23| Lo Que Siento
Gemma appreciated that Jaime did his best to try to work around her busy work schedule so that they could be together. They had been dating for about two weeks, though he had never officially called them dates or said that they were dating. Which was confusing when he would hold her hand or kiss anytime he had the chance. Gemma tried her best not to overthink it but it was impossible for her. She tended to overthink everything and the undefined relationship she had with Jaime.
Jaime parked the car in the driveway in front of the house turning it off as her turned to face her. Anytime that the decided to remain in the city he would usually drive one of her father's cars, or sometimes her fly them to one of the beached in Palmera City. Though he didn't suggest it often as her fear of heights hadn't really changed.
"Well, that's a good thing. That means the city isn't in danger." Gemma replied knowing that although Superman was still helping cat from trees and taking care of petty crime nothing was really front page worthy in the last couple of weeks. "Wait have you been coming to Metropolis so often because you're looking to team up with Superman?"
"What? No!" He said quickly though Gemma could see that there was still some truth in her words. "I mean I won't lie a Blue Beetle and Superman team up would be kind of cool."
Gemma rolled her eyes as she opened the car door stepping outside. It was starting to get cold as winter was quickly approaching. Soon all of Metropolis would be covered in snow, it was one of her favorite parts of the city during the holidays.
Jaime also got out of the car walking her to the door as he normally did. He had never gone farther than the top of the stairs, normally kissing her goodnight before flying back to Palmera City.
"So, are you ever going to invite me inside?" He suddenly asked and Gemma immediately felt the warmth in her face. She couldn't be more grateful about the fact that it was dark out and he was still far away enough to not see her blush.
"That's very forward." Gemma teased as she walked over to door unlocking it. She pushed it open a little before turning back to look at Jaime who was waiting for her to get safely inside. Like everything Gemma did she couldn't help but hesitate for a moment. "Well, come on."
Jaime didn't hide his shock as he stepped forward entering the house for the firs time. Gemma wasn't entirely sure why she was so nervous, she wasn't promising him anything by letting him inside.
"Wow." Jaime muttered as he looked around the large entry way as he followed her into the living room. "This house is bigger than the one on Palmera."
It was true this mansion was almost twice as big as the one in Palmera City. Ridiculously so, the last couple of days she had contemplated selling it feeling like it was far too big for just her alone. It made her feel incredibly lonely coming home to such a large house. The only reason see hesitated in doing it was the large lab in the basement that she occasionally finished her work in.
"Yeah dad always wanted to make sure everyone knew how rich he was." Gemma replied as she followed Jaime to other end of the living room where he was looking out to the also ridiculously large pool outside.
"How about a late night swim?" He suggested and Gemma couldn't help but caught thinking that he was joking but when he turned to face her she realized that he was serious.
"Can I?" Jaime questioned but he was already opening the large glass door that led to the backyard.
"Go ahead." She told him and Jaime wasted no time in kicking off his shoes and pulling his jeans down. He left his shift on as he suddenly jumped into the pool that was undoubtedly freezing. Gemma stood there in disbelief surprised that he had actually done it. Thought there was so much about Jaime that surprised her.
"You're not going to join me?" He questioned though it sounded more like he was daring her.
Gemma knew herself very well, and she knew that she wasn't a very daring or exciting person. This was all something that was definitely out of her comfort zone, but she also realized that no one had ever challenged her to leave it.
Reaching behind her Gemma slowly began to unzip her dress, not because she was trying to be sexy or seductive. No one would ever use the words sexy of seductive to describe her, but she was simply nervous. And she was waiting to suddenly change her mind but she alway knew that she wanted to do a daring thing.
She couldn't even look at Jaime as she slipped the dress off letting it fall to the floor. She was in her bra and underwear suddenly wishing that she had put more thought into what she was wearing under her dress. Gemma met Jaime's eyes briefly and immediately regretted doing so feeling herself blush immediately.
Not wanting to spend another second standing in front of him she ran the couple steps forward before diving into the pool. When Gemma finally surfaced she hardly had any time to gather her thoughts before she felt as Jaime wrapped his arms around her.
"You're so beautiful." He said as he leaned in to kiss her and didn't know why she suddenly felt so nervous, but it felt as if she were near him for another second that her heart would explode in her chest. So, she did the only thing that she could think of and she swam away from him to the other side of the pool. He must have thought that she was playing some kind of game as he swam after her.
