"And our kits will be protected while you're away in battle?" Grey mewed nervously, pulling her tail closer to her three kits, which were testing their ability to stand, their kit-blue eyes wide with amazement.
"Of course. Cinderstep is a trained warrior after all." Frostheart assured from where she was nuzzling her kits in a goodbye. The dark gray queen was already in Frostheart's nest, feeding the three kits as well as her own tortoiseshell she-kit and gray tom kit. Berryfoot has his tail rested against his mate's flank, also looking over his kits proudly.
Sparkfur glanced around impatiently. She didn't like going into battle too much-- probably because her first real battle was against Spruceclaw, who shredded her. Her wounds had healed without complications (Asterfoot had spoken about how StarClan must be real for that to have happened.) Frostheart had said that most of the wounds the golden tabby received from Spruceclaw would leave noticeable scars, though. Berryfoot said it was a sign of a real warrior. Scars don't make a warrior. Ryeheart didn't have any scars.
"Ready to go?" Sparkfur blurted. Frostheart didn't look up, Sparkfur sighing, frustrated with herself for being on the wrong side of the half-deaf she-cat. Berryfoot gently touched his nose to the white she-cat's shoulder.
"Why do you even have to leave your kits, Frostheart?" Grey asked, amber eyes glittering with curiosity. Sparkfur noticed Briarkit's paw twitch in his sleep.
"Waspclaw convinced Mintstar that I should have to." She looked to her paws. She ran her tongue over Hazelkit's ears one last time before standing up. Sparkfur's pelt grew hot. She hadn't thought to ask Frostheart why she was even leaving her kits-- she just assumed the she-cat had wanted to defend her clan....
"We should hurry. Waspclaw and Mintstar have probably finished briefing the MarshClan cats." Berryfoot murmured, his emerald eyes flashing as they looked over to his sister in the dim light.
"You'll see them again soon," Sparkfur mewed to Frostheart as the golden tabby padded out of the cramped den to the chilly outside. The snow had formed an thin, hard frozen layer over the top, making it easy to walk over.
It had only taken a day and a half for a cat to get to MarshClan territory and back with the MarshClan warriors. Sparkfur hadn't even gotten a chance to observe them, the second they stepped paw into camp, Berryfoot had pushed her into the rogue Queen den (the second Elder's den that hadn't been used in moons) to explain the situation. Mintstar had agreed to let them stay, as long as their kits were raised as DrizzleClan warriors. No cat had protested, after all, not even Waspclaw would leave a kit and its mother out in the cold to go back to the rogues.
Sparkfur stepped into the camp, which was just a few fox lengths from her den, looking around. Warriors were everywhere, sharpening their claws and saying goodbye to their mates and kits. The only cats staying behind were young apprentices, queens, kits, and the badly injured warriors. They're all willing to go to battle for their Clan's future. She shifted, looking at the DrizzleClan warriors.
Lambflower, was whispering something to Waspclaw. The dusky ginger tom murmured something back with a glare, and she padded off with perfect white fur fluffed up, her ears drawn back angrily.
Honeylight was at the edge of the medicine den, begging Amberleaf to let her fight. The broad gray medicine cat growled something inaudible from where Sparkfur stood, probably something about how injured she is.
Cloudstream was laying by the Bramble Den, nursing deep wounds, speaking quietly to his mate and (presumably) his kits. That's Maplepaw, the apprentice who retrieved Mintstar. Cloudstream must not be able to fight.... But he still has to watch his family leave for battle. She stiffened. No cat seemed to fear the pain and possible death that was waiting for them.
The MarshClan Warriors were looking uneasy, although their eyes were set in a determined way. They know this isn't just DrizzleClan's fight-- it's all of ours. FogClan and HailClan should be fighting as well-- but we don't have time to get everyone together. Perhaps Spruceclaw is right on that aspect, that the cats and the clans aren't connected.
Sparkfur tensed, eyes wide, as she noticed a cat padding foreword. They looked very similar to Ryeheart, with pale cream tabby fur and a broad body. Their eyes were however green rather than gold, and as they came closer, she noticed graying hairs around their muzzle.
"You must be Sparkfur."
"And you must be..," Sparkfur searched for the name. Ryeheart had mentioned his parents at one point. "Thrushcall." His pale green eyes lit up with surprise.
