"I'm Cecil, head of the recruit training. You are?" The crowd had dispersed to bed down in the various nooks and foreign two-leg things, murmuring quietly.
"Spark." She held her head up, gazing at him with something of a challenging look. He returned it just as sharply.
"You'll be starting your training tomorrow morning, so I suggest you go find somebody to show you around. I've got better things to do." He flicked his thin tail before turning and padding out of the warehouse.
"He's going to the other camp." She turned quickly as a voice in her ear spoke. Bray bounced away so she wasn't right up in the golden warrior's ear. "Hey again! They make us line up every time there's a new cat to make it more cool! You'll get to do it for the next cat now your a recruit!"
"We should show you around!" Daisy nudged Bray softly, reminding the optimistic cat of their duties. The pale chocolate she-cat's face lit up and she nodded, Sparkfur looking around for Rust. They'd have to talk in private. She began to speak in protest, but she was pulled along after them.
"You're a recruit, so a cat in training, at least until you learn to fight and hunt." Bray purred as she led Spark and Daisy around, passing several close stacks of two-leg boxes, foreign foam substances stuffed here and there where sleeping cats laid. The recruit den.
"I'm a Rebel! That's what they call all the fighters. Daisy's a rebel too! And Rust and Fang and Cecil--well technically, but he also trains the recrui--"
"Bray, calm down!" Daisy laughed softly, swishing her pale ginger tabby tail. Sparkfur closed her eyes, impatient.
"Thanks guys," she forced out the words, wanting to go explore herself, "but I can find my own way...," before they could respond she turned briskly and padded across into the shadows. The tower of boxes spanned high, high....
She leaped up onto the lowest stack of wood boxes, gradually jumping up higher and higher to where the sills of the two-leg fake exits were. She touched her nose cautiously to the sun stained see-through hard surface. It was cold, and raindrops covered the outside.
"They call those glass windows." She almost fell right off the high sill that was perched at the top of the camp. She looked over to see the reddish-brown pelt of Rust.
"Ce--Rust..!" She growled, flicking an ear, the brief second of 'holy frICK' turning to annoyance.
"Hey! You picked Spark? How creative.." He teased, and she twitched her nose.
"Yeah, whatever. I don't know what kind of names rouges think are normal."
"Eh. Anything really, most of the cats here are kittypets and loners forced into it, but all soon learn to agree with the cause." Rust flicked his tail. Spark acknowledged his words with a blink. "Must be hard pretending to be a patsy!" Her eyes lit up in a fiery agreement. "Don't worry, now that you're in, you can start to be yourself. But not... Too much yourself, you know what I'm sayin'?" He gave her a side smile, and she flicked her tail distantly. "So, how's Lambflower?" After a moment he added hastily, "And the others. The clan."
The golden DrizzleClan she-cat rolled her eyes.
"You like that frilly little daisy?" Spark curled her tail tip. Gross. Lambflower was almost the exact opposite of Spark: she was quiet and simple and did everything she was told without question. The similarities were that they were both from DrizzleClan and both female.
"Yeah... I think she's sweet...," his fur grew hot and he ducked his head nervously. Sparkfur sighed,
"Yeah, I guess she's fine. I never go out of my way to see how she is, but I suppose I could ask Berryfoot in my next check-in... Why don't you ask on your next rendezvous?" He sat up, swallowing.
"I will. I was just allowed over in the allowed area until just after my initiation into rebellion a week ago. Where are you supposed to meet?"
"The dead grass field where Sedgeheart the deputy was murdered." She recalled, trying not to dawdle on why he sounded so tight within a few moments.
"Ah. They send patrols there a lot, we had unknowingly set ours to a different spot where recruits aren't allowed." He smiled lightly, relaxing.
"Oh," Sparkfur looked down onto the clan moving about to their make-shift dens of two-leg scrap. A mass of tipped boxes and several two-leg comfort nests were just a few examples of 'dens.'
"All the recruits sleep in the tower den, but the warriors get to sleep wherever they can find a spot to sleep. Well, they call warriors 'rebels' here."
"I figured that out."
"So how do you like it here? I think it's nice for a mission but I d--"
"It's fine." Spark cut him off, looking out the 'window.' She didn't like being surrounded by the intoxicating two-leg stench mixing with the fresh salty ocean scent. She didn't like not having Asterfoot or Berryfoot or Frostheart around. She didn't like not having Ryeheart around. But she had to be strong, that was the only way to make everything right. "So there's a second camp?"
"Oh, yeah! I told Beechwhisker about it, it's a twoleg stone tower. It's huge and it's where the leader and high ranking rebels live. So like, bramble den warriors and their mates. Also queens. I've never been inside, and I've heard nobody has seen the leader. He just sends down his right hand cats to do all his duties."
Spark sighed. This was going to be much harder than she originally planned.
"Wait, queens?" She pricked her ears, a plan forming in her head.
"No, Sparkfur. You don't want to have kits in this place." He whispered, his eyes wide and his fur rising a bit. Sparkfur opened her mouth, curiouser but surprised. "As soon as a kit can run it's out into training. You don't want to go with that idea. Most of them die, and the leader doesn't care." Spark looked down again at the now bedded down clan. Only a few stood around on guard or talking quietly. "If you find a she-cat with kits, you help her get them out and somewhere safe if you can. I've already helped one she-cat, her name was Daisy." He laughed under his breath thoughtfully. "She was so kind." Spark's eyes glimmered as she recognized the name, remembered the sweet pale ginger tabby with the scar across the bridge of her nose.
"I have to do it though." Spark finally sighed. "It's the only way to get there quick enough." He breathed slowly, thinking.
"Fine. But not until you finish recruitment training, give me time to see if I can get into the other camp." She dipped her head in agreement, and he dipped his own round shaped head in thanks before leaping down from the sill using the tower of boxes, Spark watching him curiously. This was going to be a lot harder than she originally anticipated.
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