When Gemma reached the other end of the pool she realized just how nervous she suddenly felt. She placed her hand on the ledge feeling like she needed to steady herself and get her thoughts straight. This was so out of her comfort zone but she didn't necessarily feel like it was a bad thing.
Jaime laughed when he finally caught up to her, and although instinct told Gemma to swim away again she knew it would be ridiculous. "Wow, you're a really good swimmer."
"Well, the house in Palmera City also has a pool and..." Gemma didn't get to finish what she was saying as all the words left her head the moment that his lips touched hers. They had kissed a couple of times since he had visited her at Ivo Technologies, but all those kisses that had come after hadn't been like the first time.
They definitely hadn't been like this one as he pressed her back against the cold tiles on the edge of the pool. Gemma didn't know what had come over her or how she had gotten so bold as she wrapped her legs around his waist bringing them even closer together if that was even possible. All the nerves that she had felt earlier started turning into something else the longer that they kissed. Gemma had never done anything like this before and that made it so much more exciting.
When his lips trailed down and began to kiss her neck Gemma couldn't help but hold him closer feeling like it all couldn't possibly be real. The hand that was placed firmly on her thigh slowly started to slide up her side until his thumb slipped under her bra exploring the new skin there.
"Jaime." She breathed slowly causing him to pull away from her neck and look her in the eyes. He looked concerned, like if he was afraid he had taken it too far or that she was beginning to regret what was happening. "Do you want to go back inside?"
"And do what?" He teased the smile on his lips making it impossible for her not to smile and blush. Though this time he had definitely noticed as one of his hand reached up his thumb brushing across her cheek this time.
Placing a quick kiss on his lips she pushed him away before turning around and lifting herself out of the pool, the cold air was almost painful against her skin as she ran across the yard picking up her dress only the way as she rushed inside. Again Jaime must have seen it as some kind of game as the moment she turned around to see where he was also running forward dropping his pants and shoes on the ground as he suddenly picked her up.
Instinctively Gemma wrapped her leg around him as he carried her across the living setting her down on the largest of the two couches. It was at this point that Gemma really felt like her heart was going to burst out of her chest as he leaned down to kiss her. As he continued to kiss her one of his hands trailed down her stomach until one of his fingers began to touch her softly through her underwear causing Gemma to gasp. She realized then that she had never felt this kind of attraction to someone before.
He placed more pressure with his finger as they continued to kiss, but it was becoming more difficult for Gemma to focus on kissing him properly. Jaime must have sensed this as he slowly began to kiss the exposed skin he had never kissed before. It wasn't until she began to kiss his way down her stomach with no clear intention of stopping that Gemma suddenly snapped back to reality.
"Jaime wait." She said quickly hearing the own panic in her voice as Jaime froze looking up at her with concern.
"Do you not want me to?" He questioned and Gemma suddenly felt a little embarrassed that what he was planning on doing was something that had never been done to her before. She hadn't even considered it being something that he would want to do.
She almost wanted to lie, but lying definitely felt wrong. If there was something that they needed to be honest about was sex and what their boundaries were. "Well no one has ever... well you know."
Jaime looked surprised but nodded with understanding regardless. "Do you want to try it? And if you don't like it you can just tell me to stop."
She thought about it for a moment, unsure is she would even like it. Gemma nodded slowly but Jaime didn't move clearly waiting for some kind of verbal confirmation. "Yes."
Slowly he began to kiss his way down one of her legs until he was slowly pulling down her underwear. Gemma couldn't even look at him she felt so nervous and instead she chose to look up at the ceiling trying not to overthink what was about to happen.
But her worries disappeared entirely, replaced with something else when she felt his tongue on her. It was all so new and she realized exactly what she had been missing out on before. It was an overwhelming feeling that caused her to grip the edge of the couch as the pressure inside on her began to build. It was a pressure that needed release and it wasn't until he slipped two fingers inside of her that she was able to find that release.
Gemma couldn't find it in herself to move too in shock about what had just happened. Jaime positioned himself between her legs with a slight smile on his lips, but Gemma was now distracted by something else entirely as she felt him hard against her.
"Was that okay?" He questioned as if he hadn't just made her orgasm for the first time in her life.
