09| La Familia Reyes
As quickly as it began it all ended as Gemma felt them crash through something, and even then Gemma couldn't find the courage to open her eyes. Not until she felt the impact of them hitting the ground roughly.
She slowly opened her eyes to the feeling of warm skin against her cheek. The realization hit her that her head was resting on Jaime Reyes' bare chest. She could hear how fast his heart was beating and she wondered if he was even conscious.
Gemma gasped as she quickly stood feeling all the blood rushing through her. She was so incredibly grateful that her feet were on solid ground, even if the ground felt like it was moving beneath her.
"Jaime?" She heard a woman call out but the world was spinning around her and Gemma couldn't entirely focus on any of the many faces around her.
"Yo, put those huevos away, bro." Gemma thought she heard Milagros say just as she turned around to see Jaime who was also trying to get back on his feet.
That was her mistake as she turned around to find Jaime Reyes completely naked a couple of feet away from her. There was no controlling the warmth that rushed to her face or the way the world suddenly began spinning faster around her.
It seemed to be the final straw in all the craziness that Gemma couldn't process. It was all too much to handle and Gemma immediately felt the world go black.
Gemma had never lost consciousness before, even during the worst moments of her life. She had always been in perfect health so the sensation was new to her, but what she did know was that every inch of her body ached.
"Who is she?" She heard a woman question and although Gemma wanted to open her eyes she couldn't find the strength to do it.
"That Gemma Ivo! Anthony Ivo's daughter, you know that man who tried to kill the Justice League." A man exclaimed his voice sounding panicked, not that she could blame him for feeling unsafe. "She shouldn't be here! She could be evil like her father."
"Càlmate Rudy." Another man scolded.
"Que bonita parece muñequita." A woman said not long after. Gemma understood a little Spanish, having spent so many years with Javier by her side meant that she had picked up a little of the language.
A strong scent hit her nose, one that forced her eyes open only for her to find an older woman holding a jar of VaporRub under her nose.
"What happened?" She questioned as she sat up suddenly, which was a terrible mistake as she felt a terrible headache hit her.
A familiar face stepped forward, and Gemma felt herself relax a little. Milagros however seemed nervous and a little skeptical too. "You don't remember falling through our roof?"
"Unfortunately I remember that very clearly." Gemma muttered as all the memories came rushing back to her. And as she looked around at all the curious eyes around her she realized that this was Jaime's family. "I am so sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry for." One of the women assured her.
Gemma slowly stood knowing that she was invading this families home. She was an unwanted guest and from the large hole in their roof they had much larger problems to deal with. "I... I shouldn't be here."
"Soy Bianca, I'm Jaime's mother." She introduced with a warm smile before turning to the man standing beside her. "This my husband, Alberto. His mother Elena and his brother Rudy.
"Only people I like call me Rudy." He declared as he looked at Gemma skeptically. "You can address me as Caesar."
Gemma nodded as she looked around the Reyes family. They seemed kind and genuinely worried about her, even if like her they had no idea why she was actually here.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Gemma." She introduced even though she was sure they all knew exactly who she was, which probably had them even more confused as to why she was here.
"Mija you should sit down again you are hurt." Mrs. Reyes said as she looked down at Gemma's arm. She hadn't noticed it before but she multiple bandages wrapped messily around her forearm.
There was blood, a lot of blood seeping through the cut and although she could see the cut through the bandages it was safe for her to assume that she needed stitches. The fact that she still didn't feel any pain meant that she was still running on adrenaline, but she would need the stitches soon to stop the bleeding and prevent infection.
"How about we wake up the cabezón?" Caesar questioned causing everyone to turn to the couch on the other side of the living room.
Jaime was still laying there unconscious, a large blanket covering the lower half of his body. In all the confusion Gemma had forgotten about Jaime and the Scarab.
Jaime's grandmother walked towards him the VaporRub still in hand as she placed it under his nose just like she had done with Gemma. It took a couple of seconds but Jaime suddenly gasped as he opened his eyes.
"What are you guys doing?" He questioned as he looked around the room. Jaime seemed confused and Gemma wondered if he even remembered what had happened to him.
Gemma still couldn't even believe it was real but the large hole in the Reyes home confirmed everything that had happened.
"Pobrecito." His grandmother muttered softly just as everyone else stood around the couch.
Gemma knowing that it wasn't her place to be anywhere near him stood back and watched. But she was so curious as to what had happened, and it the Scarab was still attached to him.
"Estàs bien mijo?" Jaime's father questioned first seeing as everyone else was to nervous to ask.
"He's alive." His uncle commented looking impressed.
His mother stepped closer to her son looking and him with deep concern. "Jaime. Do you feel okay, mijo?"
Jaime's eyes widened as he seemed to remember, quickly taking a peek under the blanket to confirm that he was in fact naked. "Oh! No. No way."
