Chapter Six: Dodge Ball
Heh. Heh. XD
"Way to go to Levy. Nice whispering." Lucy says sarcastically. I roll my eyes, "Shut it Lu-chan." after about 10 more minutes of chatting the bell rings. I pump my fist in the air, "I got Gym!" "Lucky. I have math. Atleast Arina will be with you. And knowing Mr. Taurus it's gonna be dodge ball." "Dodge ball queen!" I dance. Arina is known for her amazing gymnastics and fast reflects, she's powned most of the boys we call 'Dragon Slayers'. We call them dragon slayers because their so strong they act like they could kill dragon. "Make sure you get on her team, or get first pick." Lucy winks walking off, I run towards the lockers and quickly change running into the gym. "First up Levy? Eh? Eager to get ready for dodgeball? I'll make you our first team captian." Mr. Taurus smirks, I mentally yes. The other students run in, "Alright, Team Captians are, Levy McGarden and Gajeel Redfox, Miss Levy gets to go first." "Perveted ol' bull." Gajeel scoffs. "Arina!" I shout, Arina gets up and runs over here, "Alright, Want me to help you choose the winning team?" She whispers, I nod. "Laxus." Gajeel smirks, "Natsu." "Gray." "Erza." "Juvia." "Elfman." "Freed." "Bixlow." "Loke." "Lisanna." "Laki." "Jet." "Evergreen." "Mirajane!" With that Gajeel was forced to take Max, "Only 8 vs 8? Man those cowards are really stooopid!" Mr. Taurus grunts, we roll our eyes and take our positions. "Alright guys, remember, do not move unless a giant red ball is hurdling towards you!" Arina says, Team McGarden nods. "3...2...1..GO!" Taurus shouts, Arina runs in facing of Gajeels whole team, luckily she got to the dodge balls first.
She picks up the getting out Laxus and Freed, she almost got Gray but he slid away. She agressivley kicks three more balls to the coming people, getting out Laki, Max and Loke. Gajeel and his survivng memebers of four came hurdling towards Arina, "ALRIGHT TEAM MOVE MOVE MOVE!" I shout, they grab the dodge balls and aim for Arina, she back flips two times, some how missing both dodge balls thrown by Ever. I pick up the two balls and aim for Gajeel, he ducks so I end up hitting ever twice, Gajeel picks up the two balls and aims for me, I backflip remembering how Arina trained me. Therefore he hits Elfman as I grab the other ball and aim for Juvia, she easil glides over and sticks out her tounge. Erza grabs three balls and aims in any direction Juvia could go as Juvia gets out, "Juvia no!" Gray cries, "Gruvia!" Mirajane shouts happily. "Dont let Lyon here you!" Arina shouts, Gray picks up four balls hitting the Matchmaker, Erza as she rolls her eyes, Lisanna yelling for her sister and Bixlow who was collecting some dodge balls. Leaving Me, Arina, Natsu and Jet. Jet and Natsu ran after balls and started aiming for Gray, luckily they hit his arm after 10 tries, giving Gajeel all the balls. "Crap crap crap! You idiots!" Arina shouts, they look down in shame as Arina quickly runs away hitting Natsu and Jet missing her by 5 CM. They pout sitting on the side. "GO DODGE BALL QUEEN AND PRINCESS! KICK THEIR ASSES!" Mirajane yells, we roll our eyes, Gajeel starts throwing balls at Arina as she dodges them swiftly, with one ball left he runs closer, running over the line and hitting Arina in mid back flip.
Gasps filled the quiet room, Arina falls on the ground. "UNFAIR! HE CROSSED THE LINE!" Natsu shouts, "He did! I saw it! Mr. Taurus!" I cry. "I'm sorry, I didn't see it so I can't call it." Mr. Taurus, "THATS UNFAIR! OUR QUEEN CANT GO DOWN TO SCUM!" Mirajane yells. "Oi!" Gajeel grunts. "DEFEND THE QUEEN! DEFEND THE QUEEN! DEFEND THE QUEEN!" Lisanna and Mirajane chant. Soon all of the out people shout that, even Team Redfox. "Sorry. You know the rules." Gajeel smirks, Arina gets up slow like and sniffles. "My tittle...My precious precious tittle...You must earn it back for me, grasshoper." She says staring at me, I nod. She leans against the wall instead of sittng with a gloomy tension floating around her. "YOU WILL PAY FOR HURTING MY QUEEN!" I growl, "GO LEVY GO! GO LEVY GO!" Team McGarden shouts, "But Shrimps cant beat Dragons." Gajeel smirks, all of a sudden competitive Levy rises, I grab four balls and start throwing them at Gajeel, I kick 5 at him and throw the tenth one in the air and kick it with full force hitting him in the face as he falls back, Team McGarden goes crazy as Arina was practically squealing. I walk over to Gajeel and smirk, "What did you say, Dragon Slayer?" I chuckle. Gajeel huffs, "You owe me." I say walking away, Team McGarden pulls me in a hug. "All Hail The Dodgeball Queen!" Natsu yells. "For now, as much as I love Levy dearest I'm gonna get my tittle back." Arina says with a serious face, I gulp. Arina was crazy competitive, she trained her self to throw five dodge balls in the air, kick them in a side to from a line then punch them straight line, the first time she used it was on accident. One hit Natsu and the others bounced all over the place, some how only hitting the oppsite team, all of them. Like atleast 10 people with only five balls. That game ended so quickly we had time for another game, it was honestly scary. Thats why she was named the dodge ball queen.
"Okay. No need to get agressive Ari-sensei..." I cry, she rolls her eyes. "Alright guys, go get a water break. When we come back we're gonna have another game of dodge ball, Team McGarden vs Team Cresent with a new pick of teams and I'll give Miss Arina the first pick to earn back her tittle." Mr. Taurus smiles. We all head down the hall, I was at the back with Gajeel. As all of them but me and him run into the empty cafeteria. "Hey Shrimp. That was a good game." Gajeel smiles patting my head, I roll my eyes. "I have a name. " "Yeah yeah, so what do I owe ya?" Gajeel asks, "Idk. I dont have aa date for the dance." I shrug awkwardly. "Well. I do owe ya, Shrimp." Gajeel says before kissing my cheek, I coul basically feel my face turning scarlet. After that he awkwardly kissed my lips, making ms awkwardly shuffle into the cafteria as Gajeel slung an arm over my head once I stopped moving, I sighed. "Alright. Wanna do an early pick Lev?" Arina smirks, I nod. "But no switching during the real game."
*Did I do good? Yas? Nur?*
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