"He mentioned me..?" The tom murmured. Sparkfur flicked an ear as a yes. Why wouldn't he mention who his parents were? How stupid a question.... "I know you were there that night. I know you saw who did it." Sparkfur nodded. Ryeheart. His name was Ryeheart. "I need you to do it. Kill them." Thrushcall murmured. Her eyes lit up with surprise, but his eyes were hard and serious. "I would do it myself, but I'm not as strong as I used to be. You went to the Rouge Camp and back. You're strong... You can do it." Sparkfur swallowed, her fur hot.
"I... I'm not sure--"
"You have to. For him. He was my only son.. He has two sisters." He purred gently. Sparkfur looked around, uncomfortably. Mintstar and Rosestar were gathering the warriors together. The MarshClan leader had a pale ginger tabby coat, glimmering with hints of a brighter ginger in the dim Leaf-Bare sunlight.
"I know, I just... I wasn't sure of what I was going to do when I found the cat who killed Ryeheart." Sparkfur kneaded her paws into the snow. Thrushcall had also noticed the warriors gathering, and had started to pull away.
"Think about it. It won't take long for you to know it's the right thing to do." He turned, going to take his place but other Cedar Den warriors. Sparkfur was rooted in her paw steps. When I had ran into Kole, I hid. I'm not sure if I can kill him. I know I want to-- but I don't know if it's really what Ryeheart would want. A cat brushed up against her, and she turned to see Asterfoot. His round yellow eyes were soft.
"You take care of yourself, okay? Stay close to Berryfoot and Frostheart. Waspclaw is going after Spruceclaw, so you don't bother trying to fight him again, you hear me?" The small blue-gray medicine cat drew his tongue over her messy fur. She shook her whiskers in the defiant manner that she always did. He seemed to force out a choked purr. "I could never get your fur to stay down...," he murmured. Sparkfur glanced around. Every cat was paying attention to Mintstar as he spoke about loyalty and the honor that came in battle. She gently drew her tongue across Asterfoot's ear.
"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Look out for Briarkit, alright? The battle should be over before Moonrise." The white pelt of Frostheart came into the corner of her eye, the she-cat padding up on her other side.
"I'm nervous." Frostheart murmured. Asterfoot sat down, and Sparkfur turned to her friend.
"Don't be. You have a family to fight for." Frostheart tipped her head to the side.
"So do you." She murmured.
Mintstar raised his tail, Waspclaw letting out a battle screech and tearing away out the camp entrance, over half of the warriors following. The others would come in soon after as reinforcements. Sparkfur breathed in. Her eyes met Thrushcall's as the cream tom pelted away.
"Let's go." Sparkfur pressed her flank against Asterfoot as she passed slowly, quickening her pace as his fur, smelling of various herbs, was no longer against hers. Frostheart, as usual, struggled to keep pace with the much taller warrior. The two caught up to Berryfoot, who was at the flank of the battle patrol.
"Stay with me." Berryfoot reminded, though his gaze was fixed on Sparkfur. I wonder if he's curious about seeing Spruceclaw. They kept pace with the rest of the patrol, and after the lengthy run they slowed as they neared the tall grassed meadow edge of the territory where Sedgeheart's body had been found. The rogues were bound to be swarming the land, as they had been daring enough to claim that part of the territory as well as the ravine battle-ground.
Berryfoot's tabby tail raised as they got even closer, the trees thinning. The warriors had all spread out, crouching and slowly creeping low to the ground. The rebels had done poorly fighting in a cramped forest space. In the open of the meadow, they should fight with all of the skills they were taught in recruit training. The began circling the area, Sparkfur staying right at Frostheart's flank.
A loud screech sounded, Mintstar and Rosestar both standing side by side atop a boulder that sloped up from the ground. The warriors popped up from the grass, yowling. Sparkfur poked her head up just in time to see shocked rogues in the middle of battle training, turning with teeth bared and fur on end.
Sparkfur recognized Cecil, the broad gray tabby tom head of Recruit Training. He raised his tail in a commanding motion, his rebels immediately tearing off toward the Clan cats, already waiting with open claws. Sparkfur shrunk back toward Berryfoot, eyes wide as she heard the slam of bodies and see the blood slice into the air.
We just ran to our deaths.
I'm also working on a one-shot sooo surprise lol.
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