He blinked at me, his eyes coming up to meet mine and I regretted opening my mouth.
You dumbfuck can't do any fucking shit right, fucking fucks everything up.
"Water hungry is a nice way to put it, though I think you're referring to thirsty."
Before I could come up with an answer to that, it was our turn to order.
"Hi, yes. We'd like lemonade in the clear cups with lids and straws," I spoke up, getting a nod from the person that stood there.
"Alright, and how many of those would you like?"
"I forgot how many of us in the group there were," I turned to Todoroki for help who gave me a shrug.
"We were supposed to count them?"
"We'll take ten," I answered, realizing it was a good amount to cover our group.
"Alright, thank you for choosing our local lemonade services, please come again!"
I smiled, waving while we walked to the other side where they began to place our cups. We both looked down at the ten cups.
Well, fuck.
"How do we hold them?"
I blinked at Shoto, trying to figure out a way to carry them all in one trip and not ruin the drinks before I realized the use of our quirks.
"Use your ice to make a tray that we can place the cups on," I suggested, seeing him blink at me.
"Wouldn't we need Yaoyorozu for that?"
"Her quirk is creation so that'd help, but you can make just a piece of flat ice that c-"
"She should have came along, she probably knew the both of us couldn't be trusted by ourselves together," he mumbled.
"Listen up, Santa hat, you can just mak-"
"A Santa hat? Why would we need one of those?" He created a messy triangle out of ice to resemble a Santa hat and my eyebrow twitched.
"So you can make that in an attempt but not a simple flat piece of ice?"
"Oh, you need ice in your drink?"
Ice cubes began to pop out of his palms and arm, falling all over the place.
I took a deep breath in, pausing for a moment to stare at him, ice cubes now plopping out from his shoulder now too.
"We don't need ice cubes, just a simple piece of ice that is flat," I spoke slowly, ready to shove the ice cubes he was making up his ass.
He halted his quirk, holding his hand to form a piece of stable ice to place the drinks over.
"Thank fuck," I shifted the cups from the counter onto the ice he had made, giving him a thumbs up as we began to walk back.
"Hey, you could at least clean up this ice you two troublemakers left behind!"
A civilian spoke up and we stopped in our steps to turn around.
"I'll take care of it," I sighed, stepping toward the mess he had made while my palms began to heat up.
"I'll wait for you then."
The flames I had began to create blew out, small sparks being left in their place on my arm at his response. I shook my head for a moment, my tongue pressing to my cheek before it ran over my teeth, my arm bursting to flames again while the ice cubes melted away to a large puddle.
I turned back around as I stood, facing Shoto again who stood there with the drinks, his eyes on me for a moment before he looked away. We continued in our steps, heading back to our table. My eyes went over Izuku, raising a brow at the marks over his neck before I spoke up.
"Zuku, is that a hickey?"
"Ah- uh, no! Of course not, just a mosquito bite!" He brushed the subject off, his arms curling over his neck to hide himself.
"That's a big ass mosquito then," I gestured to Katsuki while he sat down, giving me a grunt in response.
"You two sure took your time," creation girl smiled softly while she distributed the drinks and I blew out a breath.
"Yeah, tell me about it," I sat down, Katsuki's eyes going over me.
"Why don't you tell us about it? Seemed like you had plenty of time to suck him off like the peppermint candy he is," he scoffed, my eyes narrowing.
"You're one to talk, mosquito," I snapped back at him, seeing his palms light up.
"You wanna go?"
"Oh, I'll send your ass t-"
"Why are there two extra drinks? Did you two order doubles?" Creation girl questioned, turning to me and Shoto.
"Yeah, we did. Oh, would you look at that? There they are, we were extra thirsty so we both got two," I laughed loudly, quickly shoving a cup at Shoto who blinked at me, scratching his cheek while I gulped my own down.
"You can take mine," he proclaimed, handing me back the cup with a gaze. "Your quirk is stronger when you drink more, right?"
"Oh," I looked down at the cup, not realizing he knew of how my quirk worked. "Ah, yeah," I rubbed my neck nervously. "When I'm more hydrated with any drink, I don't have to worry about how much I sweat off while using my quirk since my mouth stays wet and doesn't dry up like it does when I'm dehydrated or don't drink anyth-"
"So you're giving her your drink so her mouth can be wet?" Katsuki scoffed as he looked at the both of us and I realized what he was going to say after, too late to stop him when Shoto answered.
"Yes, that is how part of her quirk wor-"
"So she can suck you off?"
"Wow, guys, look at the time!" Kirishima spoke up.
