21| Que Hubiera Sido
Jenny seemed to be running entirely on adrenaline since they had finished their press conference, even the stress of everything that they still needed to get done wasn't discouraging her. The press conference had gone surprisingly well and Jenny couldn't be more excited for the future of her company.
Now Jenny was happily tapping along to the music over the radio as she drove them to the old Reyes family home. They had just picked up the truck from he car dealership they were both eager to show it to Rudy, though it was a gamble whether or not this truck would be able to replace his old one. Especially when he had proven how attached he was to it.
"Did you book your flight already?" Gemma questioned as she looked through her email again irritated at the fact the number of new emails was never ending.
"Yes. But I hope you're not expecting us being stuck in your office all day talking business."
Gemma looked up at Jenny feeling slightly offended by her words. Though Jenny wasn't entirely wrong considering that was all she had planned for Jenny's visit to Metropolis. "I don't talk business, I talk science."
"Well I don't" Jenny remarked as she parked the bright blue truck across the street from what used to be the Reyes home.
It was difficult to see the Reyes home in ruins when it was once a home with so much love and warmth. Though it seemed that even in the state that it was currently in all that love and warmth was still there. It seemed like must of the Edge Keys community had gathered to support the Reyes. There was music and food set up across the lawn, it was beautiful to see a community gather together to support each other.
Gemma had sent Javier to help the Reyes while she was at the press conference and from the look of it he was getting along with them just fine.
"Rudy, we have, like, half the Edge Keys in our yard right now." She heard Jaime say as she and Jenny walked across the lawn. "I'm sure they'll be happy to help us out."
"Of course they're going to help." Mrs. Reyes said looking around the lawn at all the people who were there to support them.
"Yeah, until when? Until Kord pushes us out?" Rudy remarked and it was clear that he was still going to continue holding a grudge against Kord Industries even though Jenny was now the CEO, not that they could blame him for it after everything that happened. Most of Metropolis still hated Ivo Technologies after what all the destruction Anthony Ivo was responsible after AMAZO.
"I wouldn't worry about that." Jenny said as they approached the Reyes.
"Hi." Jaime greeted with a smile one that Gemma couldn't help but return as she and Jenny stopped in front of the Reyes who seemed both happy and surprised at their arrival. They hadn't been able to confirm whether or not they would be able to join them not knowing how long hey would get caught up in the press conference. "Thank you for coming."
"Of course." Gemma said knowing that although the Reyes were currently staying at her house she hadn't had much of a chance to talk to them. Whether it was Gemma spending long hours at the office or the Reyes being away to prepare everything for the funeral they always seemed to miss each other. It was something that Gemma was sorry for considering that she would have liked to spend more time with them, but maybe it was for the best. If she got to know the Reyes anymore it would probably be harder to say goodbye and leave.
" I think it's time to return the Edge Keys to the people that made it great." Jenny assured them completely aware of all the power that Kord Industries had in Palmera City. For years Victoria Kord had been gentrifying major parts of the city making it almost impossible for even the middle class to keep up. Jenny was determined to change that.
"Sounds like the Reyes family's rubbing off a little bit on the two rich girls, no?" Rudy joked and maybe he did see them more as just two rich girls now, but Rudy still had very strong feelings about large corporations as a whole that would probably never change.
Jenny smiled and nodded both of them known better than to take any offense to Rudy's words. "Kord has a lot to learn from the Edge Keys. Starting with you, Rudy."
"Wait a minute, did you tell her to say that?" Rudy questioned Jaime who immediately shook his head amused by Rudy's reaction. Although they hadn't known Rudy for long Jenny knew the right words to say to flatter him. "That sounds like something that you would say to her to tell me."
"And don't worry, Kord Industries will fix and give you back your house." Jenny added shocking the Reyes who probably were under the assumption that they would have to figure it all out on their own. Gemma and Jenny had gone back and forth about who would pay to replace the truck and the house but it was clear that it was something that Jenny felt like she needed to do. Jenny still felt as if she was the most responsible for everything that happened. "Here, Rudy."
Rudy almost dropped the keys that Jenny had tossed him, looking down at them confused. "What's this?"
"I felt really bad, so I got you a new tailgate." Jenny said with a smile excited for Rudy excitement as she pointed to the blue truck that they had parked across the street. "How do you like that, cupcake?"
"Oh! Wow, it's blue." Rudy said as he looked at the blue truck skeptically. Gemma looked to Jenny as they had a long argument at the car dealer about the color of the truck. Gemma had suspected that Rudy might not be fond of the blue but Jenny was convinced that Rudy would appreciate the humor behind the color. " A little on the nose, no?"
"Rudy." Mrs. Reyes scolded looking a little embarrassed by Rudy's behavior.
"Thank you." Rudy said almost reluctantly.
"I'm sure once you get a closer look at it you'll love it." Gemma assured knowing that regardless of the color it was still a greta truck and an upgrade from the one that had been completely destroyed.
"Come on, help me like it." Rudy said as he elbowed Jaime gesturing for him to go follow. Jenny also went along hoping that she had made the correct choice in truck or maybe hoping that she could defend her choice if Rudy decided he didn't like it.
