I miss her.
Jocelyn Wright.
It's been a month since she came back from Oxford. You could say that she has finished her adventure and will continue her life as the new owner of Wright Enterprise. I went to the ceremony, or what they say is some coronation for Joy, and I didn't have the guts to approach her or even say hello. I want it to be special. I'm still a pussy, anyway.
She was there, wearing her formal attire. I was one step closer to her, but it felt like a mile away from me. I could reach my hand and pull her into my embrace, but a wave of people pulled me out. I could only see her from afar, like a stalker.
I want to talk about so many things like, 'Hey! I did what you told me to, and it was fun, but it wasn't the same without you.'
I have to meet her before I go back to college. Since I'm continuing to Master's degree, I could be busy and don't have much time. I want to spend my holiday with Joy.
Some day, my guts told me to go to the pier, and a blonde sat there. I know her. I can recognize her even in the dark. She looks calm while staring at the sea. No one would sit there and ponder except me, but one person knew about this place. I can't meet her like this. I wondered why she was here when I was about to turn around. There's no way she would have the time.
This is not how I want to meet her.
"Fuck it," I said to myself and approached the woman, and there she was. The green eyes looked at me in shock as my heart beat quickly. After four years of separation, she looked directly into my eyes for the first time. She looks so much better in close. Her skin shone even more, her face didn't look tired as usual, and her hair looked smooth. Overall, she seems very healthy.
She must have been shocked at how much I had changed. I got a tattoo all over my body and a nose piercing. I let my hair long because I had no time to cut it. My clothes also changed—no more varsity jackets. Only wear sweaters, button-up shirts, and coats a lot.
"Hey, soulmate," I said confidently, even while shaking.
Joy quickly got up and pulled me into a hug. A very tight hug. She must feel the same as me, happy.
There's one thing that didn't change about her. Her warm hug comforts my heart.
I pulled the hug away to glimpse her again, "you look good."
"Y- you look... different," Joy stammered, and it was the first time she's ever.
"Is it a good thing or bad?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.
"It's a good thing," She replied, and we sat together, "How are you?"
"I'm good, you?"
"Never been better," Joy smiled, "Why did you take so long to meet me?"
"Yeah, about that," I scratch the back of my neck, "I didn't know how to approach you. I'm sorry for making you wait."
"What? Is Claude Harris shy now? I used to know her as cocky and confident," Joy teased.
"I am not," I chuckled and felt embarrassed.
"Well... sometimes," Joy smirked.
"Anyway, why are you doing here?" I asked, changing the topic.
She shrugged as she looked into my eyes, "I don't know. Something just brought me here."
I took her hand, "that happens a lot. That's what I love about this place."
Joy looked at our intertwined hand and caressed it, "I missed you so much."
"I miss you too," I said, putting my other hand on her shoulders. I can't describe how happy I am to talk to her finally. We didn't text each other a lot at college. We would email each other for essential things, which is very rarely. I wish we could sit here and watch the ocean all day.
"See? What's meant for you will always find its way," Joy said.
I replied, "No matter how far you push me, I always come back to you," I said with a smile as I gave her a quick peck on her head. I rest my head on hers, "doesn't this remind you back when I brought you here the first time?"
"And we listen to a song together?" Joy grabbed her purse, brought out her earphone, and played the playlist I got her before she flew to the U.K. "Now, this reminds me of that time."
As the song played to our ears, I asked her, "So, tell me about Oxford."
"You tell me first, then I tell you," I saw the glimpse in her eyes, which warmed my heart.
(Depiction of chapter 12)
I woke up and was not on my bed with my wife. Instead, I was inside my mind palace. It's been years since I went to my mind palace. It was the same as I remembered. I looked around. I feel like the bookshelf extended. There were new books about my life after I graduated High school. There was even a book about my first one-night stand, the time I got caught because I fell on top of the police car from the second floor (I was drunk, and the police came to the frat house), and the day of my wedding.
The same two chairs with the coffee table in the middle face the glass window. The beach was still beautiful, and I saw a woman in a white tunic.
Kinsley, that's her. She was standing still as she looked beyond the horizon.
How did she get out?
I turned about and saw an opened door. What does it mean? Why does the door appear now?
I walked to the door and stepped on the warm sand. I just realized I didn't wear a shoe, and my clothes were in the similar tunic Kinsley wore. I went around the corner, and I finally saw the room. It was like a giant black box in the middle of the beach. How did I make such a unique mind palace?
I walk towards Kinsley as the water reaches my feet. It was cold, but it didn't affect me.
"Kinsley?" I called her name, and she turned to me. It makes sense now how she looks very much like me. I mean, she is my future self, but I didn't realize I was the same as her. I almost forgot what she looks like. Our tattoos are the same, from the drawings and the placement.
"Happy birthday. You have officially outlived me," Kinsley said with a smile. I remembered she was 24, and now she had turned 25, just like me, "wow, you looked just like me."
"I wouldn't have this life without your help," I ran towards her and hugged her, "you deserve a next life."
"After failing the tasks? No, but you do," Kinsley held my shoulders tightly, "I wished I could live as you do, but I don't."
"Don't say that," I replied, "I do this for us."
"Thank you," Kinsley said, and we stared at the ocean.
"Why did the door appear just now?" I asked, "Why did you meet me just now? I thought you were gone."
"I have no point in living here since you have outlived me, and I just thought our next meeting would be a proper goodbye."
I huffed, "So, this is it? Are you finally leaving me? What's going to happen to you?"
"Unfortunately, yeah," She answered, "since I can't go back to my life, I'm just going to turn into dust."
