That school drag
"The Pythagorean theorem can be used in many ways" my teacher droned on. Math is my second to last class of the day so half the things my teacher says is kinda fuzzy. I can't believe I have 2 more years of this bullshit. He can tell me all he wants how I will use the whatever theorem he's teaching us today in the real world but I know I won't be using it. I'm going to be a movie star. A friend of mine back from middle school dropped out and is now on a pretty popular TV show so I know I can do it and she's already said she'll put in a good word for me to her director. I would just drop out right now and go be an actress but my parents say I need an education and no one is going to let me be an actor without my parents permission. Maybe if I run away and get a fake ID, create an alias for myself so no one will know that I'm only 16. I suppose though if anyone I know sees me on TV after disappearing I'd be dead meat. My parents don't believe me when I say I'm going to be a movie star. They think I need to go to college and "do something with my life." As if being a movie star isn't a huge accomplishment. I swear the day I turn 18 I'm out of this place. No one understands the amount of potential that I have and they're only holding me back.
"Charlene!" The teacher snapped at me. I looked up from my lap where my phone was sitting and my teacher did not look pleased.
"So?" The teacher said.
"I'm sorry I didn't understand the question" I responded, in hopes that he'd think I just didn't hear.
"What is the answer to this question?" He asked while pointing at this crazy string of numbers and letters on the white board. I then realized it was 40 minutes into the class and all I heard was that theorem thing at the beginning of class.
"I'm sorry I don't know" I said with a bit of a sigh.
"Hm, that's funny ms. Mernich because if you were paying any attention at all you would have seen me work this question out over the last couple minutes and would have seen the answer before I erased it." He said as he began walking to my desk. "Hand it over" he said as he put his hand out.
"Hand what over?" I asked hoping he didn't see the phone that I slid underneath my leg when he was on his way over.
"The phone" he said, waving his fingers towards himself in one of those gimme motions. I passed the phone to him and put my head back down.
"I wasn't even on it" I told him. I mean of course I was but it's because I was educating myself on the latest fashion trends so I can be runway ready. This is the stuff I actually need to know. The only math I'm going to need to know how to do is count my stacks of money.
"Well if you weren't on it then you don't need it for the rest of the day right? Everyone is here to learn, if you ask me, these stupid things shouldn't even be allowed in schools. You can pick this up from the office at the end of the day." He says as he's holding my phone up. He's holding it with 2 fingers away from him as if it's disgusting. He probably has a flip phone for here and a landline at home.
My teacher is an older man, probably far after retirement age. I don't even know his name because I don't care. He has a deep monotone voice and I swear he doesn't even blink. My parents want to talk about being successful but I know I could probably make more money as a fast food worker than he makes. Just because he's smart doesn't make him successful. I mean he definitely doesn't seem happy. It seems like the only thing that brings a spark to his eye is making me and my classmates miserable.
Finally after 15 more minutes of his droning voice the bell rings and I get to leave. "Can I have my phone back please?" I asked him drearily as I was walking out.
"No ma'am. You can pick it up at the office on your way out." He said all snooty.
"But the office is at the opposite end of the school from where I get on the bus and my last class is on the side I board the bus ." I said starting to get a bit irritated even thinking about having to walk 3 lengths of the school just to grab my phone that is currently right in front of me.
"No buts. You should've thought about that before you decided to be on your phone the whole hour." He said. He always makes things my fault.
"Well maybe if you taught something actually useful I wouldn't have to self educate on my phone." I said. My teachers eyes got a little bit fuller which I didn't even think was possible. I walked away before things got any worse. Ugh I hate him. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him.
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