THE FOUR POPPED INTO BOBBY, OR TREVORS HOME, AND BEGAN LOOKING AROUND. andy glared at anything and everything she saw as alex spoke up, "bobby's house is ridiculous. have you seen these platinum records?"
"platinum?" questioned reggie, doing a full 360 towards alex. andy walked up to luke as he stared at some records and felt herself actually gasp at what she saw in front of her.
luke looked at his sister in disbelief, "he recorded "my name is luke!" my name is luke!" andy put her hands in her hair and tugged a bit, "i really want to scream right now."
they all turned as the front door opened and reggie pointed, "it's him!" alex, andy, and luke walked up to reggie as bobby yelled out, "hey, carrie. i'm going to meditate."
reggie pointed at bobby's face, "he wears sunglasses indoors!" andy crossed her arms, "yeah, he's a douche."
"i'm in the den!" yelled out carrie and bobby nodded, "cool!" he quickly walked up his stairs as andy glared at him and reggie spoke again, "i can't stand him."
luke stood next to his sister and glared, "time for his past to haunt him." reggie and andy both nodded and the three began to walk up the steps but alex stopped them, "wait!"
they all turned around towards alex, each with individual looks of annoyance. he continued, "let's not rush this. you know, it's my... it's my first time haunting someone. i wanna make it special."
andy frowned, "alex, bud, i love you, but i'm really not in the mood for some dorky thing." luke and reggie nodded and the three began walking up again, alex quickly following behind.
reggie slowed andy down and grabbed her arm before leaning in, "you okay? i know you had this small thing with bobby back when we were alive..."
andy nodded, "yeah, i'm good. and trust me, i didn't have anything with him. i guess he's always been a jerk and i just couldn't see it quick enough. it just hurts you know?"
reggie nodded, "yeah, i know."
andy gave him a small side smile as the two caught up with luke and alex. the four quickly headed into the room with the small label meditation and walked through the door.
they all watched as bobby began to meditate quite loudly and luke stuck his finger in his mouth before putting it into the man's ear.
bobby took a second before going back to loudly meditating and all four ran up to the candles and blew them out one by one.
andy walked over to his music player and pressed play, making loud rock music blast. bobby got up to turn it off and andy waited till he began walking back to sit down to press play again.
alex ran to the bathroom as bobby turned to turn off the cd player once again. he turned on the shower and bobby questioned, "carrie?"
reggie, andy, and luke followed after bobby as he went into the bathroom, looking around the corner nervously.
he walked further into the bathroom and knocked on the glass shower walls before turning in and seeing no one there. he turned the shower off and luke began writing on the mirror where all the mist now was from the hot shower.
bobby heard the noise and walked out at luke finished writing "hello bobby." the older man stared at it before quickly going to run out, but the group quickly hopped and shut the door, making bobby run right into it.
he began pushing on the door but alex held it shut and the other three watched with laughs.
"let... me... out!" screamed bobby and alex let the door go, running to his friends. bobby ran out with a pant and alex quickly shushed his laughing friends as they watched bobby look around in a panic.
he quickly began running down the stairs, panting with every breath. luke put out his hands for reggie and alex to low five and once they did he reached for andy to do the same.
she quickly did and the group hopped out to the backyard to watch as bobby flew off in a private helicopter.
reggie had an idea, "quick! let's moon him before he gets too far away." the three boys turned around and alex spoke, "he can't see us."
luke responded, "oh, it's not for him, bro. it's for us. andy turn away." andy did as told and looked the other way as the three boys pulled their pants down in the back to show off their butts to the sky.
the three pulled their pants back up and reggie gave andy a tap saying she could turn back around. she smiled at them as julie walked out, "so, did you four have fun in there?"
luke rolled his eyes, "okay, you'd do the exact same things if he stole all your songs and messed with-" andy gave luke a look and he shook his head telling julie never mind on the last part.
julie looked at andy, "okay, i'm coming back to that later. but you have new songs. with me. the best way to get back at trevor is for this band to do great. and to do great, we have to play at dances, then clubs."
luke stepped forward towards julie, "and tours. i know."
julie sighed, "i'll see you all at the school. we go on at 9:00. please don't be late. there's gonna be a lot of people there."
alex nodded, "we got it, all right? don't worry." julie sighed before walking off and andy turned to her friends, "i'll be honest, that felt amazing."
reggie nodded, "yeah, i don't care what julie says. i'm glad we scared bobby. wish we'd done more, like... like written "thief" on his forehead."
luke looked at alex, "and, alex, how did you shut the door? you could barely open a garage door." andy nodded, "which, was sick by the way."
reggie smiled, "learned that from willie, didn't you?" alex blushed a bit, "yeah. well, he taught me some things, and we screamed in a museum."
andy laughed, "that's sick!" luke smirked, "you think he has a few more tricks up his sleeve?" alex shrugged, "let's find out."
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