Lorna walked the perimeter of the building, pulling at her collar. She could sense someone there, but using her powers had made the collar activate. Lorna tried to remove the collar as she searched for the threat to the party. While Lorna didn't care one way or another if the place was destroyed, Lorna knew that Luna and the twins were inside. Even if they weren't family, Lorna owed them a debt for rescuing her from prison.
Lorna froze when she saw the threat. He was standing there, back towards the building, hands holding onto a sword. The man had honey colored hair with lava orange eyes. He wore an orange sleeveless shirt that tucked into black pants and boots. His sword started pulsing in warm colors (red, orange, yellow) as Lorna steadily approached. The man turned towards Lorna, his dead eyes staring deeply into her soul.
Lorna tried breaking the collar again but it didn't work. The man turned towards Lorna, sword pulling out of the rocky dirt as he pushed off the ground, poised to strike. Lorna's hand was covered by a translucent green glove that looked like light hitting pool water. She raised her hand up, the sword hitting against the energy field Lorna created. Lorna pushed her hand forwards, knocking the sword back into the ground. The man twirled back with his sword as Lorna ducked into the bushes, blood seeping out of her nose.
The man looked around. When he didn't immediately see Lorna, he walked slowly towards where Lorna was hiding. He walked past her. Lorna held her breath as she waited for the pain to subside enough for another attack. The man turned towards where Lorna was, approaching slowly. Out of nowhere, the man fell to the ground. Lorna looked around to see a figure in a hood with blue mist around his hands.
"Lorna!" The hooded figure yelled out. Lorna recognized the voice as Billy's, but she couldn't be sure until she saw his face. The orange man grabbed his sword, racing to strike the hooded figure. The hooded man placed his hands together, the blue energy mixing together before blasting off to hit the man. The orange man fell backwards, before standing back onto his feet. The man raised his hand, making two slashes with his fingers. The slashes took form as orange energy arcs. One hit the hooded figure in the stomach. His hood fell revealing Billy, and his was cemented in place with pain. If the second energy arc were to hit, Billy would be dead.
Lorna raced towards him, pushing them both out of the way. Unfortunately, she wasn't completely out of way when the energy passed. The orange grazed her collar causing sparks to bounce off. Suddenly, the collar fell to the ground. Lorna felt her neck to see that she was free from the inhibitor. Lorna allowed her powers to resurface, using them to throw orange man's sword against the building.
"Thank you!" Billy muttered as he went in close for the fight. The man kept dodging attacks while sending out more energy arcs. Billy used his telekinesis to make shields. It kept him safe, but the fight was getting dragged out. Lorna pulled the sword towards herself, making sure to keep it near at all times. When orange man tried to summon it to his hand, Lorna would keep it beside her until he got distracted. It was all Lorna could do at the moment. Her body was still adjusting to having her powers back in an alternate reality. Even using her powers to keep metal in place was draining her quickly.
Billy, for what it was worth, was actually surviving. This was one of his first times being in a fight that he actually fought back in. Plus, Billy wasn't used to using his powers in a combat situation. Billy was limited by many factors, one being his lack of creativity. Billy was positive he could do more than just deflect the energy, but he couldn't think what that something more should have been.
Billy tried getting inside the guys head, but that didn't go exactly as planned. Instead of manipulating the guy, Billy learned some interesting things. For starters, his real name was Gabriel, and he was the personification of destruction. When Billy tried to learn what the latter part meant, he discovered that Gabriel was simply part of a plan with two other members: Eleleth and Cassiel, whoever they were. Eleleth was the personification of power while Cassiel was assassination. Billy discovered that personification lead to the term 'shards'. Billy didn't know what shards of because Gabriel punched Billy, knocking him out of Gabriel's headspace.
Gabriel summoned a huge ball of energy that gleamed brilliantly like the sun. It was as if glowing gold ribbons rolled together into a ball with fluttering pieces waving off the sides. Billy would have been mesmerized if the ball didn't get thrown at him. Billy raised his hands, catching the energy as it was about to hit him. Billy concentrated on the ball. His magic started to seep through, tainting the orange into a deep royal purple color. Billy poured more into the energy in order to turn it into a dark blue, like the twilight sky shimmering with stars and clouds. Billy sent the energy back, falling onto his knees as the energy ball hit his opponent.
Billy ran up to the man, watching as his body turned into golden flecks. It reminded Billy of the dusting but flashier. One of the pieces floated onto Billy's arm, passing through the cloth. Billy sucked in a breath as the burning sensation came. The flecks wouldn't stop coming, however. Billy tried getting away, but they followed like fireflies.
"Billy!" Lorna yelled, tossing the sword at Billy. The boy caught the blade, allowing the sword to catch all the flecks. Soon enough, Gabriel was gone and his sword remained. Billy used his magic to search the blade for any trace of Gabriel's consciousness. All he saw were memories. A beautiful woman created the blade, and years later it was given the name, Les Fleurs du Mal. The sword was later recovered by Gabriel, given to him when he first appeared.
"This is a corrupt sword," Billy said, letting go of the sword before it bonded with him. Billy turned to Lorna with a grimace. "We need to help the others."
This is the last of the prewritten stuff. Is anybody reading this and want more?
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