Chapter Seven: Wrong Impression
Lucy. Just admit it~
I laugh at Levy who was trying to balance herself after walking out of gym class, "What the hell? Did you loose your virginity in there?" I giggle. "There was so much blood I could of. Or Arina beat my period out to early." Levy sighs. "What happened? I'll take you to the nurse." I chuckle picking up Levy and walking towards the nurses office, "Gajeel stole the tittle of Dodge Ball King. I took it back then it was Arina vs Levy team. And of course, all of Team McGarden tried to defend me, Arinas team didn't even do anything. Arina beat them all with one ball. Then it hit me..My god there was so much blood." She cries, I chuckle as we enter the nurses office. Wendy Marvell was standing there, she was helping Porlyusica sometimes. "Hello Lucy-san! How may I help you?" She smiles, "Levy had a major bloody dodge ball incident." I snicker. Wendy nods, "Just lay Levy on an empty bed." I throw Levy on the closest bed. "Oww..Lu-chan." She cries, I shrug. "Sorry Levy. Gotta do whatcha gotta do." I chuckle walking out. I sigh stretching. Man I'm glad the only time I have gym with Arina is when all of the decoration comitee has gym.
Cause that chic is balistic.
*The Next Day*
I sigh putting my head on my desk, I hate language. Not to mention I have Natsu sitting behind me, with that I felt a poke in the head, I turn around to see Natsu pointing at the floor. I glare down to see a paper airplane on the floor, I pick it up to read the words 'Hey Luce'. I roll my eyes and put it on his desk. I cross my arms and put my head between them, luckily the bell rings. Mr. Plue sighs, "Alrighty then class. Do your homework because on Monday we have a test. Don't get to caught up in the dance." With that I run out of class after grabbing my books. That's when Mr. Plue's words hit me, The Dance! How could I forget? Who should I ask though? "Luceee!" Natsu cries.
My eyes twitch, Him. My mind cheers, in a swoon. I scowl at my concious, "Yes Natsu?" "Can you meet me at the cherry tree behind school at 8?" I could hear my heart rate speed up.
"Why?" "Because I need to ask you something." He smiles before running off, my heart was gonna explode of nervousness, curiosity, happiness and fear. It was 3 right now. Soon would be class, then home. Leaving time at 4-8PM to dress up, Dress up? No! Stupid! He doesn't like you! I sigh. I go towards my locker getting ready to take out my math books, I sigh banging my head on the locker after closing it. Natsu doesn't like me. Natsu won't confess his love. Natsu will never kiss me. Because Natsu doesn't understand romance. I sigh, the bell rings as I walk off. Remember Lucy. It's nothing romantic.
¤7:30PM That Night¤
I smile as cancer finishes my hair, a long braid brettes holding down my bangs, then a sili pink long sleeve shirt with white hearts and a pink skirt with a black elastic waist band around it holding it up. "Thanks Cancer." I smile at my family's hair dresses, "No problem, ebi." Cancer smiles. I sigh, why am I dressing up again? I walk out of the Heartfilia mansion and start running towards the school after slipping on my pink sneakers. I stop behind the school where the cherry tree is. "Hi Natsu!" I cheer, Natsu gets up and walks towards me standing a centermeter away from me. "N-Natsu--?" I was cut off by Natsu kissing me.
What! You said Natsu didn't know how to kiss! Or was gonna kiss me! I say in my head.
Natsu pulls away, "Thats how you kiss, right?" He smiles. I felt my face turn pink. "Y-Yeah but your suppose to save it for the person you love!" I hiss, "Well then. I'm glad it was with you Luce. I guess I owe ya, don't I?" I turn red like Erza's hair. " could come to the dance with me?" I say kicking at the floor, he smiles. "Yeah sure!" With that I grabbed his collar and pulled him down kissing him, then running away-- blushing like crazy.
*Did that did that did that did that xD*
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