"Is your entire conversation just blurting out your thoughts to each other?" Zuku stretched, swinging his legs before he stood shakily.
I rushed to his side, taking his arm over my shoulder to steady him. I ignored the pain that shot through my spine, wincing slightly.
"Sorry, I'm a bit shaky, I'll be fine with some rest," he sheepishly smiled and I shook my head.
"Not a worry at all, Suki went back to our room so you can go meet him there," I told him and his eyes went wide before nodding.
I walked with him out of the room, Shoto right next to me. As soon as we came into the hall of our rooms, Izuku sprinted forward towards the door for the room Katsuki and I shared. I laughed lightly as he knocked the door. Shoto's hand went to hold onto mine loosely to turn us around and walk back to his room. We had walked down the hall by the time the door opened, Katsuki yanking Izuku in after the green haired had tossed himself at the red eyed.
"They'll probably be staying the rest of the night together, so I figured you could stay in my room for the time being," Shoto explained and I nodded numbly, too distracted by the same warmth I felt twice before.
His hand now held mine entirely, not just holding my wrist or shaking my hand like before, but actually held hand in hand. With a last moment decision, I intertwined our fingers, noting the soft stumble in Shoto's step when I squeezed his hand.
He turned the knob of the door, closing it after I had stepped in behind him. The lock clicked shut as I looked around their room.
"It's quite similar to mine and Suki's, you guys have a bunk bed too," I noted.
"Yeah, mine is the bottom bunk," he told me.
I'm aware, trust me.
I remembered Katsuki's words about the bed selection, saying that the tops took the bottom bunks while the bottoms got the top bunks so it'd be better to fuck. The memory brought up the unnecessary sudden thought of me being under Shoto and I shut off my thoughts before my mind could race further than that.
"You alright? You seem kind o-"
"Fine," I rushed out too quickly, wanting to shove the thoughts of a naked Shoto above of me out of my head.
"You can sit down," he blinked at me, already pulling me towards his bed, which definitely wasn't helping my mind at the moment.
He eased me onto his bed, sitting beside me. We both sat on his bed in short silence, our legs rested beside each other, our feet touching the floor. We knew we couldn't avoid talking about the topic, eventually having to bring it up and I took a breath. I had to do this, for Shoto, at least. It's what he rightfully deserves.
"The scar I have is from your father, you were right about that," I spoke up first, Shoto's eyes sharply meeting mine. "That's what you were going to say while we were fighting, right? If I hadn't had cut you off, of course."
"I thought you seemed familiar the night we met again during the introduction event," he breathed out. "The way you looked at my father and the way he spoke to you, I noted it right off the bat. And after that, when we were all leaving during sunrise, the encounter between your mother and my father and the two of us, it-it makes sense now."
His wide eyes gazed into my own while he pieced things together, figuring it all out bit by bit.
"I thought maybe you just weren't a fan of Endeavor, but-"
He broke off his words, pausing for a moment to lean closer into me, his face being brought closer to mine.
"You're the girl I would see with my father when we were children. I only saw you a handful of times back then, but whenever I did, you-"
"Yeah, that's me," I cut him off with a heavy breath.
"That's how you knew of Toya too then, am I correct?"
I felt myself tense up at the mention of that name before nodding, my vision starting to stir all over again with memories flooding out.
"It makes a lot more sense now, but I still don't get it, like the overall picture is still blurry," his eyebrows furrowed with confusion and it took me a long second before realizing something.
Shoto still didn't know.
He had absolutely no clue about it.
And the more I gave thought to that family, the more I was forced to think of our past together, each scene and moment coming to my eyes without my control. Before I knew it, I was falling over, my shoulder bumping into Shoto's right as my eyes shut.
"Hey, hurry up!"
"Stop rushing me, I'm gonna drop it!"
"Well take it already! How long do you need to take it?"
"I don't wanna mess it up! This is our chance!"
"She's laying over his right side, didn't know she liked to be cold while she slept."
"Kinda makes sense though, her quirk makes her so hot and sweaty, so she probably would only fall asleep in cooler temperatures."
"Then where would she lay on him in the winter?"
"Damn, that's a good question, bro."
"Oh, fuck."
"Fuck, bro."
"What the fuck?" I blinked awake, turning around.
A device hit my cheek as it fell, a blur of red and yellow bouncing around and I screamed.
"What the fuck," I shouted, taking a deep breath as I stared at Kaminari and Kirishima.
"Hey, Kayama, how'd you sleep?"
"I'd assume quite well since it was with Shoto."
"And where's your proof of that?" I snapped, my hand holding the recording device they had.
And with a short burst of electricity, I destroyed it in the center of my palm, tossing it down at their feet.
"Get lost, I'm still tired," I mumbled, turning back around in bed.
