05| Jenny Kord
Gemma knew that getting a meeting with Jenny Kord was a long shot. She didn't have an a scheduled meeting or appointment, that her chances of getting turned away were much greater than her chances of actually getting to talk with Jenny.
Jenny Kord was the Ted Kord's only daughter. She wasn't the CEO of the company, but she still had the Kord name. Her voice an opinion were important to the company.
After extensive research Gemma was sure that Jenny was a good person. She did extensive charity work all across the world and she had no scandals. Everyone seemed to speak well of her.
Jenny Kord was Gemma's only chance in making sure that something got done.
"I'm here to see Jenny Kord." Gemma told the woman at the front desk wanting to seem as confident as possible, like she was meant to here.
Gemma could see the recognition on the woman's face, and it it irritated her that she had become so recognizable. "Miss Ivo do you have a meeting scheduled with Miss Kord?"
"No, but can you just tell her that Gemma Ivo is here to see her." She replied doing her best to seem as authoritative as possible. "And that it's urgent. Please."
The woman looked down at her computer typing something before meeting Gemma's eyes again. "Miss Kord is in a meeting right now. I'll send her a message that you're here to see her if you would like to wait."
"Yes. I'll wait." Gemma said as she took a seat in the waiting area feeling a little nervous. She was about to tell Jenny Kord that her aunt was working with one of the most hated men in the world to create military cyborgs.
Kord Industries looked like as much the technological centered business as Ivo Tech, the only difference being that they focused on weapon manufacturing. Thought that hadn't always been the case which meant the Kord Industries tended to be at the center of many controversies in the city.
"Dr. Gemma Ivo." Someone declared, their voice practically echoing through the building.
Jenny Kord looked like someone out of a fashion magazine. She was the kind of pretty that was intimidating, but her bright and welcoming smile didn't allow any room for people to feel intimidated.
"Just Gemma." She replied as she to Jenny's waiting hand. She was only a couple years older than Gemma but the difference was clear. Jenny Kord was confident and very comfortable in her own skin. "You are really pretty in your pictures. You are a lot more pretty in person."
Jenny smiled brightly, and Gemma was immediately relieved by the positive energy that just radiated off of her. "Well you're a lot prettier than you were on my tv screen."
"Not my best moment." Gemma admitted always highly aware that people recognized her from the news. That it would probably be a while til they stopped looking at her like if she was an anomaly.
"Follow me." She said and they mostly remained silent until they finally reached Jenny's office on the fifth floor. "What can I help you with Gemma?"
"I don't even know where to begin." She admitted knowing that there was so much to explain, and that there was still a chance that Jenny might not care. That although she seemed nice, that she could still side with her aunt. "This might seem crazy but my dad was in contact with your aunt and they were creating military cyborgs together."
"I believe it." Jenny said not seeming even the slight but gazed by it all.
Gemma was speechless for a moment, unsure if she was joking or not. "Really?"
"If you met my aunt you would understand." Jenny replied as she extended her hand. Gemma handed her the file she had in her hand wondering if she understood just how serious the situation was. "This looks like..."
"It's the same design as AMAZO. Yes." Gemma confirmed seeing the way that Jenny's eyes had gone wide once she realized what she was looking at. "I spoke to my father and he said at the time he and your aunt planned to fuse this technology with that of something called the Scarab."
Jenny was silent for a moment as she continued looking through all the emails and blueprints that had been exchanged between Victoria Kord and Anthony Ivo.
"I can't believe this." She finally said a small frown on her lips. "The Scarab has been missing for many years. My aunt Viki has been obsessed with finding it once again. I just didn't know that this was what she was planning."
"What does the Scarab do exactly?" Gemma questioned and Jenny immediately went to the other side of the room activating a hologram in the center of the office. The Scarab really was just a beetle, at a surface glance it didn't look like anything special. "Can I?"
"Go ahead."
Immediately Gemma reached forwards expanding the holographic image to take a closer look at it.
