Sparkfur was afraid of a select few things: dogs, trees falling on her, if it stops raining, and getting lost in a snowstorm. None had ever hurt her, but they still scared her. Irrational, but at the same time, rational fears.
It was not logical, she thought, to fear this massive cat. He was a murderer, and in a way, had hurt a part of her, though not physically. He was the same height as her: thick legs, broad shoulders, a hard face, and round eyes. There were nicks in his long ears, and scars lining his toned, dusky, gray brown tabby fur. His green eyes seemed to pierce into her very being.
"Kole, leave." He murmured, studying Sparkfur. Kole gaped, open mouthed.
"But.. Father!"
"Go." He snapped, and Kole dipped his head quickly, disappearing out the broken window in the door. It's hard to believe that's the cat that killed Ryeheart. She watched Kole leave with her eyes narrow.
"You know, I never thought the leader of some grand rogue cult would be a father," she said as casually as she could. Keep it cool, I'm not dying tonight.
"He thinks I'm his father, but I'm not." The leader said simply, sitting and wrapping his tail neatly around his paws. She watched him carefully, trying to figure him out.
"Right, of course," she flicked her ears, "so what's up with the vendetta against the clans?" She tipped her head to the side. He made a sort of laugh and stood up slowly, reminding her how big he was.
"I don't have to answer any questions. But you, at my mercy, will answer every question I ask you." He stalked closer to her, and she took a step back. This was nothing like some challenge with Waspclaw where she could stand firm and growl snarky remarks. This was real.
"Yeah sure, go ahead. I asked you one, you might as well as me one." She circled around him so she wouldn't be facing the entrance to the roof any longer.
"What clan are you from?" He asked. A simple question, and she saw no harm in answering truthfully.
"DrizzleClan. It's the one in the thick forest--"
"I know," he silenced her with a flick of his tail, which had silvery hairs. She arched a brow to his quick response.
"So, you know about the clans? We're all pretty secret, so you must be an exile. FogClan, maybe? You're pretty stocky, and swimming is very good for building up such a strong frame." She liked to show off that she was smart. The leader glanced down at her with a bit of interest.
"Most warriors don't notice things like that." He said, turning and sitting.
"Yeah, well most warriors are a bunch of mouse-brains." She watched for his reaction, and he laughed a little.
"Yeah. Mouse-brains." FogClan cats don't use the word 'mouse-brain,' they say 'minnow-brain.' Frostheart used to say it all the time until we started making jokes about it....
"And you hate the clans, why...? We're getting a bit off topic, and I just want to have everything figured out before you go crazy and try to kill me or something." She glanced up at him to see if she had touched a nerve, but he still seemed calm.
"They abandoned me.." He whispered. Then he looked over at her. "What did you say your name was?" His fur began to bristle, and he looked twice his original size. She swallowed and breathed in.
"I, well, I didn't say what my name was, but you know, I could tell you if you told me yours..?" He took a heavy step forward, and she took a light step back.
"I grow tired of your questions. Why did DrizzleClan send you here? To destroy me? I'm sure Mintstar is still trying to prove himself worthy of his rank... That tom was as useful as a dead fox!" He growled, pacing now. His voice had picked up. Her fur pricked.
"You killed many of my clanmates." She finally spoke up, and he turned, his green eyes glimmering in the dark night.
"You probably didn't even know any of them!" He growled loudly, "that's the problem with the clans: you're a nobody unless you're the leader. Then cats know your name." He smiled lightly. "But she knew my name." Then his eyes narrowed. She shifted uncomfortably: he had more emotional changes than an apprentice, and made her head ache trying to keep up. "And that idiot Asterfoot killed her!" He roared, his claws unsheathed and glittering back the moonlight.
Sparkfur's tabby fur stood on end.
"Liar! Asterfoot is a good cat, and he always tries his hardest to help every cat!" She hissed. He bared his teeth.
"Did your mother teach you to speak to warriors that way?" He growled, his fur on end.
"She's dead, you fox-heart! So I'll speak to you how I want!" She spat. He leaped, and with huge paws he slammed her to the hard roof, knocking the air out of her. "You know it's rumored that you're crazy, and now I know it's true! You're insane!" She hissed lowly, but with his scarred, paler muzzle to her own nose, she knew he heard her.
The Leader tore his claws across her cheek, nearing too close for comfort to her eye. She breathed in sharply, trying to roll out of the way. His great big paws boxed her in.
"Now I know I need to kill you, no recruit of mine will go through my program and not be able to defend themselves! You even went through warrior training and still you're stuck!" She shut her eyes tightly. Think, think, think! She breathed in and opened her eyes in time to see him pull his right forepaw up as he prepared to swipe it across her neck. She rolled over quickly onto her paws, and dashed forward. She hissed as his claws came down on her hind leg, and she turned to face him.
"You know, DrizzleClan may be disconnected and not as together as you'd wish, but at least they don't go around killing each other!" She growled. He bared his teeth.
"They killed Cherryflower!" He barked angrily.
She stood up straight, feeling a coldness run through her not caused by the leaf-bare winds that gusted across the flat rooftop.
"What did you say?" She whispered.
"Asterfoot killed Cherryflower, and she loved me! 'I did everything I could' my tail! He had her life in his paws and he failed! He killed her!"
"No..!" She was shaking, "that's not right! Cherryflower didn't love anybody other than..." She blinked up. She saw it now. He looked just like Berryfoot: round face, round eyes, stocky frame, thick legs. "Spruceclaw."
Didn't expect to get this one done so quick, but I did. You might want to refresh your memory via Prologue if you so wish.
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