I rested over Shoto's side, nuzzling myself into his neck. His arm went around me again, pulling me closer. He shifted on his side for me to lay back down again. My senses were still fogged with sleep, wanting to go back to resting with my eyes shut. Yet even with half shut eyes, I gazed at him, taking in his sleeping features. His eyelashes scrawled over his cheeks, his lips parted slightly as he took in steady breaths.
I found myself smiling at the sight of him, a small part of my chest feeling lighter after having talked to him last night. Despite knowing he was still in the dark of our family's history, I began to admire him. I felt myself want to protect him in any way I possibly could, from the depths of my chest.
The door clicked shut as Kaminari and Kirishima left, Shoto beginning to yawn as he blinked about. I panicked for a solid moment, leaning in closer to him. I pulled the covers over us further for him to fall back asleep, but his eyes only blinked open to stare at me.
"Morning," he mumbled, tugging me to fall back onto the pillow as he snuggled into my shoulder. "I'm still sleepy, let's sleep."
His words were by my ear, his breaths over my neck while he spoke. I found it suddenly more difficult to fall asleep now, hyperaware of the lack of space between the two of us in his bed.
"Oh, yeah," he added on. "You can change into my shirt, I'm sure it's more comfortable than sleeping in your uniform. I didn't change your clothes for you last night because I wanted your consent first, but you had already fell asleep," he murmured.
"Oh," I blinked, nodding slowly.
My chest felt warm at the thought, even respecting my privacy and when I turned to look at him again, he was peacefully sleeping.
"Thank you, Shoto," I smiled, placing my lips softly over his scar.
I rolled out of bed quietly to not disturb him, grinning when his arms reached out for me. I held his shirt that was laid over the chair, sliding my own shirt off. Pulling his shirt over my head, his scent wrapped around me in a second. I took my skirt off, seeing that his shirt fell over my thighs and I considered it good enough to sleep like that. Crawling back into bed, his arm curled over me to jerk me to his chest. He plopped his head over my shoulder, his cheek smushing against me. I leaned into him, his right side cool as it eased me to sleep.
"Night," I yawned.
"Night night," he whispered.
"We're late, fuck," I grunted, sliding my skirt on as I hooked it.
"I think we can still make it," Shoto opposed, fixing his belt.
We grabbed our uniform shirts, pulling them on in a hurry as we buttoned them up, getting our bags as well.
"Are you sure you should be moving around like that?"
"I'm fine, I didn't break an arm like Zuku," I huffed out as we left his room to walk out into the hall.
Only halfway to class did we realize where we had screwed our selves over.
"You're wearing my shirt."
We both spoke at the same time, staring at each other's uniform shirts.
"I did wonder why it was a bit tighter," Shoto mused.
"And mine is looser," I pursed my lips.
"Did you call my shirt yours?" Shoto seemed amused at the situation while I blinked at him. "We don't have time to change back so guess we're stuck like this," he gave an easy shrug, continuing to walk to class.
"Are you out of your mind? We've got to change befor-"
"Kayama, why are you trying to take Todoroki's shirt off?"
"Greetings, guys," Shoto gave a simple wave to the class as we stood in the doorway, as though he hadn't heard Kirishima's words.
"I was fixing his tie," I blurted out, trying to pull a smile as everyone stared at us.
I glanced at Shoto, seeing a smirk hint over his lips before he looked away, walking to his seat as he spoke.
"You make it sound like we're a married couple."
I felt my heart pound at his words, wanting to toss my shoe at the back of his head after he had so calmly spoke his words, easing into his seat.
"Yo, Kaminari is so hot," Kirishima spoke up, pulling me out of my mesmerized trance of Shoto.
"Aw, don't be jealous, dude," I comforted him.
"I'm not jealous, Kayama. I'm gay."
"That makes more sense," I agreed.
"Hey, I've got a joke for Mineta," Kaminari grinned, leaning against the table as purple boy turned around.
"What is it?"
"Kayama's ass."
"I don't get it."
"Exactly," Kaminari tossed his head back to laugh loudly while purple boy cried.
"What would you guys be for Halloween?" Purple boy asked, sitting into his seat.
"Sexy," Kaminari smirked.
"Gay," Kirishima sighed.
"Sad," I replied.
"Mood," Shoto added on.
"I thought you had went to your seat," I jumped up at his voice by my ear and he tilted his head.
"I can still walk, I just put my bag down," he looked at me, his eyes glinting with mischief before dulling over again and I swore I was seeing things. "Plus, between us two, I'm not the one who shouldn't be able to walk, that would be you."
He spoke calmly again, his words having double meanings that I wasn't sure if he meant or not. I felt Kaminari and Kirishima's eyes boring into me. I could only gulp down the lump in my throat.
"From the fight, I meant," he clarified. "It's not like we did anything last night when we were alone together."
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