Fury coursed through Calliope's entire body. It felt like being on fire, the anger that had gripped her. Tiger Lily had been taken. At first, she thought it had been Pan and the Lost Boys. But it hadn't. It had been Killian.
Tiger had called her name. Calliope could still hear whenever anyone reached out for her, no matter how much the island had been twisted by Pan. Tiger had called for her. And Calliope had found her at last, hands tied behind her back and legs together, sitting in a boat with a death glare on her face as she floated in the cove under Skull Rock.
Calliope never set foot there. Even as she hid in one of the alcoves of the rock, she could feel the darkness. Pan's darkness.
Pirates swarmed the area. The Jolly Roger floated off in the bay but she could see Killian chatting to Smee from the rock floor, one foot on the edge of the boat holding Tiger. If the woman tried to move, he could knock her into the water.
Her grip on the hilt of her cutlass tightened. How he could've betrayed them, she still couldn't comprehend. They had never been on the best of terms while he'd been lingering in and around Neverland, electing to see each other as infrequently as possible over the decades, but she never would've suspected he'd stoop so low. For a moment she considered summoning a storm and wrecking the Jolly Roger. That would force his crew to land. They'd be Lost Boy prey in no time.
But she didn't. She controlled her breathing, trying to take in the area to figure out the best way to free Tiger. Other than Smee, there were seven pirates near Killian, all with swords and two with guns. The second level of the cave had three, armed with swords. There could be more, but Calliope had no way of knowing.
The men with guns would be her biggest problem. Biting her cheek, Calliope watched Killian. He had a smirk on his face. Calliope wondered if she could get the mermaids involved, but though she knew she'd kill these pirates if necessary, leaving them to the mercy of the merfolk sat about as well with her as wrecking the Jolly Roger.
No, she'd have to do this alone, and pray Pan and the Lost Boys stayed away. She wasn't sure anymore which side Killian and the pirates would take. If Killian thought survival would be better achieved by aligning himself with the demon child, that's what he would do. Pan would exact a price, but the boy liked his games, and pitting Killian against her would make for great entertainment for him. Then again, the Lost Boys had been responsible for several dead pirates over the years.
Calliope stood up. She had to take out the three at the top first. She could take out three with a sleeping curse, as the foolish men were close enough together to hit them all in one blow. She flicked her hand and teleported herself directly behind them. They spun around. She thrust her hand forward and silenced them before they made a noise, their bodies dropping to the ground unceremoniously.
Three down, nine to go.
Slinking around the corner so she could get a clear view of the pirates, she took a couple of deep breaths. It helped calm her pounding heart. After locating the two men with guns, she flicked her hand and the guns disappeared from their hands in puffs of golden smoke. Their shouts went up, and she wasted no more time.
Calliope appeared in the middle of them, just a few meters from Killian. Swords rang as they were drawn. Killian raised an eyebrow, cocky smirk on his face as he pointed his sword not at her, but at Tiger.
"Hello Muse," he said.
"Hook." She used his nickname, glaring at him and raising her hands as the other pirates tried to surround her. "What the hell are you doing?"
"I knew this would get you here." He pointed the sword her way. "And if you're here, Pan will come, too."
"You want him here?" she asked.
"Well." He just shrugged, throwing a smirk her way. "I see a few outcomes here, all of them benefiting me. Either Pan shows up, and you kill him, and I can travel this island in peace."
"Or Pan gets you two, thanks me, and I've got myself a new ally."
Calliope couldn't believe him. But as he had Smee take over guarding Tiger Lily and he moved closer to her, she just shook her head with a small, unamused laugh. "How did you fall so far from the man I met on these shores so many years ago?"
"This is who I've always been," he said, clenching his around his sword. With his hook, he pointed towards the shoreline of the main island across the water. "You just love a sob story and saw something that wasn't there."
"No." Calliope shook her head. She spared a glance at the pirates who had successfully surrounded her. Then she turned back to Killian. "No, Killian. The fact that you think that is why it's who you are now."
He didn't respond with more than a death glare. Movement from the corner of her eye made Calliope turn towards the upper level of the cave. A dozen figures stared down at them. Lost Boys.
"Well, well." Pan moved to the edge and smiled down at them. "What's this? Pirates, an ex fairy, and a lonely muse all in one place. Don't stop this riveting discussion on my account."
