It Was Always You, Ichiji
"Y..Your Highness..! You startled me…" What was he about to say? It was obviously that I was trying to make a break for it, and I didn't have a single excuse. I hadn't even on the receiving end of Ichiji's temper before, and I didn't want to be.
"What are you doing all the way out here? Don't tell me you were trying to run away..?" The hurt in his voice made me feel horrible, and I shook my head almost too fast.
"No! No, I was just…It was starting to get too overwhelming in there, so I had to get away…" It was a half truth, at least.
Ichiji relaxed a bit, whether he believed me or not, and reached to take my hand, brushing his thumb gently across my skin.
"I'm sorry for leaving you for so long. Don't worry, though, I won't leave your side for the remainder of the night, I promise."
He was such a gentleman. Not at all what a person would consider when thinking about Germa. He always reserved such tenderness for me, and me alone, and it was almost dizzying every time he spoke to me.
"No, I'm sorry, Your Highness. I'm not really being great company…" I apologised. I didn't want to disappoint him, or Judge, for that matter, lest I lose my head. I knew all I was really supposed to do was stand there and look pretty, but it was easier said than done for someone as anxious as I was.
"You're perfect company. I'd much rather spend my time with you than have to smile and make nice with those pretentious bastards." Ichiji scrunched his nose as he glanced back towards the event hall. "Would you believe that they wanted one of us to marry a Charlotte daughter? I almost gagged at the thought."
So they had been talking about a political marriage? That sounds horrible.
"They mustn't of been very happy being turned down?" The last thing anybody ever needed was to make an enemy of the Big Mom Pirates. They were more than just dangerous. Ichiji guided me into a walk, leading me back towards the party.
"Oh, we didn't turn them down. There's a plan in motion, but I won't bore you with the details. It's honestly a win win." He corrected me, and I chose not to press further. Not boring me with details seemed like it was code for 'you don't want to know'.
When we got closer to the doors I had raced out from, I hesitated, looking away when Ichiji turned to me.
"Sorry…I just feel really out of place in there…" I admitted, squeaking when he used his forefingers to guide my chin so I'd look back to him.
He purposely let his glasses slip to the end of his nose, and those gorgeous baby blues had me locked in place.
"Well, of course you do. You're the most beautiful woman in the room, you know." Oh. Wow. That had really taken me off guard, and Ichiji laughed as I almost crumpled in half, catching me against his side.
Bad for my heart! Bad bad bad for my poor, weak heart..!
"Sorry, I couldn't resist. You're so unbelievably cute when you're flustered." The eldest Prince chuckled, helping me to stand back up properly and linking his arm to mine, just like he had done earlier. "Come on. People will be wondering where we are."
I allowed him to take me back inside, and as we passed by, I met Katakuri's eyes, unable to miss the slight shake of his head. I knew I had chickened out, but even if I had tried to keep running, where would I have gone? What would I have done?
"Oh, there you are! Try some of this!" Yonji greeted us with yet another gob full of food, this time with some mind of pastry. Just like the last time, I politely declined with a smile.
"Thanks, but I'll pass. You seem pretty hungry anyway."
If I try to eat right now, I'll barf.
"One second. I just need to ask my father something." Ichiji released me and approached his father, who was a little ways away. The king of Germa handed something to his son, but before I could get a glimpse of what it was, Niji flicked me in the ear.
"You tried to do a runner. What happened?" He was always so quick to catch on, so I didn't even try to lie to him. Sighing, I rubbed my ear where he had flicked me and looked up at him.
"Decided against it. I mean, sure, freedom sounds nice, but you'd miss me too much."
It was a stupid move, teasing the blue haired man, but I was positive we were in a comfortable enough position in our relationship to dig at each other.
"You've got that backwards, idiot." Despite the light insult, he smirked at me, and I returned in kind.
"Sorry about that. Now, may I have this dance?" Ichiji returned and bowed to me, offering his hand, but I didn't miss the slightly sour look he gave his brother. I accepted with a curtsey, just as I had been taught, and the prince and I moved out to where other couples were waltzing to the music.
Okay, just stay calm, (Y/N). Just pretend like it's just us, practising in the throne room.
I took comfort in feeling his hand upon my waist, and I fell into step with him once he began, keeping me eyes on him instead of anything else in the large, crowded room.
"I know I may not wear it on my sleeve, but I really am happy that you accompanied me tonight. I'm aware you weren't really given a choice, but I'm still happy."
As hard to read as he was, Ichiji always seemed to be mostly honest with me, barring the tale he tried to spin about Niji the night after the tavern. That had obviously been due to jealousy, though, and I couldn't stay mad at him for it. They were all dealing with emotions for the first time, so of course they didn't know how to deal with them properly.
"I'm just happy that you're happy, Your Highness." I smiled up at him, counting each dance step in my head so I wouldn't mess up and make a fool out of him. "Though, why didn't you just tell me in the first place? I was really confused until I found out."
Ichiji tugged me a little closer, chest to chest, and I felt my cheeks flare.
"Would you think any less of me if I said I was too nervous to ask?" He really was something else. He could have whispered absolute gibberish into my ear and I would have melted on the spot.
