Pairs were made as our names were listed off. There'd be a hero team and a villain team, the villains protecting what looked like to be a missile of sorts or a capsule, while the heroes would have to get to it, or capture the villains. Izuku and gravity girl became a pair while Katsuki and glasses boy became a pair, both of them being grouped to go against each other. Everyone eyed the two as they got into their pairings as well.
"I'm so happy I got you!"
I was pushed to the ground, yellow hair in front of my eyes as he laid over me.
"Kami, let me get up," I laughed, standing up beside him as he hugged me tight.
"I thought I'd end up with someone else, or even worse, hey what if we go against Kirishima?" He gulped.
"Then we win, either way. We win, whoever we go against, we don't stop until we drop. Whatever it takes to be a hero."
"You're so heroic already," he sobbed, clinging onto my side. "We'll do our best and fight whoever we are up against!"
"Todoroki's team against Kayama's team!"
I felt my blood run cold at the sound of the announcement.
"Well at least it's not Kirishima, huh?"
"Ha, ha," I choked out.
"Kayama and Kaminari will be the hero team! That means you two are the villains! Get ready and take your places!"
I blinked, feeling Shoto's hot gaze on my back as I stepped forward with Kaminari.
"We've got this, so my idea is we should split up-"
"No, that's the dumbest fuck I've heard," I shut down the idea at once, watching Shoto and organ boy take their places as they walked into the building and we'd go in after they took their stand. "Organ boy can hear our steps, so they'll know where we are," I muttered.
"Organ boy? You could just say arms guy, but he does have a nam-"
"You're right. So arms guy can hear us, that makes a surprise attack not an option for us. You know what means?" I turned to Kaminari and he shrugged, All Might signaling us to head in.
"That we split u-"
"Stop saying that dumb shit. It means we go full out against them, no secrets or surprises," I sent a blast forward when we walked in, the explosion hitting the wall beside us.
"You gave our location away so fast?" Kaminari tilted his head.
"Arm boy would have figured it out quickly anyways, so why not blow our cover for them? Plus, I'm sure he can hear everything we are saying too, so planning strategies wouldn't help us. Act on gut instinct and stay together," I nodded at Kaminari.
"What if they split us up?"
I turned to glare at Kaminari, the urge to smack him across his face strong.
"Oh. I just gave everything away didn't I?"
I sighed, jerking Kaminari close to my side so he wouldn't wander off.
"You're surprisingly warm, actually that shouldn't be as much of a surprise with your quir-"
Kaminari cut himself off with a shout as we rounded the final corner, ice freezing the entire building in a matter of moments.
"I'm stuck, fuck! We're doomed, I'm going to cry, I don't wanna lose, I-"
"Kami, calm down, Shoto's ice quirk isn't the strongest against us since I've got fire," I pointed out, my arm igniting to a flame while my tongue pressed to my cheek, running over my teeth with a quick movement.
"Woah, is your costume fabric fire resistant?"
"Yeah, it'd be kind of fucked if it wasn't, don't you think?" I shot the flames forward, raising the temperature as I could feel more sweat glide over my body.
The ice melted fast, the floor we were on no longer frozen while the rest of the building remained icy.
"Stay with me, Kami, or I swear to fuck-"
"They'll most likely try their best to split us up since I already blurted it out," Kaminari smiled sheepishly at me.
"It's alright, I'm sure they would have figured it out anyways, we've got to win," I grinned at him, letting him know we couldn't give up.
"The ice came from the left side so we should head there, they've got to be there," Kaminari huffed out while we ran down the hall. "Since Todoroki's specialty is long range distance attacks, that means-"
"-that he'll be put on offense while arm boy is defense," I finished, my eyes going wide as I reached out to halt Kaminari.
"You two sure do make a clever team. Let's see if your wits are the only thing you've got."
Shoto's ice shot forward at Kaminari and I shoved my hand back, using an explosion to propel myself up, my other hand directing a flame out to knock his ice back.
"We're fucked, we're so fucked, fuck, I'm fucking panicking," Kaminari continued to babble on beside me as I stood slightly in front of him, Shoto standing on the opposite side of the hall before us.
He blew out an icy breath, tilting his head back and I knew we didn't have time to waste.
"You were right, we should split," I said to Kaminari as Shoto stepped towards us. "When I give you the command, run inside the capsule room, but don't go to it until I tell you to," I steadied my feet, Kaminari continuing to panic beside me.
I shouldn't use this part of my quirk when I can't control it that well, but fuck it called for drastic measures.
