alianna and conrad sat outside on the chairs, helping with the dinner prep. they handled the corn, taking the husks off and dumping it into the trash. natalie came outside to the kids and told her daughter that susannah needed her inside and so she went.
"sup' nat." conrad said throwing the husk away, "i just wanted to check in on you." natalie shrugged her shoulders, sitting down next to him. "how have you been?" she asked him.
"fine" conrad focused on the corn not looking at natalie, "fine". natalie mocked him in a funny tone. "come on, we used to talk."
"we still talk." conrad still focused on the corn, "barley" natalie said blankly, "your still my special guy, you know." natalia lifted his head up to face her. "your the first baby." she tucked his hair back, "you can talk to me about anything."
"thank you." conrad said, "and i thought we could talk about my daughter." natalie said out of no where, causing conrad tense up, "oh don't act like i can't see what's going on between you two." natalie laughed at the comment.
"don't hurt her, okay. i'm putting all my trust into you." she said being sincere, conrad nodded his head but wasn't fully aware of what that meant.
time skip to the dinner !
the family's all sat at the dinner table together including taylor and cameron. the table could barley fit everyone, alianna wore her white tube top and blue skirt, and sandy coloured strapped wedges.
susannah and the moms made a lobster dinner as of every other summer, all the kids chatting away, belly and taylor laughing on one side of the table and steven and joshua talking quietly.
meanwhile, jeremiah and alianna were playing around by playing slaps, "i got you!" alianna whined after missing a hit. cam sat down next to belly and jeremiah noticed. "so, cam. you mind if i call you cam cameron?" jeremiah asked picking at his food on his plate.
"uh yeah man. feel free, that's funny." cam says awkwardly.
"i'm glad you're here cameron. i know your mom, denise, from back at the club. i've heard a lot about you." susannah told him.
"thank you so much for having me, susannah. my moms says hi." cameron smiled eating his food.
"so cam, have you ever heard of miyeok-guk before? it's a korean birthday tradition." laurel asked.
"uh no sorry, but it looks so good. thank you."
"belly told me you're a vegetarian, so i didn't put any meat in it." laurel said being considerate towards his wishes.
"thank you, oh geez!" he says getting ready to eat the food. "so why don't you eat meat, cam cameron?" jere asks.
"uh the meat industry is like, the number one contributor to global warming." cam continued, "and i uh i just like animals." he shrugs his shoulders.
"just don't come for my leather jacket." taylor warns making us all laugh, "im pretty sure you mean pleather." steven adds, taylor sticks the middle finger up to him.
"you know, uh, actually. belly eats meat. so like you let her kiss you with those lips?" jeremiah scoffs, "jere." alianna hits the side of his arm, grabbing his attention.
"guys stop." belly try's to interrupt. "nah man, i don't judge people for eating meat. it's just like a personal choice, i honestly don't care." cam replies.
"so when her lips touch a dead animal, and then those dead animal lips touch your lips- ow!" jeremiah whine, as alianna kicks him under the table.
"i don't mind a all." cam chuckles, "in fact." he goes in the kiss belly, and steven, jere and josh all pretend to vomit. "you guys are ridiculous." alianna rolls her eyes, picking at her food.
"oh belly is allowed to kiss, but that's it." laurel laughs.
"i'm sorry i just don't understand why anybody would want to kiss somebody who once fully shat in the bathtub." steven says, causing belly to react to it, "i was like two." she corrected him.
"more like six.!" jeremiah and steven say at the same time. "shut up, steven!" belly yells at him.
"i remember when i visited last summer." taylor spoke up, "and you, and you." pointing to conrad and jeremiah, "dared him." pointing to steven. "to pee in the fireplace and you stunk up the entire house for days. do you remember that?" taylor smirks.
"i blamed the neighbours cat!" susannah said, not happy. "we were drunk, we were drunk!" steven shrugged his shoulders, "yeah on like half a white claw." alianna says which was true.
"she got you there." jeremiah smiled. "you know what, i was thinking maybe we should go to nicole's party." belly says out loud. "yes!" taylor quickly says.
taylor and belly stood infront of the mirror getting ready for the party, belly accidentally poking herself in the eye whilst she tried to put on mascara. "it's supppose to go on your lashes, not in your eye ball!" taylor laugh as belly made it worse.
alianna walked out of belly's bathroom and had changed into a blue dress with blue dunks, she fixed her hair in the mirror making sure her ribbons hadn't come loose.
taylor helped belly with her makeup as alianna focused on her hair, "tonight is gonna be so much fun!" taylor smiled as she put belly's mascara on belly's lashes.
"yeah, i just hope it's not a disaster like the last party we went to." belly added, "you guys went to one party for like 20 minutes. it barley even counts." taylor shook her head.
"yeah, and i embarrassed myself in front of everyone." belly laughs. "no, you made everyone notice you." taylor said going back to belly's makeup.
"taylor's right, you definitely made everyone notice, but you didn't need to get hurt for people to notice you." alianna meant belly's looks how she became 'pretty' this summer but in ali's eyes, belly has always been pretty, everyone just didn't notice til now.
"enjoy it, don't spoil it." alianna finished talking after she had been fully ready. once alianna left the room, taylor thought belly and taylor should wear the flower crowns to the party but didn't tell alianna.
alianna walked down the stairs waiting for the girls to finish, she looked around and realised the boys had already gone, it's was just cam cameron.
"i'm waiting in the car." alianna left to go sit in the car and waited for the rest of them to hurry up so they could leave for the party.
lish speaks !
okayyy i jsut want to say sorry for not updating since forever but i've finally finished writing a chapter and hopefully another one for today. but i promise this story will get interesting in the next chapter !!
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