25| When You're Gone
Gemma definitely was out of her comfort zone, it wasn't her first time taking professional photos. But it was going to be the first time that she would be sitting down and doing an interview. She had been avoiding doing any kind of interviews knowing that it would be inevitable for them to ask her about her father. It didn't matter that if had been over a year, the subject was one that she still din't feel comfortable discussing.
The makeup and hairstylist finally finished and Gemma couldn't help but be glad that they didn't go too glam, the last thing she wanted was to look like someone she wasn't. Not to mention that is she looked to extravagant the public might just hate her more that they already did.
Jenny on the other hand was having a great time getting ready. She had been the one the had picked out what they would be wearing for the photos. And she looked like a model getting ready to walk a runway.
"I hate this." Gemma muttered as she adjusted the end of her dress.
"So you've said." Jenny replied as she looked at herself in the mirror making sure she looked perfect. Though Jenny always looked perfect even when she didn't try.
"I'm just not sure about the dress." Gemma admitted knowing that although it was beautiful and fit her perfectly that maybe something more casual would be the way to go to get positive public opinion on her.
"Don't be ridiculous red is your color." Jenny replied dismissively, and her words were almost like as slap in the face.
Jaime had told her that he thought red was her color. And she hated that there were some things that would just make her think of him. But the color was besides the point, because the color wasn't the problem. Jenny didn't understand because even though Victoria Kord had momentarily damaged the Kord name Jenny was charismatic enough to wine back peoples positive opinions on the company.
Gemma simply wasn't good in front of cameras and she was much more reserved. Apparently people took negatively to that and it continued to cause a lot of negative attraction to Ivo Technologies.
"You look perfect." Jenny continued as she reached out and adjust a strand on Gemma's hair with a smile. After everything that had happened in Palmera City, Gemma would always be grateful that she had met Jenny. Growing up Gemma had always wanted a sister and she had found that in Jenny.
Gemma smiled in return feeling slightly comforted as they walked out to the next room where the backdrop was set up for the photoshoot. There was only one man standing in the room fidgeting with his camera. He looked oddly adorable with his bow tie and checkered shirt and was the exact opposite that she had expected from a photographer. The photographers that Gemma had worked with in the past for marketing shoots tended to be uptight, but that didn't seem to be the case at all with the photographer form the Daily Planet.
"Jimmy Olsen nice to meet you." He said as he extended his hand towards them to shake.
Jenny and Gemma shook his hand which was surprisingly sweat and Gemma had to fight the urge to pull it back immediately.
"Don't worry I'll try to make this quick." He assured them as he gestured towards the grayish backdrop that had some furnishing set up in front of it.
As promised the photoshoot was quick as he directed them, but as quick as the photoshoot was it was clear how much of a perfectionist he was. He wouldn't even snap the picture unless he knew its was going to be perfect.
"Irene is waiting for you in the other room." He told them already lost in looking through all the photos that he had taken. "I'll email you the pictures for you to approve once I edit them."
"So we need to be edited?" Jenny questioned and although her tone was serous Gemma could see how her words were meant to tease the photographer.
Sure enough Jimmy Olsen's face went red as he immediately shook his head. "Of course not. You two looked great. Editing the stuff around you of course."
Jenny smiled satisfied by his reaction as she shook Jimmy's hand again. "We'll be waiting for those photos. Thank you."
When the Daily Plant had told them that Irene Miranda would be doing the interview, Gemma had immediate reservations. Seeing the reporter in front of her now after seeing her name on bylines in the paper and watching her on the news segment that she shared with her husband was a little surreal. She was beautiful with her perfectly styled hair and dressed like a women meant to show her power.
"Irene Miranda, thank you for agreeing to give The Daily Planet the exclusive." She introduced herself as she shook their hands motioning them to take a seat on the two chairs that were set up in front of her. All Jenny and Gemma could do was smile as they took a seat.
Gemma wondered if Jenny knew just how big of a deal it was to have Irene Miranda doing their interview. Maybe she was only really famous in Metropolis, which could very much be the case. If Jenny did know she didn't show it as she didn't seem at all nervous.
"Couldn't imagine it going to any other paper." Gemma replied honestly knowing that over the years the Daily Planet had gained the reputation of being one of the best newspapers in the world and that was partially due to reporters like Irene Miranda.
As the interview went on Gemma couldn't believe that she had been nervous about the whole thing. Irene Miranda was incredibly professional and had a way of talking to them in a way that had them completely trust her. Gemma even found herself leaning back as they both explained what the project that Ivo Tech and Kord Industries had collaborated on. The article was supposed to be printed the day before the gala on Saturday and Gemma could only hope that Irene Miranda wrote about them in a positive angle.
"Sorry to interrupt but I was wondering if I could actually get a couple of solo pictures?" Jimmy Olsen questioned as he looked between Gemma and Jenny nervously. "Could I start with you Ms. Kord?"
