Things had become a little...
My time with Ichiji was always amazing, of course. He made me feel like I was on top of the world, but ever since discovering my pregnancy, he was very...overprotective.
I could understand, to a degree, but now he didn't want me wandering around Germa, or even the castle, without him by my side. He was a busy man, so that just meant I was stuck in our bedroom for the majority of the time.
"But they taste like literal dirt..."
I stared down at the pill in the palm of my hand, grimacing, and Ichiji rubbed my back gently.
"I know, and I'm sorry, but they're the best vitamins you could possibly take. We want our little ones to be healthy, right?"
Deflating, I couldn't argue with him. If sucking it up and dealing with a nasty taste three times a day would help ensure the health of our child, I could cope. Closing my eyes, I popped the pill into my mouth and accepted the glass of water my husband offered me, forcing it down.
"Ugh, nasty..." I whined, leaning into Ichiji as he brushed the hair out of my face.
"I'll see what I can do about finding some that taste better for you, okay?" He chuckled, reaching to caress my slightly swollen middle. Every chance he got, he would touch it, and it was so endearing seeing how happy he was.
Letting myself flop back on the bed, I sighed, trying to will the gross after-taste away.
"That'd be great...It's like licking the sidewalk." Ichiji followed me down, but instead of laying next to me, he laid his head down upon my stomach.
"Hey, babies...It's me, your daddy. I can't wait to meet you." He spoke in such a soft voice, and I couldn't help but smile.
"How are you so sure it's not just one?" I asked him, thinking back on all the times he referred to more than one child.
"Just a hunch. Multiples run in the family, so it wouldn't be too much of a surprise." He shifted so he could look at me, smirking. "Either way, I bet however many babies are in there, they'll be beautiful. Just like their mama."
I felt my cheeks heat up and looked away, knowing he'd get too much of an ego boost seeing just how his compliments still affected me. There was no running from it, though, as he crawled to partially hover over me, leaning in to kiss at my cheek.
"Ichi, quit ittttt!" I giggled, squirming under the tickle of his lips. He just laughed, nuzzling against me and smiling.
"Nope, that would be impossible. You're too cute when you get all flustered for me."
He's going to kill me.
My hand found his red tufts of hair, combing through them absently as I drifted off in thought. Niji and Yonji came to mind, and I wondered how they were doing. It had been a while since I had spoken to them, or even really seen them at all.
"I was wondering...Perhaps maybe we could have dinner with everyone tonight..? It's been a while..." There it was. The expected flinch upon mentioning his brothers, even if it wasn't by name.
"You need your rest, love, and it's such a trek to the dining hall from here." He propped himself up a little to look at me, and I frowned.
"Yes, I know, but I'm bored being cooped up all the time. It'd be nice to, I dunno, socialise?" I continued to stroke Ichiji's hair, hoping that, somehow, it would help me get my way. Mirroring my frown, the usual crisp blue of his eyes seemed saddened.
"Do you not enjoy my company, (Y/N)?"
Wait, no-
It was a guilt trip, plain and simple, I knew that, but at the same time he seemed genuinely disheartened. It was difficult, being so in love with a man who didn't quite understand how things came across to other people.
"Of course I do! You know I do!" I insisted, sitting myself up more, allowing him to assist. "I'm sorry, I just, well, I like talking to people, is all. I miss it, and it's hard for me when I'm here all day, every day..."
Leaning to rest his forehead against mine, Ichiji sighed, the tension in his body fading away upon his exhale.
"I just worry. Yes, I like having you to myself, I won't deny that, but after what happened with my mother...I just..." He trailed off, closing his eyes, and I reached to caress his cheek.
"You've never told me exactly what happened to her..." It wasn't any of my business, but I wanted to know, especially now. Leaning into my touch, Ichiji hesitated. It was like he was searching for the right words, which was a surprise, given how easily speaking came to him.
"Her final pregnancy, myself and my brothers, was incredibly hard on her. After our birth, her health continued to deteriorate, and eventually, she just couldn't fight any longer...and sh..she..." When I pulled him into a tight embrace, he buried his head into the crook of my shoulder.
So he's just trying to keep me safe? I can understand that...and I guess it's only for a few more months, right? I can handle it...
"Were you close with your mother?" I asked, hoping that perhaps recalling some good memories of her would ease some of his hurt.
