Leah @LDCrichton
Birthday: March 13
Zodiac Sign: Pisces (mermaid for life)
3 Fears: wasps/hornets, spiders, dying before I get to truly live
Turn ons: Physically: Tattoos, soulful eyes, great mouth. Mentally: Intelligence and sense of ambition. Ability to hold a deeply intense conversation.
Turn offs: Complacency, lack of ambition
Something you really, really want: To be a full-time writer
Most embarrassing moment: I got in the wrong car once when I was about 14. My mom was parked next to the exact same freaking car and I ran into the drugstore to grab something, came out, distracted and got into the passenger seat of a total stranger's vehicle.
Favorite Dish: Tequila Mockingbird Chicken
Hobbies: Reading or creating anything at all. Listening to music for hours back to back.
Strange/Hidden Talent: I can put most men to shame belching if I drink enough carbonated beverages. J They can be earth shaking.
Role Model: My parents
Expression: Does this mean quote? If so, I love: "Learn how to see. Realize everything connects with everything else." – Leonardo da Vinci
Favorite Color: Aqua/Purple
Favorite TV Show: The Office/Friday Night Lights
Band/Singer: Impossible to pick one: Marianas Trench, All Time Low, Breaking Benjamin, The Cab, Starset, RED, Thousand Foot Krutch, The Maine, Nothing More, Muse, Artist Vs Poet... I could go on forever.
Celebrity Crush: Either Canadian Ryan
Favorite Romantic song: Wait For You – Atreyu
Favorite Romance book: I don't have a favorite. I don't play favorites with books because they are like children. All offering something different.
Favorite Romantic Movie: The Notebook
Idea of a Perfect Romantic Date: Dinner and wine served outside (preferably beside an ocean), followed by a return home to a resting spot filled with fairy lights, blankets, pillows and conversation about everything and nothing until the sun comes up the next morning.
Guilty Pleasure: Makeup. I'm a proud VIB Rouge member at Sephora.
Place I would like to visit: Everywhere. The world is huge. I want to see as much of it as I can before my time is up.
What you're bad at: Math = Mental Abuse To Humans
Favorite Ice cream flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip---always
Favorite Drink: coffee
Most exotic meat you've tasted: deer/rabbit ß both gross
Worst place you have ever been to: I don't like "worst" but the place I've been that I felt most deprived of creature comforts of home was Cayo Santa Maria, Cuba. But OMG it was still so beautiful and the people were phenomenal.
Best place you have ever been to: Disneyland/Jamaica – I dunno.
What makes you happy? The limitless opportunities we are presented with in life. Many people just miss them because they often come in the form of hard work.
What was your scariest experience? Losing my mom at a relatively young age.
What was the nicest things said about you? That I'm like my mother or that I've inspired someone.
The Pope is having dinner at your place, what would you cook for him? Not tequila. Maybe some lasagna, with salad and garlic bread. Good wine. Fresh noodles only, no boxed crap, please.
When was the last time you flirted on someone? "On" never. "With" – probably most days on some unconscious level.
How much time do you spend in a bathroom? What am I doing? Am I reading in the bubble bath? Am I doing makeup or hair? Brushing teeth? Varies based on the activity in question.
You have two choices for a lifetime partner. Ryan Gosling or Chris Evans. Who would you pick and why? Ryan. He's Canadian and hotter.
The worst thing you did for love? Stayed in a horrible relationship hoping it would work itself out.
The best? Made myself vulnerable to someone.
The most beautiful persons in your opinion? Those who aren't afraid to be themselves unapologetically. Those who are genuinely happy for other people's successes with no hidden agendas or jealousy. People who are REAL and not afraid of what others think.
The most expensive thing you bought for yourself. My house.
If you were a fictional character, who would you be? Hermoine Granger because she basically kicks ass at everything
What's your favorite from the ones you've written? Why? Kyler Benton from my current WIP. Because he makes me see the entire world differently. Sidenote: that's why my book is taking forever to finish. I'm too busy seeing things with new eyes.
Published books: The Enchantment of Emma Fletcher/Simon Schuster
Message to readers and followers: Never in a million years would I have predicted the love and support I've been so blessed to receive from all of you. There aren't words for the gratitude I feel every day. I'm so beyond blessed and you are all a really big part of that, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you. XOXO
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