Chapter 43: "... You deserve to know."
"What's wrong?" I saw Claude already in tears. Why is she crying? Does she feel bad about my father?
"Hey, no need to cry," I said as I wiped her tears.
I could hear her mumble, "I'm sorry, Claude."
Why is she saying sorry to herself?
"Whether you believe me or not, I'm just going to say it," Claude took a deep breath, "this is all my fault. I shouldn't have entered your life."
I was confused, "what are you talking about?"
"I was sent to save you from Martin. At first, I thought I had to make you fall in love with me, but it doesn't matter," Claude shrugged, "I shouldn't have entered your life if I knew your father would end up like this."
I'm so confused about where this conversation is going. Maybe Claude is tired and all. I chuckled and patted her back, "you must be tired, let's go back to sleep."
"No, you're not listening to me."
I shook my head, "I'm confused, Harris. You're talking gibberish-"
"I'm. Not," Claude clenched her fists. Is she drunk or something?
"Can you take me seriously? Please?" She begged, "this is all my fault."
"I don't follow," I said.
"Martin will never change even until you live over twenty years, so I'm here to help you cancel your arrangement," Claude explained, "without that excuse, I couldn't possibly get closer to the cheer captain."
Claude noticed my confused face, "I- I don't understand."
I don't.
Okay, let's say I believe Claude. Who sent her? Why her? Why is she saying it's her fault for my father's death? Does she have something to do with my father's death? Her statement must have proof for me to believe her.
I saw Claude chuckle and say, "I do have proof."
"I'm sorry?" She did not just read my mind.
"I gained a superpower from someone who sent me to you," Claude took my hand, "try to think of something, and I'll say it back."
I laughed a little. I think this is silly.
"It's not silly, Joy," Claude gave me a severe look.
I cleared my throat and thought inside my head.
I love you.
"You love me."
I raised an eyebrow. It must be a lucky guess, right?
"If yoy think that was a lucky guess. Then, think of something that I don't know."
I raised an eyebrow in confusion, "O- okay."
I thought of something.
My mother dated my father in high school.
"Your mother dated your father in high school."
I leaned back.
"H- how did you-" I stuttered.
"Think of something again."
And I did.
My ex's name is Micheal.
"Your ex's name is Micheal."
I want to be a valedictorian.
"You want to be a valedictorian."
I hate my brother so much.
Claude shook her head, "you don't hate your brother."
I haven't told my father I love him.
Claude looked down, "I'm sorry."
"W-what? How did you-" I held my hands up before she said anything, "let's say I believe you, and you said that you wanted to save me from Martin by making me fall in love with you, but it turns out it doesn't seem necessary. So, we're fake?"
"What do you mean?" Claude raises an eyebrow.
"What happened to the date we used to go? When you said nice things to me, was that fake? When you asked me to be your girlfriend, was that fake too?"
I'm still mourning my father's death, and she just had to add another thought to my head. I swear to god, I don't know if I should be taking this seriously. My father died, and she just had to say I'm being used for her plan?!
"Why did they send you?" I asked in curiosity.
"If I didn't do it, I'd live my life with bad luck and..." her face went down, "never mind."
"So you got close to me just because you don't want to get bad luck?" I asked again.
"That's not it-"
"What is it then?"
"I can't let you live miserable with Martin."
"That's all?" I was starting to get mad, "you know, I would rather have you walking up to me and say, 'Hey, Martin is an evil man. Don't marry him' instead of have your way with me."
I pinched the bridge of my nose, "all of this time, your love wasn't real?" She got close to me, but I pushed her away, "and why are you telling me now? I'm mourning my father, and you just had to-"
"I know it's not the best time, but you deserve to know," Claude raises her hands in defence, "I love you so much, and I don't want to see you blaming it on yourself."
"I know it's not, but that's all I could think of. I know God have decided to end my father's life, and I can't do anything about it, but there are so many things I thought about. Why didn't I do this with my father? Why didn't I say this and that?" I rant towards her. Claude tried to hug me, but I pushed her away, "I can't take this anymore. Please, leave me alone."
"One more thing-"
"No, Claude. I don't want to hear your nonsense-"
"Please, leave Martin. I don't care if you want to leave me, just please, get rid of him from your life," Claude stood up as I put my hands on my face, "oh, and I've never been so in love with anybody but you. Every single thing I said about you is genuine."
"Close the door on your way out," I said, ignoring her last sentence.
Jessie sniffed inside the car as soon as she sat down, "I smelled something."
"What is it?" I asked as we left the neighbourhood.
"I smelled... something awful between you and Joy."
"How did you know?"
"Well, you're picking me up in the morning for school. Something must have happened between you two," she said, but I cocked my head at her in confusion. She continued, "because the last time you picked me up, you broke up with Lydia."
I sighed pretty loud, "you guessed it. We're over. I fucked it up, and it's for the best-"
"What?!" Jessie was shocked and raised the handbrake.
"What the fuck Jess? We're in the middle of the road-"
"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" Jessie's outburst made me startled, "you two were a perfect couple, and what about your soulmate task- thing?! You were supposed to-"
"Jesus, calm down," I said as I continued to drive.
"How can I be calm when you let my baby Joy down-"
I put my hand on my chest, acting as if I'm in shock, "Oh, I'm sorry. Since when are you two friends?!"
"Since you date her, doofus!" Jessie hits my arm a couple of times, "do. You. Have. Any. Idea. How. Much. She. Talks. About. You?!"
"She does?"
"Of course! That's why we had the conversation that day when you bought Fifa," Jessie folded her arms, "she was scared that she made you mad or something. She cared about you- like, a lot."
I put my hand on my face to hide my expression and let out a loud sigh, "I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry, Harris. You should be saying that to Jocelyn. Sayonara bitches," Jessie left after I parked the car.
I hit my head softly on the steering wheel w a couple of times. I let Joy down, and now I let my best friend down. Who's next? My parents? Jesus?
Suddenly the door was opened, "oh, I was curious. What about the soulmate thing? How are you going to save her now?"
"Just... Hope Joy dumps Martin's sorry ass."
"You idiot," Jessie glare at me, then left.
I groaned loudly. I took my backpack from the back of the car and left the car.
All day, I couldn't focus on the class because Joy was on my mind. I was worried; how much did I hurt her? How's she doing now? I hope she's okay. I want to say I'm sorry I hurt her heart and for letting her down. I want to say how much I love her and how real it is. I was to reassure her that my heart belonged to her, but it was too late. She won't trust me or even listens to me.
The last class of the day is English. I was waiting for her existence, but she didn't appear, only Rebecca with her friend. I asked her if she was at school, but she didn't hear anything from Joy. I went back to my seat and slumped down. What should I do? I can't go to her house. Dion would kill me. That night before I left, I apologized to Dion for telling her sister the truth, then left.
I looped my earphone to my ears as I played a song. I don't care about the class right now.
Hmmm. I don't like this chapter. Idk, I just don't feel like it.
Anyway, don't forget to vote✌️
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