"Of course." Jenny replied with an encouraging smile as she walked after Jimmy and back into the other room.
Suddenly Gemma was aware that she was alone with Irene Miranda and she couldn't help but feel a little nervous. It wasn't anything against her, but just an overall caution against reporters that Gemma felt. She could already feel that she was about to ask her about her father.
"So Gemma I was hoping that I can talk to you completely off the record of course." Irene said though it wasn't much of a question as she reached out and turned off her recorder. The woman gave Gemma a smile that felt almost motherly, clearly an attempt to try to ease her nerves.
"About what exactly?" Gemma asked trying her best not to sound nervous or scared, but she ended up sounding angry instead which totally wasn't her intention. Irene Miranda didn't seem phased at all, considering the kind of news she tended to report it was without a question that an irritated twenty-three year old wasn't going to intimidate her.
It was clearly a mistake to have agreed to an interview with a two time Pulitzer winning reporter.
"Your involvement with the Blue Beetle." She stated bluntly once again it wasn't a question. It was a statement, like she had already done all the necessary investigating on the issue.
Slowly Gemma began to realize that it was exactly what was happening here. That Irene Miranda already had done all the investigating that she needed. If that was the case did that mean the she knew that Jaime was the Blue Beetle?
Did Gemma even have to care anymore?
Regardless of if she should Gemmed couldn't help but feel her heart rapidly in her chest unsure of what Irene Miranda's intentions were. They couldn't possibly be bad, she worked with the Justice League after all. But did she mean to expose Jaime as the Blue Beetle? That couldn't be the case either, she had never exposed the secret identities of the Justice League.
"I'm not entirely sure what you mean." Gemma replied hoping that she sounded convincing enough.
Irene smiled a knowing smile that said that she could see right through Gemma. "I just had some questions about the work you two have done together. Personal relationships aside would your opinion on Jaime Reyes remain fairly positive?"
Then she did know that Jaime was the Blue Beetle. Gemma couldn't help but feel a little irritated but she was curious either way. Clearly there was no point in continuing to act oblivious, but she wasn't really willing to act nice about this either. "What exactly is all of this for?"
"I'm afraid I can't say."
"Then I'm afraid I can't answer." Gemma replied because she had nothing to do with Jaime Reyes anymore. He was out of her life and she didn't want to be involved in whatever it was that had Irene Miranda going to these kinds of lengths to speak to her. Cause clearly that was what all of this was. Whether she was looking to recruit him to the Justice League or she simply wanted to write about Blue Beetle she didn't know. "I look forward to reading about the interview on Friday."
Without saying another word Gemma told up and walked into the next room where Jenny was in the middle of a whole other photoshoot clearly meant to keep her busy so that Irene Miranda could talk to her. Jenny looked up instantly noticing whatever expression Gemma had on her face. Maybe it was anger or frustration, Gemma didn't entirely know. What she did know was that she wished that there was simply one day where she didn't have to be reminded that Jaime Reyes existed. Or at the very least she was hoping for the day where his name alone didn't come with so much baggage.
"Thanks for the pictures Jimmy." Jenny said before hopping off the stool where she was seated and walking over to Gemma. They didn't say anything as they gathered all of their things and left the building. Jenny was undoubtedly itching to ask Gemma what happened but waited until the turned the corner. "What happened?"
Gemma sighed as she looked around the street making sure that no one was listening in, though they realistically wouldn't but she couldn't help but feel a little paranoid. "She started asking be about Blue Beetle. She knows it's Jaime."
Jenny's eyes went wide openings her mouth but clearly being conflicted on what to say or even think about the situation. "What did you say?"
"She assured me it was all off the record but I still didn't say anything." Gemma replied as she thought more about what it all meant. Would Irene Miranda go talk to Jaime next? Gemma wanted scream at herself for even being concerned. "Should you tell Jaime?"
"Me?" Jenny repeated looking at Gemma as if she had lost your mind. "Why me?"
Now it was Gemma's turn to look at Jenny as if her had her mind, cause clearly Jenny had forgotten one major detail. "Well, I can't call him."
"Oh that's right." Jenny said as she pulled out her phone as she chuckled to herself search through her contact list. After everything that had happened Jenny also cut contact with Jaime solidarity with Gemma. Now Gemma watched as Jenny raised her phone showing her Jaime's contact. "Should I put it on speaker."
"No." Gemma said immediately because the last thing that she needed was to hear Jaime's voice. She hadn't heard his voice since that night and she really didn't know how she would react to hearing it even after all these months.
Jenny pressed call and raised the phone to her ear. It probably didn't ring for long because Jenny almost immediately rolled her eyes. "Hey Jaime, listen I'm going to make this really quick. Gemma and I got out of an interview with Irene Miranda from the Daily Planet. And well she may have started asking Gemma about you. Gemma didn't say anything but the reporter still knows that you're Blue Beetle."
