JULIE HAD COME BACK INTO THE STUDIO SAYING THE GROUP HAD THIRTY MINUTES TO PERFECT THE SONG. andy laughed when she saw lukes eyes go wide before they all went into rehearsal mode.
it reminded the girl of many early sunset curve practices where they would go full out on the song for the first time five minutes before a show.
luke looked at andy, "you go outside with julie while we work on syncing alex to reggie and i, okay? you've already got it down." andy nodded with a smirk, "oh, of course i've got it down."
she stood up and gave julie a signal to follow her as she took them right outside the studio. julie smiled, "i guess we get some girl time."
andy smiled, "finally, i've been stuck around all guys for a long time now."
andy looked at the lyrics, "okay, so i'm guessing you already know all the words, since you wrote the song. so, let's just work on the melody okay?"
julie nodded and the two girls began. andy would sing part of the lyrics and julie would copy until they were finished with the whole song.
they went over it a few times before andy smiled, "you've got it dude." julie laughed, "thank you. you know, you have a really pretty voice. why do you only sing backup?"
andy shrugged, "singings never really been my main thing. luke likes it a lot and since he writes almost all our material i thought he should sing. i'm also pretty busy with two instruments and backup vocals, i don't really need more."
julie looked at the girl confused, "i thought he wrote all your material?" andy rubbed the back of her neck, "well, basically. we've all helped in certain areas, we wrote one together once but it's not exactly ready for the world, and i've written one or two but they've never been a top priority."
julie smiled, "i'd love to hear one one day." andy nodded, "yeah, sure." the two girls turned their attention to the door when reggies head poked through, "luke said to tell you both to stop chatting and come back in so we can try full out."
both girls stood up and andy walked through the door while julie opened it for herself. the girls both went to their stations and the group practiced.
when it was time, there was a knock on the studio door and julie ran over to open it and reveal flynn. julie smiled, "thanks for coming. we just wanted to rehearse the song so it was perfect, which it's not, but whatever."
"no, if i'm gonna hear a song from your imaginary ghost band, i want it to be perfect. so, get back in there." sassed flynn before looking around at the air and pointing in different directions, "all of you. you too."
"they're not out here."
flynn walked past julie, putting her hand on the ladders shoulder, "oh, i know." andy laughed, "i like this one."
julie shut the doors behind her and turned towards the group, "all right, guys, andy. you ready?" andy smiled, "awe, for once i'm not a guy that's nice."
julie looked at flynn, "uh, actually, can you go over there? reggie needs some space to rock out, and he feels kinda weird walking through you."
reggie, who wasn't near flynn looked around, confused.
luke smacked his chest, "she's messing with her." reggie nodded, understanding what was now going on.
flynn laughed, "boy, when you create a world, you really live in it." julie pulled a chair behind flynn, "just sit! if you'll notice, there's no equipment that will produce a hologram. feel free to look around."
everyone got ready to join in on their cue as julie exhaled, "the band took a poem that i wrote about you and put it to music."
"aww! i wish i didn't have to talk to your dad after this."
julie lightly chuckled, "it's called "flying solo." hope you like it."
julie began making a beat on the top of the keyboard before pressing repeat so it would play on its own and then began singing and playing the keys.
andy smiled at the boys in anticipation and when their moment came, they all quickly joined in and became visible to flynn.
she screamed and leaned back in her seat, not expecting anyone to actually appear. andy winked at the girl before going back to her cello.
they all harmonized together behind julie as she stood and walked off from the keys. julie began to sing to flynn, who was still majorly freaked out.
she leaned down in front of flynn and grabbed the girls hand as she continued to sing. the band harmonized with julie on the word change yet again and andy almost laughed when she saw how close luke and reggie were while sharing a mic.
julie pulled flynn up as the chorus picked up again and pulled her towards luke. luke did a movement towards flynn, making the girl jump back a bit before julie moved her to andy.
andy smiled as she continued on the cello and flynn smiled back, liking that introduction way better than the ghost that jumped at her.
they then went to alex and flynn began dancing a bit as she got more into the song. finally julie pulled her to reggie as the song took an instrumental moment.
andy smiled knowing it was her moment and while flynn was busy sticking her hand into reggies shoulder, andy began doing the solo that they had given her on her cello.
andy continued as flynn spoke out, "they're ghosts!" alex interjected, "oh, we prefer, uh, musician spirits."
reggie gave a small point in agreement as luke questioned, "julie... so does this mean you're joining our band?"
flynn walked up to him, "um... actually, i think you're joining her band." julie put her arm on flynn's shoulder, "i'm gonna go with what she said."
andy laughed, "i knew i liked this girl!" flynn gave the girl a smile before they went back to the chorus and julie began singing again.
the two girls danced together as the band played and sang backup. reggie laughed and gave andy a smile, who quickly returned it before paying attention to julie again, "still wanna talk to my dad?"
"no, i'm good." responded flynn and the two girls hugged.
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