Gemma looked down at her watch realizing that she was going to be late for her flight if she didn't leave soon. Reaching into her jean pocket she grabbed the house keys.
"Here are the keys to the house. Stay as long as you need until the reconstruction of your home is finished." Gemma said as she handed the keys to the house to Mrs. Reyes. The house was never in use anymore since she moved to Metropolis when she was sixteen to go to college, she was glad that it would finally find some use. "The house cleaner comes by every Wednesday at 9am. Other than that if you have any other concerns please don't hesitate to call me."
"Are you sure you can't stay longer?" Mrs. Reyes questioned hopefully in a way that she really wished she could change her plans. Unfortunately Gemma was a people pleaser by nature but this was somethings that she simply couldn't change no matter how much she wanted to. She had responsibilities now that she could not ignore.
"I have so much work back in Metropolis."
"Talking about work..." Milagros began waiting for Gemma to take the hint of what she wanted.
"Right." Gemma said slightly amused at Milagros attempt to be subtle, but subtle was far from her nature. Luckily now that Brenda was leaving with her for Metropolis it allowed for a position to open up for Milagros. "I'll send have my assistant send over all the paperwork. After that all that you should get started by next Friday."
Milagros nodded in approval and she almost seemed relieved. Like hearing the confirmation was lifting a weight off of her shoulders. Gemma had to admit that she didn't know what it was like needing to have a job, but she wanted to help in anyway she could. And her know job at Ivo Tech was going to be a lot better that cleaning after VictorIA Kord. "Awesome."
"Que se dice?" Mrs. Reyes scolded but she seemed just as excited about the news as Milagros."
"Thank you so much for the opportunity."
"We're lucky to have you." Gemma assured Milagros knowing that she would eventually carve out her own space in the company.
"Que dios te bendiga hija." Nana said as she pulled Gemma into a hug. Gemma had never been one to turn to religion, she was a woman of science but she appreciated the sentiment behind her words.
Gemma smiled as she slowly realized that it would be a long time before she would return to Palmera City. That it would be a long time before she would probably ever see the Reyes again. "Well, I should get going."
"You're not going to say bye to Jaime?" Milagros questioned and it wasn't that she had forgotten about Jaime, of course hadn't forgotten about him but for some reason she couldn't really explain why she didn't want to say goodbye. It seemed that every conversation they had was awkward or maybe it was just Gemma herself that felt awkward around him.
"He looks busy, and I'm running late for my flight as it is." Gemma said quickly as she briefly looked over to Jaime who was busy checking out Rudy's new truck. She didn't feel the need to say goodbye to Rudy or Jenny. Rudy had accepted her offer to join her in the engineering department of Ivo Technologies and Jenny was flying to Metropolis at the end of the week. "Say good-bye for me."
Mr.s Reyes didn't seem entirely satisfied with Gemma's answer but smiled regardless. "We can't thank you enough for everything."
"If there's anything else you need please know that you can call me." Gemma assured them
"Have a safe flight." Ms. Reyes said as she let go of her. Gemma smiled at them before turning towards Javier who had been quietly waiting for her to say her goodbyes.
"Ready?" Javier questioned and Gemma simply nodded as the two of them walked towards the parked car at the other end of the street. He opened the car door for her, closing it behind her as she got it. They drove off in silence heading towards the airport that were barely going to make it on time for the flight but Gemma really hadn't wanted to leave without seeing the Reyes one last time. "Miss Del Vecchio is already waiting for us at the airport."
"Great." Gemma said happy that the silence had finally been broken as she pulled out her phone once again looking through all of her messages. "Anything else?"
"The Reyes are very grateful for what you and Miss Kord have done for them."
Gemma sighed as she put her phone down having hoped to put the Reyes our of her mind at least until they landed in Metropolis. "I'm afraid Jenny and I did more harm than good."
Jenny and Gemma could replace houses, cars and jobs but no amount of money in the world could bring Mr. Reyes back, and Jaime was still stuck with the Scarab inside of him.
It wasn't long before they were finally at the airport where Brenda was already waiting for them. Gemma knew she was asking for a lot from Brenda but she never complained and seemed up to every task.
"All your luggage is checked in and I confirmed all your meetings for when we land." Brenda informed as she handed Gemma the tablet to double check that everything was up to standard. Now more than every Gemma was grateful that Brenda had agreed to help her, she would probably be even more stressed than she already was and she wasn't sure that she would have made it out the other side entirely sane. "Is there anything else I can do?"
"Everything looks great." She confirmed as she returned the tablet back to Brenda. "Feel free too take the day off when we land so that you can get settled in to your new apartment."
The least that Gemma could do was make sure that Brenda had all her accommodations in order when she arrived. Metropolis was a very different city from Palmera and it would undoubtedly take Brenda some time to settle. Not to mention that Metropolis had a reputation for the weird and unexplainable.
It had taken Gemma a while to adjust when she first moved to Metropolis but it had quickly become her home and although it wasn't easy leaving Palmera again Gemma was also excited to go back. Sh might have grown up in Palmera City but her life was in Metropolis now, the truth was that after her mother and aunt had died there was nothing in Palmera City for her anymore.
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