It's a shame she's leaving now. I want her to see how much I've come. I want her to see I've raised my child with Joy. I want her to see us leaving our children on their first school day. I want her to see when our child is leaving for college. I want her to see us growing old together.
"But don't you want to see us raising a child?"
Kinsley shook her head, "I can't, and I don't want to."
"Why not? You have to see- I want you to see," I begged.
"It hurts so much," Kinsley gripped her shirt, "I remembered her lifeless body on my arm. The time I was late to be there before she died. Now, I see her smiling, laughing, and happy with you. It hurts me. I wished I was you."
"Can't we switch places?" I asked, and she answered no, "What can I do before you leave?"
"You don't need to do anything. But, I can do this," Kinsley said as she looked towards the black room. There's a blonde looking around the beach. She looked stunning in the white dress she was wearing. She looked as beautiful as in her wedding dress. Her green eyes noticed us.
"Claude? Is that you?" Joy called as she approached us.
I look at Kinsley in wonder, "How?"
"I might have connected our mind with her. She would think this is a dream," Kinsley said with a smirk.
I turned to Joy, "Yes. It's me, honey," I answered, and she looked confused when she realized there were the two of me.
"Why are there the two of you?" Joy stopped in front of us, "which one is real?"
"This is me from the future, she's the 24-year-old version of me in another timeline."
"This is the future you that you talked about?" Joy came next to me as she examined Kinsley from top to bottom.
"No need to check our resembles. I am the same as her, well, minus the smoking habit," Kinsley laughed. She approached Joy and asked for my permission, "Can I?" I nod.
Kinsley carefully took Joy's hands, "I can finally hold you for the last time."
"You lost me, didn't you?" Joy asked. It looks like she still remembers what I explained back in high school. Kinsley nods. Joy came forward and hugged her, "It's alright. You did your best."
Kinsley must have felt like the Joy from her life talked to her as tears fell. She hugged her back and cried in the crook of Joy's neck. I want to hug her too, but she needs this, and I will give it to her.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything," Kinsley said between her sobs, "I tried everything, but I was not brave enough to even talk to you."
"Did you know? After years we separated, I saw you at a cafe. You were ordering coffee, and I noticed your bruises. But I didn't try to approach you. I just left," Kinsley continues, "I ignored you for weeks and returned to my ex. I ignored you after your wedding with that bastard. I ignored the hints of your wounds because of him. I was a pussy for not being brave to talk to you after everything that had happened. All I did was be late to come to you until your last breath. I regret everything, and I regret my life."
"Don't blame yourself," Joy pulled away and took her face, "what happened has happened. This is the least you can do."
I feel like this is Kinsley's Joy that was talking inside my Joy body. I can't imagine the regret inside Kinsley for years.
"Don't you realize that you have saved me? Look at me. I am alive and well," Joy said.
"But, I'm not there. I'm here, only a soul with no body."
"You are here," Joy points at her heart, "You were always here."
Kinsley reached for her pocket and showed a picture of Joy in her black top and shorts crossing her arm and looking annoyed at something. This must be at her cheerleading practice, "Jessie used this photo for her CalArts portfolio. Remember this day? I kissed Lydia in front of you."
"Yeah, and I said you were a distraction," Joy laughed and looked at me.
I remember perfectly that day. I bribed Jessie to delete that photo, but she used it for college admission. I was still confused about how she got accepted with those photos.
"I love you, Jocelyn. I always loved you," Kinsley caressed her cheek.
"I love you too, Claude," Joy said to Kinsley as she reached to kiss her cheek. Joy went next to me as I hugged her from the side.
A smile grew on Kinsley's face while her tears still fell. She must have felt relieved. She is finally able to apologize to the girl she loves. Kinsley reached out her hand to me, and I shook it, and she said to me, "Take good care of her for me, will you?"
"I will."
"And also, congratulation on completing the tasks. You saved your soulmate's life. You have granted the life that Joy has dreamed of."
"Thank you for everything, Kinsley," I said for the final time.
Suddenly, her hand turned into dust along with her body, and the wind took her away.
This is it. Kinsley finally left me for good. I will miss her. I will remember how I tried to pass out just to be here and talk to her and how every night, I got a dream of Joy's memory and forgot everything before I fell asleep.
I finally opened my eyes. The sun shining through the crack of the curtains dazzled me. I look next to me, and my wife has opened her eyes too. I must feel lucky because I could be awake from my sleep and see Joy sleeping next to me, "Good morning," I said.
"Good morning," Joy said and pecked my lips. She stood up, "I got a strange dream."
"Oh yeah? What is it, babe?" I asked as I stood up as well.
"I came from a black room in the middle of the beach, and I saw the two of you. One of you said that she was sorry and everything," Joy explained, "she even mentioned something about you granting me the life I have dreamed of."
"That might be a dream, but it was real," I said, and chuckled.
"You dreamed of it too?" She asked, and I nodded, "how?"
I shrugged, "I can never know. Only she has the answer."
Joy smiled at me, and she closed the gap between us. The lips that I kiss would always feel the same. Soft and warm. I could smell her scent which was more addicting than drugs. Sadly, we must cut it short, "let's take a shower. Jessie and Jake would be here in an hour."
"In the morning?" I asked.
"Yes, now let's go," Joy said, pulling my arm.
Look at how my relationship with Joy progressed. From keeping it just sleeping around to being my wife. I couldn't thank Kinsley more for this life. I could wish she could see everything until my last breath. She deserves this.
"I love you," I said suddenly to Joy.
She raised her brow, "I love you too, dummy. Now come on!" I laughed and came along with her to the bathroom.
Thank you, everyone! And for the 25k readers!
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