Calliope felt shivers creep down her spine. She would deal with Killian later. She had bigger problems now. Tiger would have to handle herself in the water. Throwing her hand forward, Calliope rid Tiger of her bonds. As the woman splashed into the water, all hell broke loose.
The Lost Boys hooted and hollered as they careened down the carven steps, arrows descending on the pirates from over their heads. As Killian grimaced and barked orders to his men, Calliope used the chaos to her advantage. She poofed away into a corner of the massive cavern. She needed a plan.
Everyone here wanted to kill everybody else. If she left the pirates to the Lost Boys, Pan would surely win. But she had no interest in aiding Killian's men if she didn't have to. Moments passed, weapons clashing and shouts echoing in the cave. Pan got ahold of a sword. She didn't hear what was said, but she watched him approaching Killian.
Their swords clanged. With both of them distracted, Calliope went to look for Tiger. She found the woman clawing her way onto the rock.
"We need to get out of here," Tiger said. "I don't have a weapon."
Calliope nodded. "I'll send you back to shore."
"You aren't coming?" Tiger looked at her in surprise, but then followed Calliope's gaze to the pirates. "Leave him to his fate."
But she couldn't. She couldn't leave him to Pan. She would never leave anyone to Pan if she could help it. Calliope shook her head. With a twist of her hand, she transported Tiger back to the island. Then she turned to the fight.
The pirates had almost overwhelmed the Lost Boys. Pan had brought a sizable number, but even with decades, sometimes centuries, of play fighting under their belts, they were no match for seasoned pirates. Bloodied and beaten bodies lay all around the cave.
Killian seemed to be holding his own against Pan, but Calliope knew it couldn't last. The evil child had yet to use magic. As soon as he decided he'd had his fun, Killian was a goner. Calliope growled in frustration. She bit her cheek.
"Pan!" she shouted.
The fighting stopped. The pirates had defeated the Lost Boys and those five who remained had regrouped near their captain. As Pan stopped fighting Killian and stepped away, he grinned. Cold fear gripped her heart.
"How noble," he said. Pan walked over to her, using a wave of his hand to collapse all the pirates except for Killian. He spun his sword in a circle. "Even after all he's done you're still willing to risk your life for Captain Hook."
Calliope sneered. "You should take that as a sign of how much I want to end your miserable existence."
"Fighting words." They stood a few meters apart. Pan tossed aside the sword he'd stolen and beckoned to her. "You may want to kill me, Calliope, but you know you can't. I, on the other hand, may be able to kill you."
Calliope thrust her hands forward, sparks of lightning flying from her outstretched palms. Pan reached out and caught them. She didn't miss the grimace on his face, but when she stopped her attack, he only heaved a few deep breaths before laughing. Fury coursed through her again. Pan raised his hand.
She grunted as she was thrown against the rock wall. Pain shot through her, the stones cutting into her back. With a groan, she landed on the floor. Tears sprang into her eyes, unbidden. The iron tang of blood filled her mouth. Panting, she forced herself to sit up.
At the sight of the Shadow, Calliope nearly stopped breathing. It flew through the air towards her. With all the energy she could muster, Calliope raised her arms.
The touch of the Shadow on her skin burned her. She screamed in pain. With her right arm, she tried to drive it off. Only when she hit it directly with flames did it screech out in pain and retreat. Her body ached, chest pounding.
Pan glared. He shook his head, turning away from her. Calliope coughed, gasping for breath. It still couldn't kill her. He still couldn't kill her. Through blurry eyes, she watched as Pan turned to Killian. The last thing she remembered before teleporting away was Killian sheathing his sword as Pan spoke to him.
She appeared in a golden cloud of smoke on Neverland's beach, still not able to stand. Her back hit the sand with a thud as she lay back. Under the sun, she tried to breathe. She tried to focus. But she couldn't. Only when Tiger Lily reached her side, grabbing her arm and hauling her up, did she even regain control of herself.
"We need to move," Tiger said.
Calliope nodded. She spared a last glance across the bay at Skull Rock. But as Tiger grabbed her arm and pushed her towards the trees, she just fell silent. Killian had chosen a side. And it wasn't hers.
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