She had spoken so quickly being true to her word and intended to make the call quick. Gemma just watched as Jenny listened to whatever it was that Jaime was saying as the people continued to walk around them on the street.
"Yeah she is." Jenny said with a look of disbelief on her face. "Um no you can't. Good-bye Jaime."
Gemma didn't care to know what Jaime had to say about the situation, she was just content in knowing that they had done the right thing. Reaching into her bag Gemma handed Jenny her keys. "I have to stop by the office real quick but I'll see you in about two hours."
"Sure thing." Jenny said with a smile as she stepped next to the curb stopping one to the taxis on the street.
As Jenny stepped into the taxi Gemma couldn't help but be grateful that Jenny knew her well enough to not follow up on what her conversation with Jaime had been. Although the end of the interview hadn't been pleasant Gemma kind of felt that maybe it was the closure that she need. She was glad that the thought of Jaime no longer came with the usual sadness, sure she would still feel anger at the thought of him but anger was better than sadness.
As she walked the block to where Ivo Tech was Gemma felt like everything really was going back to normal. A couple of months ago she had felt like her world had ended but now with upcoming project and the gala it was like there were so many good things ahead of her that maybe all the bad stuff didn't matter anymore.
"How was the interview?" Tom questioned as she entered the lab, he had taken over what he could while she did the interview and although she did trust him she still wanted to make sure that everything was going according to plan.
"Stressful." She replied honestly as she slipped on her lab coat and put her hair up in a pony tail ready to work. There were a couple of things that she needed to take care of before going out to get drinks with Jenny later. They definitely needed to talk more about what the hell happened in that interview. "Irene Miranda is intense."
"Well, you look great." Tom said as he removed his glasses.
Gemma offered him a small smile as she logged into her computer. "Thanks."
He was quiet for a moment almost like he expected her to say something else. "Well, if that's all you needed me for I'm heading home."
"Tom I actually wanted to ask you about something." Gemma said knowing that she had avoided the conversation long enough. She wasn't really the type to confront people, though she was sure that what had happened with Tom and Rudy had to be some kind of misunderstanding.
"What's wrong?" He questioned look genuinely concerned and Gemma really hoped that he didn't take what she was about to say the wrong way.
Meeting his eyes Gemma leaned against counter hoping that this all seemed more like a casual conversation than her accusing him of something. "I was actually looking through some of Caesar Reyes' project proposals and there's a couple that are quite innovative. Why didn't you get them approved for the prototype phase?"
As expected Tom looked surprised and slightly irritated by Rudy's name alone. Sighing Tom moved closer to her also leaning against the counter. "If I'm being honest I didn't even look at them."
His response had surprised her, as she expected him to say that he personally didn't believe in the projects. It would have been okay if he simply had a different opinion than her own in the potential of Rudy's proposals. But hearing that he didn't even bother looking them over concerned her. "But why?"
"Let's be honest here Gemma what can a high school drop out from the Edge Keys have to offer?" Tom replied a look in his eyes that Gemma didn't recognize and if she was honest she didn't exactly like the new side of him that he was seeing. At the very least she didn't like his words, he had never spoken like that before.
"Just because Rudy didn't have the privileges and opportunities that we did doesn't make him any less brilliant." Gemma replied not willing to allow Tom to talk that way about anyone and especially not Rudy, who undoubtedly deserved the position he was in. "We owe him the chance to prove himself."
"Sorry you're right I didn't mean any of that." Tom said as he met her eyes with clear frustration before reaching out and placing his hand onto of hers. The gesture surprised her as Tom had never been a particularly touchy person. "The truth is I guess I was projecting the anger I feel towards Jaime onto Caesar Reyes. He really hurt you and I know that his family had nothing to do with what happened between you two but I see that what I did was wrong. It was not fair for me to punish Caesar for what Jaime did."
Gemma didn't know what to say this time around. Could she really be mad at Tom for reacting the way he did? Especially after he had seen the mess that was post-Jaime Gemma. Because she had been an absolute wreck that night where Jaime had broken up her and not to mention the couple weeks that followed. Tom was just as responsible as Jenny and Brenda for getting Gemma back on track. On helping her refocus on what really mattered which was the science.
Because she cared about Tom so much she couldn't help but be relieved about the truth on why Tom had ignored Rudy's proposals. Him feeling negatively towards the Reyes because of what Jaime had done was better than Tom having some kind of terrible prejudice. At least now that they had talked it seemed that Tom had reflected on his behavior and would now take the appropriate steps to correct his mistake.
A/N: Yes, so we got an Irene and Jimmy cameo because how could I not add Irene to this. Just for clarification this story takes place about 6 years after the events of Don't Worry Darling. During Don't Worry Darling Gemma would have been about 17 years old. This definitely won't be the last we see of Irene and there will be a couple more cameos in the next chapter.
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