Jaime sat up abruptly as he looked around, when he saw Gemma sitting on the other side of the room it only made him panic even more.
"Jaime, listen, there's something on..."
"No, not now, Milagro." Jaime said brushing of his sister as she clutched onto the blanket around his waist as he rushed across the room.
Gemma gasped her hand instinctively covering her mouth in horror at the sight of Jaime's back. The scarab it seemed had attached itself to his spine. It flowed a bright blue and Gemma had never seen anything like it.
"Jaime, I'm serious." Milagros tried again as she and the rest of the family followed Jaime.
"No, no, no. Not now, Milagro." Jaime exclaimed understandably scared and confused. His whole life had changed in a single day and it was only normal for him to be panicked. "Not now!"
"There's something on your..." before Milagros could finish Jaime slammed the door in her face.
"Hey, Jaime, keep that blanket now that it touched your chorizo!" His uncle yelled and Gemma could help but feel surprised by how well he was taking this compared to the other members of the Reyes family.
This definitely didn't feel like the time for jokes, not when they all were pretty clueless to what was going on.
Suddenly Jamie's screaming could be heard from the other side of the door. No doubt he had seen the way that the Scarab had attached itself to his back. Gemma couldn't imagine how terrified he had to be.
Milagros shrugged and although she tried to seem indifferent to what was happening there was mistaking how worried she was about her older brother. "I tried telling him."
The door swung open again as Jaime stepped out of his room fully clothed now. He looked around the room until his eyes landed on Gemma who still was trying to process it all.
"Okay, Gemma you have to get this thing out of me. Let's go." Jaime urged as he began looked around the living room floor. "Uh, where are my shoes? Come on, where are my... shoes. Not the 84s! These were my favorite shoes."
He exclaimed as he picked up a sneaker that had been completely destroyed. Slowly Gemma tried putting something's together. If Jaime had been wearing those shoes when he transformed that meant the armor burnt through his clothes and shoes. That explained why he had been naked when the armor had disappeared.
"Jaime, what happened? Where did you go?" Mrs. Reyes questioned as she followed her son to the other side of the room where he was putting on a pair of converse that were sitting on the shoe rack by the door.
"Ama, I don't know." Jaime replied sounding out of breath, but trying to get some control of the situation that he was now stuck in. "I think I cut a bus in half and then..."
"Cut what?"
"...and flew into orbit." He continued slowly as if the memories were beginning to come back. Memories that he probably wished would have stayed forgotten.
"Flew into orbit?" His father repeated in disbelief.
"Apa, I don't know."
"I am calling the police."
"No, no. Don't call the police. No police. They work for Kord. What do you think Kord's gonna do when they figure out that some Mexican kid has that type of military tech inside of him? They're gonna lock his ass up." Jaime's uncle began to ramble clearly beginning to panic, but it was also clear that he had been thinking about this for a while. "And then they're gonna wipe our minds, so that we don't tell anybody. And it's not like the government isn't used to locking up Mexicans anyway. I mean, this is sci-fi shit. This is CIA. This is Area 51!"
"Rudy, focus. What do you mean?"
"What I'm saying is the government and Kord are gonna be all over this, and then they're gonna start asking for documents. And that includes you, Nana. And that includes you, Alberto."
Everyone was silent for a moment taking in Caesar's words, realizing that there was some truth in them. They would lock up Jaime to try to remove the Scarab, and there was no knowing to what lengths Victoria Kord would go to.
"Okay, then fine. Gemma and I are just gonna have to go by ourselves then." Jaime declared as he met Gemma's eyes again. He seemed to really believe that she had the answer to removing the Scarab.
The truth was that she had absolutely no idea what was going on or how to help. But she wanted to help him. She was a doctor and a scientist helping people was what she did.
But this wasn't just anyone. Not to her.
"You are not leaving this house." His mother ordered rightfully concerned about what was happening with her son. She believed that he was safer at him, which maybe wasn't entirely wrong considering the Victoria Kord was undoubtedly searching for the Scarab now.
Jaime looked a little embarrassed as he looked around the room. "Ama, I'm 22!"
"Jaime, you flew out of the roof." She attempted to reason.
"We'll be right back ama." Jaime assured his mom before he turned opened the front door.
He motioned for Gemma to step outside but it felt like she was frozen in place. This all felt like some kind of dream though she was sure for Jaime it was more of a nightmare.
Gemma had never spoken to Jaime Reyes before, now it seemed like there was no escaping him. Not anymore, she was a part of this now and she couldn't turn away from him.
Pulling herself together she stood and walked to Jaime determined to figure out what the hell was happening.
A/N: Just like the movie this story is going to contain a lot is Spanish, sorry to all of you who don't speak Spanish. This chapter took a long time for me to finish but I hope you all enjoyed it. The next chapter is one of my favorites so that's something to look forward to.
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