"Yeah." She said with a smile as she pulled him into a kiss suddenly feeling insatiable and needing more. Gemma could taste herself on his lips as he deepened in the kiss, and she suddenly become aware of how except for her bra she was entirely naked. Which felt unfair considering what Jaime still had his t-shirt on, feeling like she now wanted some control over the situation she attempted to pull his shirt over his head only for Jaime to suddenly pull away. "What's wrong?"
"It's just..." He began pausing and for the first time she saw his uncertainty about this. Shaking his head Jaime quickly slipped his shirt over his head before leaning down and kissing her again.
For a moment he was able to kiss away the uncertainty of the moment until Gemma placed a hand on his side wanting to pull him closer only it had the opposite effect as he suddenly pulled away.
"Did I do something wrong?" Gemma immediately questioned thinking over everything she had done. He was being so considerate of her that she worried she wasn't doing that same with him. That she had done something that he didn't like.
"No." He said immediately but it was obvious that there was something that was bothering him. Sighing Jaime sat up looking really frustrated with himself, Gemma couldn't help but be concerned as she also sat up. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
"You're not." She assured him because everything felt perfect to her.
"The Scarab."
Suddenly everything had clicked for her. Truthfully she had completely forgotten about the Scarab, but him not wanting to take off his shirt and not wanting her to touch him made sense. Though not entirely considering that it didn't bother her the way he thought it did.
"It's a part of you." She said simply because for her there really wasn't anything else that needed to be said. "I want you, Scarab included."
Jaime smiled in way that told her that she had said the right thing. She couldn't help but feel relieved considering that she very well could have said the wrong thing and ruined everything.
He was about to lean down and kiss her again but she placed a hand on his chest stopping him.
"Do you have condoms?" She asked suddenly not wanting them to go any further if they weren't prepared. In all honesty she had forgotten about any kind of protection, but now that she remembered she didn't want to go any further if they weren't going to be responsible about it. As a doctor she also wasn't willing to risk her own health.
His eyes widened telling her that he had also forgotten, but thank full he nodded as he stood up. "Yeah."
She watched him as he walked to where he had abandoned his pant in the hallway. He reached into the pocket of his jeans pulled out a strip of at least six foil packets causing her eyes to widen.
"Are you always this prepared?" Gemma questioned both slightly amused and also unexplainably jealous. The thought of this being so casual for Jaime wasn't comforting, because this definitely wasn't casual for her.
"No, not normally. Not at all actually. I got them when we started dating." He admitted seeming little flustered himself as he looked down at her. "I think about you a lot."
He didn't say anything as he pulled down his underwear and now it was her turn to be flustered. Of course she had seen him naked before, but that had been under very different circumstances.
Now as he opened one of the foil packets and slipped it on Gemma realized that their relationship was about to change completely. There was no way that could ever be just friends after this. But she really hoped that she wouldn't have to worry about the direction that their relationship was headed as undefined as it still was.
It wasn't long before Jaime joined her on the couch again, repositioning himself between her legs. "You're sure about this right?"
"Yes, are you?" Gemma questioned suddenly hoping that he didn't feel any kind of pressure considering that she was the one that had asked about the condom.
He didn't say anything as he kissed her again. And Gemma was sure that she would never get tired of him kissing her. As comfortable as she now felt she continued to feel nervous as he reached between them slowly guiding himself inside of her. Gemma sucked in a breath amazed by the new feeling and simply how amazing he felt.
A moan left Jaime lips once he was completely inside of her as he tested a couple of small thrust. She could feel that he was trying to go slowly but clearly it wasn't enough for him and it definitely wasn't enough for her. His face was now buried in her neck as he slowly allowed found a rhythm that had them both moaning with each thrust.
Gemma couldn't entirely believe what was happening, considering that a couple of years ago she had just been a girl who had a crush on Jaime her freshman year if high school. Now she wrapped her legs around him needing to feel him deeper inside of her. Truthfully Gemma wasn't sure if she ever wanted to tell him about the crush she had on him they were two completely different people before. Though she supposed one thing that had never changed was how much she wanted him.
The hand that was on her waist lid up until it reached her bra. He froze almost like he was surprised that it was still on as he reached under her and unclasped her bra with one hand. In a quick motion he took it off throwing it but it got caught on a nearby vase causing it to crash onto to ground. Jaime flinched probably realizing that it was an expensive vase, but Gemma couldn't find it in herself to care about an antique vase.
Placing a hand on his face she turned his face back to her trying to get his attention again. "Don't stop."