"We should be heading to the mall to meet up with everyone else," Kaminari exclaimed, dragging me forward while the others came as well.
I slurped my third drink noisily, making sure to irritate Katsuki in every way I could as he tossed glares at me.
"Shut your slurping ass up or I'll dump my drink on you," he threatened.
"You'd be too busy slurp slurping that ass of Zuku's," I lowered my voice to speak by his ear.
"Oh, wow, I think you should stand next to me," Kirishima tugged me to his side.
We stayed silent for most of the walk back, greeting everyone with cheers while we shared what we got, grabbing lunch together as well.
"There was this massive sale at the candy place so we got bags for everyone!"
"I heard there's a convenience store right across the street from college so we can grab more snacks from there!"
Chatting amongst ourselves, we began to head back to the dorms with our things.
"So what now guys? I'm stuffed, we should do something that requires low energy, but still keep us excited, any ideas?" Kirishima asked, everyone looking at each other.
"What about we decorate our common rooms? That way we can use the materials we bought and get the task done at the same time so it'll be out of our way," acid girl suggested while others agreed. "Let's get to it then!"
We sorted what bags were for which person, everyone grabbing their bags while going to our common rooms.
"Hey guys, check out these fabrics me and creative girl got!" I gushed, placing it over the table while the other girls all surrounded it with awe. "We even got some decorative laces and stuff, she said she can make dresses!"
"Wow, really?"
"That's so cool!"
"Who would've guessed, that's such talent!"
"You've got to show me sometime too!"
I glanced at creation girl, seeing her shy away as she smiled, thanking the girls while they continued on with compliments.
"These are so pretty! You guys have such good taste in fashion," acid girl held them up. "Let's make the most of the materials then! Let's do this together and have fun!"
"Well, fuck."
"I agree," headphone girl laughed. "We didn't make an actual outfit or dress, we used up the materials to fool around and make hero costumes for fun."
"Even though these were fun, I feel like we'd make our actual costumes different from these," acid girl spoke up, frog girl nodding while we smiled at our work.
"They're super great, maybe we should keep them in our common room as like memory pieces?" Gravity girl suggested and we agreed.
"We can just keep them as display like a collection," invisible girl chimed in. "Maybe on mannequins?"
"Nah, plus it's going to take a ton of space that way, and it's not like we can frame them either, so what about pinning them up onto the wall? So then a single wall can be dedicated to them," I brought up the idea and everyone nodded, getting the pins and tacks as we turned to the costumes we had made for fun. "The first one is froggy's," we looked at the piece we had made for her first.
"It gives off a swampy vibe, but nothing beats the warmth of mine!" Acid girl brought hers next to hang.
"It's definitely our fluffiest piece," invisible girl and gravity girl laughed.
"Sure is, mine is up next!" Gravity girl held hers out.
"You're definitely gonna look good when you kick ass," acid girl awed.
"Not as kick ass as mine," headphone girl grinned.
"So now yours is the only one left!" I turned to creation girl, my hand extended to hold hers so we could add it with the others onto the wall.
"Why didn't you make one?"
Her question threw me off for a moment before I pulled a smile over my lips.
"I just didn't, that's all, no big deal," I laughed it off, pointing out that invisible girl didn't want to make one either while we all laughed together at the thought of her quirk being not so useful if she had a costume. "Don't worry about it," I brushed the subject off as she gave me hers. "Let's get yours up here too, pretty ponytail."
"Wow, it's so comfortable and lightweight," frog girl pointed out and everyone nodded at how soft it was.
"I figured it'd be a nice practical costume," creation girl smiled.
"Plus, it looks great!"
"We used all of the materials," gravity girl sweat dropped.
"It was worth it, I think it was really fun and it brought us together as a team," headphone girl cheered.
"It also really pulled our common room together," I pointed out. "Plus, we had a great lead for us too," I smiled at creation girl, her eyes not meeting mine.
"Yeah, Yaoyorozu has such great sewing skills so I'm really glad she was the one who guided us with these," headphone girl cheered, pulling her into a hug while acid girl jumped onto them as well.
"Let's group back with the boys and see if we can fit a fun game in before we have to head off to our dorm rooms," invisible girl said.
"Yeah, since classes are starting tomorrow, how nerve wracking," gravity girl shivered.
"It's definitely going to be a lot of work, but I think we can do this together!" Acid girl exclaimed.
"What do you mean?" Headphone girl's eyebrows furrowed.
"We can have study sessions afterwards together as a class in the main room so we all can help each other out," she explained and I found the idea really neat.
"Then let's group up back with the guys!"
"Unite with the dicks!"
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