"Ah, makes sense. You and Toya were close, from what I remember," Shoto said.
"Tell me about it," I blew out a breath.
"Shouldn't I be the one saying that?"
"Good point," I laughed, my hands suddenly wet as I was staring down at them and I didn't know why.
"You're crying," I felt Shoto take my hands into his own, forcing me to turn and face him.
My tears fell faster, streaming down my face and I let myself fall forward into Shoto's chest, my arms going around him to hold him close. My hands clutched his back, my palms curling around the fabric of his shirt, which was actually my shirt that he was wearing. His arms slowly curled over my lower back, easing me into his lap as his hands rubbed my back, his right palm activating his ice quirk as he rubbed his cool hand over my back. He leaned back freely, falling onto the bed with me in his arms. I rested my head on his shoulder, laying over his chest while I cried. Rolling over, he tugged me closer, yanking the covers over us.
"That's enough for tonight, you did well," he spoke by my ear. "Let's get some rest."
And with that, his steady breathing calmed me down, his ice quirk keeping me cool and controlling my heated body temperature as I was on his right side.
"Don't you want to ask anything?" I sniffled, closing my eyes to stop crying.
"Alright, a last question before we sleep," he agreed. "Your quirk is linked with your emotions too, isn't it?"
My eyes opened, going slightly wide.
"Yeah," I softly spoke. "My emotions kick in the heat of my quirk," I swallowed the lump in my throat.
"Okay, that's all for now, let's sleep, hm?"
His soft hum made me nod, relaxing when his hands stayed over my back. I felt his right hand travel over my back to where my scar started, keeping his cool palm there and I tensed in his hold.
"Relax, it's only me," he comforted and I nodded, calming down further.
I shut my eyes, resting my cheek over his shoulder. I breathed in his scent, exhaling over his neck.
"Just one breath at a time. Breathe."
I was woken to the sound of my phone ringing, blinking about to adjust to the brightness in the room from the morning. The window in his room allowed the light to come in and I felt around to find where my phone was. I felt a soft lump, running my fingers over the smoothness.
"Can you not feel up my dick so early in the morning?"
My eyes went wide and I quickly pulled my hand back when Shoto sleepily spoke, turning to open his eyes and stare at me.
"You really love to test my self control, huh?"
"No, I didn't mean to, I was just trying to find my phone," I cleared up, my breath quickening as he smiled at me.
"Better answer it then, it might be important," and with that, he yawned, rolling over with his eyes shut.
I blew out a breath, trying to recover from the fact that I had grabbed his dick, touching it through his pants. I hurried to grab my ringing phone, answering it after clearing my throat.
"My sweet sugar cake!"
"Yes, my mother?" I gazed over at Shoto as he took steady breaths and I smiled, pulling the covers further over him.
"I didn't wake you, did I?"
"Doesn't matter, what do you need?"
"You," she answered. "Meet me by the hall that's across from the dorms, it's below the rooms."
"You alright?" I shifted out of bed, laughing lightly at the fact that Shoto and I had fell asleep in our uniforms again.
"Fine, it's nothing major but I wanted to cross it through your ears since you and Shoto weren't at the morning breakfast today so you two may not know."
"Got it, I'm on my way," I brushed off my skirt, leaving his room silently.
I made my way down the stairs, stepping out into the hall that my mother was waiting for me in.
"My chocolate blueberry!" She threw herself at me and I groaned.
"I'm gonna fall," I mumbled, steadying my feet as she pulled back.
"Let's cut to the chase! There was a panic rush earlier during breakfast and the students panicked when there was a warning announcement for an intruder," she explained.
"Something serious?"
"That's what we can't figure out. There seems to be no real threat as far as we can see," she seemed to stop there, not saying anything further than that and I figured the rest might be only for teachers to know.
"It couldn't be media, even with the possibility, the only way they could get in would be from pure luck. And U.A.'s security isn't something that's passed by just luck," I pointed out, turning away to head back. "Just keep that in mind, and don't brush it off, but I'm sure you teachers already are aware of that," she gave me a nod and waved off.
"Get ready for class, my lime cupcake!"
"Yeah, sure thing," I sighed, nodding nonetheless.
"Wait a second," she called out and I turned around with a hum. "Come here," she gestured me to step towards her.
"What is it? It's too early fo-"
"Who's shirt is this?"
Well, fuck.
"This isn't your uniform shirt, and your skirt is all wrinkled. Take better care of yourself, my cinnamon biscuit," she placed her hands over my shoulders.
"I guess things really do get rougher in college," I joked.
"Indeed they do," she agreed. "Please take it easy and look after yourself," she ruffled my hair fondly. "I love you so much, my baby."
I smiled up at her, hugging her suddenly as she let out a soft breath. She held me tightly, kissing my hair.
