08| Alien Abduction
Gemma had spent the last two hours in a pointless meeting, at least it felt pointless with everything else that they had going on.
It had taken her all night but she had discovered the Victoria Kord had found the Scarab and that it was locked away in the restricted access research lab in Kord Industries. It was a discovery that Jenny had not taken lightly.
When Jenny had left her house she had been desperate to find a way to get the Scarab back, now Gemma hadn't heard from her all morning and she was beginning to worry.
She was waiting for Javier on the side walk to come around with the car, she felt impatient as she began to pace in front of the Ivo Tech building.
When Gemma's phone began to ring she answered it without hesitation when she saw Jenny's name across the screen.
"Jenny I haven't heard from you all morning." Gemma said feeling relieved that she was finally hearing back from Jenny. After they had discovered that Victoria Kord had found the Scarab she had been worried that Jenny would do something stupid and reckless.
"I did something really stupid." Jenny stated sounding out of breath.
Gemma froze, already knowing the answer but still having to ask. Still needing that confirmation. "What?"
"I broke into the Kord Industries research lab and stole the Scarab."
It was definitely not ideal. Sure, it's was better that it was out of Victoria Kord's hands but there was no knowing what she would do to get it back. They had to move quickly.
"Okay then just meet me here at Ivo Tech and we'll figure out what to do with the Scarab."
There was a long pause on the other end that caused Gemma to automatically come to every worst possible conclusion. "I don't have the Scarab."
"I thought you said that you did?"
"I did. As in past tense." Jenny clarified raising her voice in clear frustration. "They were beginning to lock the building down and Jaime was there. So I gave it to him. And now he's not answering the phone and I'm starting to freak out."
It took Gemma a couple of moments to process Jenny's words and even when they did finally sink in she couldn't accept them to be true. "You did what?"
"I panicked!" Jenny snapped and it was clear that she was scared or at the very least concerned about what was going to happen.
"Okay." Gemma said slowly trying to gather her thoughts before she started panicking too. She couldn't believe that things had gone bad so quickly. "Send me your location and then we'll find Jaime together. It's going to be okay."
"Hurry." She urged before she hung up. A couple moments later Jenny shared her location with Gemma, she was only a couple of blocks away from Kord Industries at a coffee shop.
Gemma was about to call Javier, needing him to hurry up before panicked screams came from the other side of the street followed by the sound of metal being torn apart.
Living in Metropolis meant that Gemma had witnessed things that were in a normal world would seem unbelievable. She had seen Superman catch a plane that was crashing down, had seen him fight Braniac and countless other villains. Her own father was one of those villains.
And alien invasions were nothing new. There had been Zod, Steppenwolf and more recently Darkseid. There was nothing more terrifying than Darkseid.
She lives in a world where heroes and villains with extraordinary abilities did extraordinary things, and yet it shocked her every single time.
Because how could she not be shocked at the sight of a bus literate being torn straight through the middle by an alien.
It seemed to be covered by blue and black armor, with large wings and insect like legs coming from it's back. It was covering its mouth with its hands in shock like it couldn't believe what it had just done before making sure that no one on the bus was injured.
Everyone had stopped to watch it, Gemma couldn't help but be confused about what exactly it was doing. Why it had torn the bus apart and then made sure that there were no casualties.
In an instant it had flown up disappearing into the sky, Gemma was about to turn back and head inside the Ivo tech building before something landed a couple of feet away from her.
The impact from the landing caused Gemma and others around her to fall back.
Immediately she sat up ready to run if she needed to. And she could help but feel terrified seeing it so up close simply because she didn't know what it was or what it's intentions were. These kinds of things didn't happen in Palmera City. They happened in Metropolis, Gotham, Central City or National City. Those were cities where extraordinary things happened.
The alien creature looked around before it seemed to set its focus on her.
"Gemma. Gemma it's me." It was telling her desperately as it waved its hands desperately. Like if she should know who they were. "It's me."
But suddenly something in their voice seemed to click in her mind. There was something familiar in that voice, something that wasn't entirely new. But it couldn't possibly be. "Jaime?"
"Yes! Yes it's me Jaime." He exclaimed sounding relieved to be recognized, but the confirmation had the opposite effect on Gemma. She felt like she was going to lose consciousness there on the sidewalk. "You're smart you can help me."
"Oh my god." She muttered as she looked up at him. He was clearly scared but so was she. And he seemed to think that she could help, but she knew very little about the Scarab and the way that it affected the human body.
Jaime suddenly froze as he looked around him grabbing his head with his hands. "Wait no. Don't. Stop it. No!"
"What?" She questioned but he wasn't even looking in her direction. Jaime was looking down at his feet and shaking his head furiously. He wasn't talking to her, he was talking to himself.
Gemma slowly got to her feet as everything slowly started to come together. Jenny had given the Scarab to Jaime and now he was standing in front of her inside of that alien armor. Jaime had somehow found a way to activate the Scarab that was the only explanation.
He finally looked to her taking a very slow step towards her. "I can't control it. I'm so sorry."
"For what?"
She never got her answer because suddenly one of the insect arms that were coming out of Jaime's back reached forward and pulled her closer. It all happened so quickly, him pulling her forward and wrapping an arm around her before they shot up into the sky.
The scream the left her lips was almost painful as she began to process what was actually happening. She didn't know why it was happening but it was. And it was terrifying.
Gemma tried opening her eyes for a moment, but seeing them continue to to go higher up and the busy street below them caused her to shut them tightly again. She hated heights, more than anything she hated the feeling of flying this high and at this speed. She hated roller coasters and anything extreme, it wasn't for her.
Instinctively she wrapped her legs around his waist needing to feel more secure and like she wouldn't fall dozens of feet down onto the busy street.
"I'm going to die." Gemma muttered as she held onto to him as tight as she could. She didn't want to risk him letting go of her, there were so many terrible scenarios running through her mind that there was nothing other option but for her to panic.
"We're going to die?" Jaime yelled undoubtedly panicking more than she was. "No puede ser. We're going to die!"
Gemma always tried to pretend that she was always in control even when her life was falling apart around her. But this was different. She was far from being in control and even farther away from pretending to be.
A/N: We're getting a lot of Gemma and Jaime moments coming up, chapter 10 is definitely my favorite.
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