Chapter 11
I walked in front going to past the playground a few kids running by chasing each other, the swings were at the far side of the playground. I saw Akaashi on one of the swings, he kicked his feet swinging slightly his back to us.
"Akaaaaaashiiiiii" Kuroo called making a megaphone with his hands, though of course Akaashi didn't respond.
"Is he ignoring you?" Kenma asked
"He didn't even flinch" Kuroo commented, I laughed slightly. I walked up to the swingset behind Akaashi, I grabbed his shoulders as he swung back into me, he screamed and turned around
"Bokuto you piece of-" He shouted but I cut him off doubling over with laughter
"what was that wow Akaashi that was really high pitched" Kuroo laughed
"That was mean Bokuto" Kenma insisted frowning at his game, Akaashi sighed punching me hard in the center of the chest, I gasped out choking and coughing.
"That was stupid you're taking advantage of this" he exclaimed furrowing his eyebrows angrily
"What?" Kuroo asked looking between the two
"Come on let's go to get some lunch" I offered changing the subject,
"Screw you" Akaashi snapped standing up, he brushed past me
"Keiji you wanna see the new game I just got?" Kenma asked
"What Kenma you never show me the games you got" Kuroo whined
"That's because you don't care" Kenma insisted
"Sure Kenma how does it go?" Akaashi sighed a faint smile crossing his lips, Kenma's eyes lit up a little more than usual as he went through explaining the rules and aspects of the game to Akaashi
"How does this work?" Akaashi asked pointing to something on the DS, Akaashi looked at Kenma while he watched his answer
"You said that Akaashi wasn't feeling well" Kuroo commented "He seems emotionally fine to me but he kinda seems a bit off in general"
"Well...., the other day something happened I don't really know what but he lost his hearing" I explained
"Wait he lost his hearing?" Kuroo exclaimed "That means he's deaf?"
"Yeah" I nodded
"Wait who's deaf?" Kenma asked turning around
"Akaashi is" I responded
"Wait he is?" Kenma exclaimed turning to Akaashi
"Hm?" Akaashi raised one eyebrow
"You're deaf?" Kenma asked
"Yeah why?" Akaashi responded
"Wait then how do you know what any of us are saying do you have like a hearing aid or something?" Kenma asked examining Akaashi
"No No it's not that I can just read lips but conversations are kinda hard because my eyes get tired" He laughed scratching at the back of his neck "But I really can't hear anything"
"I would have never guessed by talking to you" Kenma muttered
"Yeah I want to keep it that way" Akaashi insisted with a shrug
"Wow" Kuroo muttered shaking his head "That must be hard on you"
"He has to read your lips Kuroo" I explained
"Wait is that why you've been talking weird, I've noticed something was off about you when we got here" Kuroo exclaimed
"Akaashi can't understand me when I exaggerate my words" I sighed "it's easier on him when I talk normally"
"That's weird you're not one for normal" Kuroo squinted at Akaashi "Are you really sure he's deaf?"
"Yes that's what the doctors said" I nodded
"Akaashi" Kuroo called tapping him on the shoulder, Akaashi turned around
"Hm?" Akaashi asked
"If you're deaf do you know sign language?" Kuroo asked
"Kuroo, Bokuto said that it happened the other day, you can't learn a whole other language in two days" Kenma scolded
"Yes I do" Akaashi responded bluntly, Kenma's eyes widened in surprise
"You were saying Kenma?" Kuroo asked smirking
"Never mind" Kenma muttered
"My dad's deaf too so I've known it since I was a kid" Akaashi explained chewing on his lower lip
"Akaashi I don't think I've ever met your dad" I commented
"Well he's never home and you've really never been to my house so" Akaashi scratched at the back of his neck smiling awkwardly
"I should come over to your house some time, you always come over to my house I'm sure you're tired of it" I insisted
"Oh it's probably best if you don't I'm fine with always coming over to your house" Akaashi responded
"Are you sure"
"Yeah, yeah it's fine" He chewed on his lower lip clearly there was something that he still wasn't telling me. He looked back at Kenma's DS asking another question but there seemed to be a bit of tension in his voice
"Bokuto if he can't hear shouldn't he get hearing aids?" Kuroo asked watching the two talk
"I'm sure that he wants to......, but he said it wouldn't help and that they don't have enough money for it" I explained with a frown
"It could work at least a little bit for him" Kuroo commented
"Even if it would help he doesn't have the money for it" I sighed
"Why don't you buy it for him, surprise him, his birthday is coming up soon isn't it?" He asked
"His birthday is in December" I responded
"Oh so that's not soon, but why don't you set up an appointment to get it molded or whatever and surprise him" He suggested
"That would be a good idea" I nodded "I think I might have enough myself"
"I'm sure he'd like that" Kuroo insisted
"What are you two planning?" Kenma asked turning around
"Right we're not the only ones that can hear" Kuroo muttered
"No" Kenma responded "But my question is the same, what are you two planning?"
"To get Akaashi hearing aids" I explained quickly right before Akaashi turned around,
"Hm?" Akaashi raised one eyebrow
"Nothing it's fine" I explained quickly, Akaashi shrugged looking back forward
"Why would you be the one getting them for him?" Kenma asked furrowing his eyebrows
"Because Akaashi can't afford them himself, and his father just broke his" I explained
"Oh" he muttered turning back around
"I'll pay for lunch today Bokuto," Kuroo insisted
"Wait really? You never pay"
"Use it for Akaashi" he explained
"Thank you" I nodded
"Of course bro" he nodded back a smirk fluttering across his lips
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