Gulping, I could only shake my head in response, floating around the room with him in the lead. He was born to lead, and not just because he was the first born son. He had such a dominating presence, and a level head, it was almost scary. He'd make a fierce king one day.
He really has cast some kind of spell over me…
The music faded out, and our dance along with it, though Ichiji made no move to leave the dance floor. He studied me closely from behind his tinted shades, his throat bobbing once with a difficult swallow.
"I actually do have one more request, if I may?" He asked, and I nodded, tilting my head to the side.
"Yes, Your Highness?"
Releasing his hold on me, he reached into his suit jacket, pulling in a breath before, much to my absolute shock, taking a knee. All I could do was stare as he presented me with what he had taken out. A ring. A freaking ring.
"If you would be so kind, I would like to request your hand." He spoke his words carefully, much more stiff than he usually was, and I saw a tiny bead of sweat appear upon his brow. I was hyper aware that all eyes were on us now, and each and every murmur and titter hit my ears.
"Oh my word, is that Sparking Red?"
"He's proposing?!"
"Awww! How romantic!"
"What's she going to say?"
"Who even is that woman? Is she royal?"
I couldn't tear my eyes away from Ichiji. He was just knelt there, right before me, holding out the ring patiently. It shook, ever so slightly, and I tried to force myself to say something. Anything.
Did I want to accept? I knew I didn't exactly have much of a choice, considering my whole situation, and with Judge watching, but was it a bad thing? I loved Ichiji. I knew that. He made me feel safe, and took such great care of me. Was marrying him the right move?
"Y..Yes…" It was quiet, but there was my answer. I was frozen solid in a state of shock and confusion, not to mention crippling anxiety, but I managed to answer. I could see Ichiji wrangle in his grin to ensure it only remained a calm smile as he took my hand and slipped the ring onto my finger.
It was a perfect fit, but of course it was. Ichiji seemed to know everything about me, so it didn't come as a surprise. It was a beautiful ring, too. Glistening ruby stones in a golden band. His colours. Once my shock wore off I was sure that I would admire it endlessly.
Rising to his feet, Ichiji pulled me in by the waist and kissed me, right in front of everybody. The guests, the Charlotte's, his father, his sister, his brothers.
His brothers…
I didn't want to see their faces. Not right now. I knew it would hurt them, and I didn't want to have to pile that onto my plate just yet. I cared for them. Hell, I loved them both, but there was just something about Ichiji that I couldn't ignore. It made my heart burn hot.
"Feel it." Ichiji took my hand in his, asking for me to use my ability. "Feel just how happy you just made me, (Y/N)." I did as he asked, and I very nearly burst into tears then and there.
Never in my life had I felt such overwhelming joy. It was so intense, from the top of my head to the tips of my toes, causing my heart to thrum and lips to stretch up and outwards. Complete and utter happiness in its purest form.
People were cheering and congratulating us from every side, but I couldn't pay attention to them. I was going to get married, to a Vinsmoke, no less. A royal. The thought alone was terrifying, but it was Ichiji. No matter how scary something was, he'd take care of me. I was sure of it.
Once the initial excitement had died down, and after we waded through people offering their congratulations and well wishes, we finally reached the others, and that was when I began to come down from my high, my guts beginning to twist.
Yonji, despite smiling, looked crushed. His eyes just couldn't lie, and I could see the sadness behind them without even having to search for it. I knew he'd wish us well, but that was just how he was. He was a kind soul, even at his own expense.
Niji, however, wasn't trying to mask his thoughts on the matter. His teeth were clenched, arms folded, and the entirety of his body was tense. It wasn't directed towards me, though. He was glaring fatal daggers through his goggles right at his big brother.
Reiju just stared at me. Not happy nor sad, just blank staring, keeping whatever she thought completely under wraps. That was just like her, so it didn't exactly bother me. Judge, however, caused me to shrink down when he took a step forward.
"The wedding shall be held a week from now. That was a well executed display, if I do say so myself. I suppose a congratulations is in order." He nodded to his son, and then, taking me by surprise, to me as well. Was that respect? No, not quite, but he wasn't being hostile any more. It was a start.
Oh dear God…Judge is going to be my father in law..?!
The rest of the night seemed to fly by. I remained glued to Ichiji's side, listening to him make small talk and dancing in his arms. Not once did Niji or Yonji try to approach us. They just stood against the wall, heads down and shoulders rigid.
I knew I had to talk to them at some point. I didn't want to lose them as friends, family, but that would be up to them to decide. Hopefully they could understand. I loved them, but I had made a choice for me. I had never really done that before with anything major in my life.
"Ever since I first had you in my lap," Ichiji pulled me out of my thoughts as he began to speak, tugging me closer and giving me a glimpse of his magical eyes. "I was hopelessly in love with you. You know that, right? I really do love you."
I craned my neck to peck a kiss to the corner of his lips, allowing him to welcome me into his arms, our dance melting into a slow rock in the middle of the dance floor.
"I love you, too…" I sighed, closing my eyes and letting the beat of his heart clear my mind of any worries, at least for the night.
"I can't wait…I have so many plans for our life together, my dear…Just you wait and see…"
***Ichiji, huh?
You're horny on main and it shows.
Next Time: The Rest of Our Lives***
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