He nodded as he leaned down to kiss her again one of his hands almost roughly cupping her breast as he quickly found the perfect rhythm again.
Gemma had only ever had one sexual partner during her third year of college. She had dated him very briefly though she had to admit that her only interest at the time had been wanting to get losing her virginity out of the way. At the time it felt like something that was looming over her. It was uncomfortable and definitely not what she had expected. She had only had sex with him two other times after and although there was some pleasure in it, Gemma had never really understood why people went crazy over sex.
But with Jaime she finally understood. Understood why sex was all some people could talk about. It almost worried her how she felt that this was all she could ever want going foward.
Gemma was determined not to wake Jaime up, he was sleeping so peacefully that she would have felt horrible doing it. She had been mostly successful taking a shower and changing without making much noise, but when she slightly tripped on the rug at the foot of the bed she couldn't help but flinch a little.
"You wake up early." Jaime noted as he watched Gemma quickly slip on her heels, she really hadn't wanted to wake him up. There was also a slight fear in Gemma that after what had happened between them the night before he wouldn't be interested in her anymore. Or that maybe he would wake up and realize it was a mistake. "You can't stay a little longer?"
Gemma wasn't the type to avoid her problems but this felt like something that she had wanted to avoid in case things didn't go her way. In many ways her thoughts also felt unfair to Jaime, because he wasn't the type to be cruel or hurt her in any kind of way. Even after what had happened between them she still wasn't entirely sure how to define their relationship.
"I can't Tom is probably already waiting for me in the lab." She replied feeling slightly panicked knowing the Tom wouldn't be too happy with her being late.
"Tom of course." He muttered.
Gemma froze as she turned around to look at Jaime surprised by his sudden change in attitude. He had stood up reaching over and putting on the sweatpants that she had left him on the foot of the bed. She had left also left him towel and toothbrush not entirely sure what the etiquette for this kind of thing was. "What's that tone?"
"Nothing." He said quickly but even he knew that it was too late to take the comment back. Gemma had sensed that Tom and Jaime didn't like each other the day they met she just hadn't considered that it was a problem. "I mean it just that you spend for time with him than you do with me."
She really didn't know what to say having not expected any kind of jealousy from him. Though she couldn't deny the fact that some part of her liked knowing that he was jealous because that meant that he cared.
"Tom is just my friend." Gemma assured him knowing that any kind of jealousy was unwarranted. She had never thought of Tom that way and he had never showed that kind of interest in her. They were simply intellectual equals that worked well together. They both understood each others passion for the medicine and science but their relationship didn't go any further. "It has never been any other way with him."
Jaime almost seemed embarrassed as he crossed the room until he was standing in front of her. "I'm sorry for getting all weird. I swear I'm not like those overly possessive guys."
"It's fine." Gemma replied knowing that it was problem for the best to get that conversation out of the way if it was something that was bothering Jaime.
"Mom asked me to invite you to diner tonight." Jaime said looked a little uncertain for eve asking, which she found odd considering that he had to know that she would be more than happy to see his family again. "She says I should invite my girlfriend to dinner at least once a week."
"Girlfriend?" Gemma repeated unable to hide surprise. Though the shock on his face had her immediately wondering if he had said it by mistake.
"Yeah I mean unless you want this to be casual?"
Gemma immediately shook her head smiling and feeling an unmeasurable amount of relief. "No, definitely not."
"Good." Jaime said also looking slightly relieved. Though Gemma couldn't understand why she clearly wasn't the kind of girl to do the casual thing.
"Well, you can pick me up later for dinner."
"You don't like flying." He reminded her, which was entirely true her fear of heights was something she was sure was never going to change.
"I'll suck it up for you mom." Gemma said genuinely looking forward to seeing all of the Reyes again. Though she was definitely expecting some teasing especially from Milagros and Rudy about her now dating Jaime. She was hoping that her new status as their boss would maybe ease some of the teasing though she very much doubted that it would be the case.
A/N: A little risky might delete later. Was really struggling on whether or not I wanted to write smut for this story. You all know that as a writer I normally don't write it so I did give you all a little spice. Maybe in the future I'll get a little better at it. Tbh I couldn't even read it again I wasn't afraid it would be cringy. But I hope you all enjoyed part one! I have so many fun ideas for part two. Everything in part two will be my own original ideas and we will be seeing some fun cameos so I hope you are all excited for part two.
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