi was acting but it was understandable given the suituation
"Akaashi you're almost as socially awkward as Kenma" Konna laughed leaning back in her chair
"That's because he's deaf" I commented
"Oh Really? I'm so sorry" She apologized quickly
"It's fine don't worry about it" Akaashi responded smiling weakly
"How do you understand people?" She asked
"I can read lips" he explained
"That's quite cool I've known a few deaf people and they could barely read lips at all, do you know sign language too?"
"Yeah my dad is deaf as well so I had to learn when I was younger" he explained
"Wow" she exclaimed, Akaashi scratched at the back of his neck awkwardly
"It's kinda a sore subject" I whispered covering my mouth with one hand
"Oh sorry" she apologized again
"It's fine you're just asking questions" Akaashi insisted
"Did it happen recently?" Konna asked, Apparently she didn't have much of a mouth filter just like Kenma though he was less energetic about it. Akaashi chewed on his lower lip
"It happened two days ago" Akaashi muttered
"Wow and you've already adapted to it" She exclaimed "How did it happen" Akaashi didn't answer, he stood up
"Can I use your bathroom?" He asked
"Uh yeah it's down the hallway you'll see the sign" she pointed down the hallway
"Thank you" he bowed quickly before turning down the hallway
"I think I touched a nerve" Konna muttered to herself
"Probably" Kuroo nodded
"Well what have you four been doing today?" she asked changing the subject
"We were at the park for a little bit" I explained
"You four don't all go to the same school do you?" she raised one eyebrow
"No, me and Akaashi both go to Fukuroudani" I explained (A.N. so in my notebook (I write in notebooks when I have no access to computers) I spelled it Fukandoni which was surprisingly close to the actual spelling a lot closer than I thought)
"You're all in a volleyball club right?" she asked but didn't give anyone a chance to respond before she continued "Shouldn't you be rivals or something"
"Nah that's too much work it's easier to just be friends" Kuroo shrugged
"They are pretty much the same person so of course they get along" Kenma chimed in
"So does that mean if Bokuto and Kuroo are the same does that mean you and Akaashi are the same?" Konna raised one eyebrow
"No" Kenma insisted
"They're pretty similar" Kuroo insisted
"I guess they both have to deal with us so-" I added with a shrug
"Kenma why don't you ever have friends your age?" Konna asked
"Because Kuroo just adopted me as his friend and I went along with it, I'm not good at making friends" Kenma muttered
"How'd you meed with Bokuto and Akaashi then?"
"Kuroo made friends with Bokuto, Akaashi hangs around Bokuto, we ended up getting along" Kenma explained not looking up from his DS
"So you have three friends?"
"Shoyo is my friends too"
"right sorry four friends"
"Pretty much"
"That's pathetic"
"I know" Kenma didn't even try to deny it which was funny. Akaashi came back a few seconds later and sat down next to me. He looked over at Kenma's game
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