"Thank you, mom," I breathed out, my voice on the edge of breaking. "Thank you so much, for everything you've ever done for me. I couldn't be who I am and where I am without you, I'll be a hero you can be proud of."
"That's where you're mistaken, I'm already so proud of you, my girl."
My eyes were wide and watery, burying myself into her hug.
"Now stop making it sound like you're dying and only have like five minutes left to live," she brightened the atmosphere with a blink of her eyes. "This is quite a turn, especially when you're standing before me in someone else's shirt and being emotional."
"You let me off the hook about a lot of things," I noticed.
"Life's tough, I don't want to make it any tougher on you," she smiled. "Plus, I've already given you enough baby protectors to be stocked up for colleg-"
"I thought we agreed to having them out if I wore the dress," I stared at her incredulously.
"I lied!" She chirped.
"Fuck you, bit-"
"I'm leaving," I turned around to walk as she held me close.
"If you're going to be having sex, you may want to make it look a little less obvious," she grinned, waving as she let me go.
"I'm not fucking anyone," I hissed at her.
"You say as you wear another's shirt and have their scent smeared all over your skin, most likely from having slept together," she cocked her head. "Oh, would you look at that? Your body temperature is rising as well, that's all I have to say to prove my point. Safe sex is the way to go!"
"Fuck off," I stepped away to avoid the conversation.
"Profanity!" She waved her whip around.
Waving to her, I walked back up the stairs and she went down the hall. I went back to Shoto's room, opening the door as I stepped in.
"Hey, there's a condom in your shirt, we can put it to use if yo-"
"Shoto, what the fuck."
He was nearly naked and dripping wet, only a towel wrapped around his waist loosely while he held the condom in his hand. I shut the door behind me, tossing another towel at him that was over the chair. He caught it, slinging it around his neck, drying his hair gently and I figured he had probably gotten up and taken a shower while I was gone.
"My offer still stands, you kno-"
"Give me my shirt back," I sighed, reaching out to take it from him.
"I still need my shirt," he shot back.
"Oh, yeah," I looked down at my chest to remember I was wearing his shirt. "I'm wearing another shirt of yours under your uniform shirt," I reminded him, unbuttoning his uniform shirt to slide it off of my shoulders to reveal his t-shirt.
"Ah, yeah. I gave you that shirt to change into when we slept together for the first time," he remembered. "Then the next morning we were in a rush to get to class so you just wore your uniform over it."
I untucked the shirt from my skirt, going to pull it off and I slid it over my head, holding it out to a wide eyed Shoto.
He simply stared with large eyes before snapping his gaze away, taking the shirt I had held out. I furrowed my brows in confusion, sliding my uniform shirt back on as I buttoned it shut.
"Is something the matter?" I asked and he didn't meet my eyes as he shook his head.
His wet hair splattered soft drops of water over his bare shoulders and I stepped closer to him.
"Look at me."
I stood before him, seeing him raise his gaze to meet my eyes again.
"I didn't think we'd be naked together this early in our relationship."
"I'm going to smack him the fuck out of the solar system," I seethed, sitting in the girls common room since Kaminari and Kirishima had gone to see some movie together.
More like an excuse to suck each other's dicks.
"I don't think you should speak so violently of Todoroki," gravity girl sweat dropped.
"Chill, you changed with him before too, didn't you?" Acid girl leaned back in her seat.
"Yeah, but it wasn't even like we were both naked," I pointed out. "The shirt was like a short dress and I pulled my skirt on over it so that it'd be tucked in before I put my uniform shirt on," I explained.
"So he didn't see your ass or tits that time?"
"What the fuck do you mean that time, I'll pull the headphones off of your ears," I watched her laugh at me.
"Come on, you still have to answer," headphone girl threw a piece of popcorn at me, continuing to eat her snacks.
"I guess not, the shirt pretty much covered me," I sighed. "Ever since then, I can't remember another time when we changed together, so that's probably the only time. We fell asleep in our uniforms anyways," I told them.
"I think it's amazing progress between the both of you!" Invisible girl piped.
"I'm telling you guys what's going on in my life, it's not a movie, stop laughing," I grunted.
"So when you gonna fuck?"
"I'm gonna fucking chop your horns off," I threatened, acid girl tossing her head back to giggle.
"Someone sure is frustrated," headphone girl poked my side.
"I sure as fucking hell am."
"Maybe even sexually?"
"You're going to feel my wrath if I hear another word out of you," I snapped, the pink haired crouching over as she laughed loudly.
"Hey, it's no big deal. You had a bra on and he had a towel, so technically you two weren't naked, plus your skirt was still on."
"Yeah, who knows what would have happened if the two of you were in towels."
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