"Look at me, Kami," I tugged him to me suddenly, my hand swiping over my side to collect the sweat I had worked up, sliding the hand over his neck while Shoto made his final steps closer to us.
My eyes met with Kaminari's blinking ones and I leaned in, my lips by his ear as I spoke, my hand tight over his shoulder.
"Calm down, Kami."
My voice was soft and gentle, right before I shoved myself up, flipping over him entirely until I was upside down in the air, only having a split second of time. With my hand curling over my wrist, I sent a blast of fire toward, aiming for Shoto, making sure it was large enough for him to be unable to dodge it.
"Now!" I screamed, seeing him give me a nod.
"I'll stay silent!" He gave a thumbs up before darting into the room, past Shoto's offense.
The flame blast I had sent forward quickly diminished with an ice wall replacing it, Shoto's eyes narrowed as he watched Kaminari head inside.
"So you two decided to split? You're weaker that way."
"Says the one who's only using one side of their quirk," I sent an explosion his way, seeing him dodge it like I had predicted.
One more step and I'll land on him.
"You're going to run out of time if you just keep sending blasts my way and I dodge them," Shoto spoke up, stepping to the side and I knew he only needed to take one more step.
"You're more talkative than Zuku said, or is it just with me?" I raised a brow, letting him meet my eyes before I winked, my spark running through my veins as it stunned him for a second.
I sent a final blast of fire his way. He was still in shock from the spark in my wink, his senses kicking in a second shortly after and he jerked himself out of the way at the last moment.
"What was that?" His eyes shot up to meet mine again, and I took the chance to take him down.
Kicking off of the wall beside us, I swung my leg into the air, twisting myself out of the way of his ice blast. With a final burst of an explosion, I let the smoke fill the air between us. Since I was still in the air for another second, gravity's force pulled me down, right over him. Placing my hands onto his shoulders, I watched surprise wash into his eyes.
He stumbled back, frost covering his arm and I kept my flame ignited, knowing he'd push me off with another ice attack. I wrapped my arm around him, knowing he'd be unable to use his entire ice quirk. His unsteady footing finally gave way as he fell back. I blinked, not having thought he'd actually fall onto the floor.
With a loud crash, I rammed into him as he fell on the ground, both of us groaning. Taking advantage of our position, I slammed both of my hands down beside his head, above his shoulders. Igniting the fire on both of my arms, I pressed my tongue to my cheek, running it over my teeth as I hovered over him. His cold breaths hit the mask over my lips as he heaved for air, his skin starting to gleam over with sweat from my flames.
"That was seduction," he breathed out, frosty puffs of his breath touching my mask over my lips.
"What the fuck."
"You're a seducer," he concluded while I stared at him.
"What the fu-"
A knee was brought up to my crotch and I let a shout of pain out, keeping myself steady despite the fact that I was shaking.
"You mother fucker," I hissed, my crotch burning with pain.
"I have fucked no mothers."
His eyes stared into mine and I sensed he was about to move his knee again so in a split second, I made the decision to seat my lower body over him. I heard the hitch of his breath when I leaned down even closer to him. Our chests were now lightly pressed together, our bodies tightly pushed up against each other from the torso down. It also shut out any openings I had for him to knee my crotch again.
"Your move now, Shoto," I shot back at him.
His jaw clenched, his eyes narrowing as they stared up at me.
"Maybe I'll just waste your time until it runs out," he suggested.
"Go ahead, I'll just signal Kami to get to the capsule then," I tilted my head, my hair falling over the sides of my face and his as well as he was beneath me.
"Why are you doing this?" He snapped and I stared at him head on.
"Doing what?"
"Shutting me into a corner of where I can't use my ice quirk until I only have the choice of activating my father's side," he spat.
"Oh, is that what I'm doing? Or is that what you think of this?" I retaliated, his lips parting at my words. "I'm just trying to win, isn't that what we're here for?"
"I'll never use that side of me," he hissed out and I pushed myself onto him more.
"Then lose."
He didn't say anything, only breathing heavily and I took note of the time ticking down. I was being driven into a wall and I knew I had to snap something from our past in the both of us at once to win.
"That scar of yours, it's a burn mark isn't it? It's got to be from a fire quirk too, and from the looks of it, it seems like it's from my f-"
My eyes went wide and I cut him off, speaking without thinking as I blurted the words out that I dreaded to say again.
"Did you forget what Toya said that easily?" I shouted at him, now entirely in his face and I could tell my eyes would soon fill with tears at the memories that lurked in my mind.
"Fire doesn't always have to be scary."
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