"We were almost inseparable." He shifted, warm breath tickling the skin of my neck. "Reiju and I were really the only ones to ever visit her once she went into palliative care..."
I could have sworn that I had heard one of the Vinsmoke boys stating that Sanji had been the mama's boy, but Ichiji was opening up to me, revealing what I knew he saw as a weakness, at least once upon a time. Considering how cuddly and clingy he was, it wasn't as shocking as I would have found it to be when we had first met.
"You don't have to worry about me, okay? If it eases your mind, I'll let you dote and fawn all you want. Just...I'd like to at least be able to occasionally talk to people. You get so busy sometimes, and baby can't exactly talk back yet." I ended with a light chuckle, and finally Ichiji pulled back, immediately attacking my face with kisses.
"Whatever your heart desires, my love." Just as he was about to dive back in, his transponder snail began to chirp, and he deflated, climbing from the bed and starting towards the door. "Sorry, I need to take this." As he excused himself and left the room, I shuffled to the side of the bed, watching the door click shut behind him.
Peering around, I definitely knew Ichiji hadn't been lying when he said he would provide me with anything my heart desired. Since our wedding, he had gone above and beyond to ensure our quarters were 'to my standard', as he had so formally put it.
That had just meant that he had tracked down items and decor that made me feel comfortable, and at home. The most beautiful photos and artefacts from Alabasta had been gifted when I had merely mentioned missing my original homeland, and I glanced to the adorable stuffed camel that sat upon the armchair across the room. He had given that to me the day before our wedding, and it was far better than luxurious jewellery or clothing.
I never thought I could be happy in Germa, and whilst I was starting to get irritated by my boredom, I knew it wasn't forever. Ichiji loved me, and kept me safe. We were starting a family, and that would bring a new, brighter, kinder future to the unique nation. I was excited for that.
"On second thought," Ichiji re-entered the room, pocketing his transponder snail and moving to stand before me, hand out in offering. "perhaps dining with the others would do us some good this evening." My excitement was most definitely obvious when he pulled me to my feet, which helped me to bop up and down on the spot.
Niji! Yonji! Reiju! Maybe even Cosette!
The fact I would be able to see, to speak with, the people I held most dear to me again after such a long time was the best news. I could even ignore the fact I would have to be in the presence of Vinsmoke Judge, which was saying something.
"My brothers have departed on a mission, so it will be a nice, quiet dinner. Is there anything in particular you would like the cooking staff to prepare for you?" Oh, how I deflated. I didn't mean for my disappointment to be so evident, but it wasn't something that could be helped.
"O..Oh, uh, no, nothing comes to mind. I'll be fine with whatever we eat." I replied, turning so I wouldn't have to see his clear distaste for my reaction. I could hear him approaching from behind me, soft, cat-like footsteps, so silent in comparison to those horrific boots from his raid suit.
"You're still so attached to them. It bothers me, a lot." He spoke in a lower register, but it wasn't threatening. Just serious. "Can you really blame me for wanting to keep you away from them? To keep them away from you? After all…" His arms curled around my body, dragging my back in against his chest.
I can hardly even think when he does this...
"They've had you on their minds. In their hearts. In their beds...If that didn't riddle me with jealousy then what kind of husband would I be, hmm?" His voice had lulled into that deep purr that always drove me crazy, and of course, I melted into his touch.
Still, I was upset that I would yet again miss a chance to see the boys. While I had chosen Ichiji, that didn't mean I didn't care for them. I still loved them, even if it was in a different way. To say I was missing them was an understatement.
"I..I know, but-" I gasped slightly when he held me even tighter still, one hand gently holding my jaw whilst his other roamed, expertly traversing my body.
"But~?" He was just teasing me now, and I wasn't even close to being strong enough to resist it. "Here's an idea...why don't we just stay in here and make our own fun, how about that?"
Allowing my eyes to flutter closed, I caved to his whim, obediently following his lead, backwards, towards the bed once more.
"Y..You always end up getting your way, don't you..?" I murmured, swallowing thick as I felt his hand begin to toy with the hem of my skirt.
"Oh, my love, you have no idea~"
***Ooooh, boy, you lyin'
Bruh, this took me so long to write I'm sorry! Ichiji is hard to get right.
Speaking of, I got my boy after months of hunting...
His pose is kind of odd, compared to his brothers, but meh.
Hunchy McShoulders.
Next Time: Fixed***
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