"This thing is incredible." Gemma muttered as she took a closer looker at all the intricate details of the Scarab. She wished that she could study the actual thing in person. "Did your father ever discover where the Scarab originated from?"
"Nothing beyond it coming from an alien species called The Reach." Jenny stated as she leaned against the table. "The Scarab chooses its host and leeches onto it like a parasite. My father was never able to activate it. He became obsessed and it was his downfall."
From the way that she spoke about the Scarab it was safe to assume that her father had told her all about it since she was a child. It was almost like she held some resentment towards it, not that Gemma could blame her after what she had just confessed.
"I know what that like." Gemma muttered, and she froze realizing that she had spoken the words out loud.
Jenny raised an eyebrow and smiled, clearly intrigued. Of course she knew some of the story just like most of the world, but there was more too it than what the news cared to report. "Care to elaborate?"
"When my mother died when I was young he became obsessed with the idea immortality." Gemma said knowing she didn't owe Jenny her life story just because she had given her a glimpse to hers. For some reason she felt like Jenny was someone that understood her, and that Gemma didn't have anyone in her life that did. And it was nice. "That's why he created AMAZO he was collecting DNA samples from the Justice League hoping that he would be able to replicate the regenerative abilities that most of them have."
"My mother died mother died when I was young too. It's tough." She replied, and in that moment it was like something between them just clicked. "Where the hell have you been all my life? I could have definitely used a friend like you in high school."
Just the thought of herself in high school made Gemma flinch. She hated high school it was a terrible experience, but she understood what Jenny meant. The not having any real friends in high school. "Trust me you wouldn't have wanted that."
"Why not?"
"Cause I was just some stupid girl, with a stupid crush on a stupid boy and I decided to make that my entire personality." Gemma replied honestly no matter how embarrassing it was to admit. "It was so embarrassing."
"We've all been there." Jenny dismissed, and suddenly it was like they were teenage girls talking about boys. "What was his name?"
"Jaime Reyes. I'm pretty sure he didn't even know I existed."
"His name was Ripley Carter. He was the son of my dad's best friend." Jenny stated as she shook her head in disbelief. Like the memory was still too embarrassing to admit. "He always saw me like a little sister. So I guess we were both just stupid girls with a stupid crush on a stupid boy."
Gemma smiled for the first time feeling like she actually had a real friend. "Ripley is a terrible name."
Jenny burst out laughing, nodding in agreement. "Yes it is. Which make the crush I had on him ten times more embarrassing."
Somehow they ended up spending two hours talking about everything and nothing at the same time.
Sure Gemma had Thomas as a friend and someone that she trusted, but it wasn't the same. They only ever spoke about things related to work or science. And all the friends that Gemma thought she had made in high school, college or her medical residency had never really been her friends. They only wanted to know her because they wanted something from her.
"What do you plan to do?" Gemma asked when they had finally somehow returned to the subject that they both were wanting to avoid.
"Tomorrow the two of us will confront my aunt. She come back tomorrow morning we'll go to her house. This can't wait."
Gemma raised her eyebrows not entirely on board with the idea of confronting Victoria Kord. Clearly she was a woman that wouldn't take someone like Gemma seriously. "The two of us?"
"This involves Ivo Tech technology you should be there." Jenny stated firmly as if it wasn't needed to be discussed. "How about we go get some Big Belly Burger?"
Gemma knew that Jenny was right. That this also involved her company and that she should be present, but that didn't change the fact that Gemma wasn't very good at confronting people. She didn't want to think of herself as weak but she couldn't help that she didn't like conflict.
But confronting Victoria Kord was why she was her in the first place.
A/N: I know that's it's already been five chapters and we have gotten to Jaime yet, but you won't have to wait much longer. We're finally getting Jaime in the next chapter, I kind of set up Gemma and Jaime's dynamic in this chapter. And like always all my romances are a slow burn.
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