I dedicate this to interestingthingtobe.
Thanks for reading my story love.
Mood: Total Eclipse of the heart (by Bonnie Tyler)
"Louis, why did you run away?"
Louis closed his eyes for a minute. He had to tell Harry. But would Harry believe him? He wasn't scared of Harry...he could never be. He loved Harry and he knew that Harry loved him too. He couldn't tell him now though that he pictured him as those assholes...Harry wouldn't take it well.
He wanted him to relax and then talk about everything. He wanted to make Harry see what a beautiful person he is. How much he means to him and how much he means to his friends. This whole thing had traumatized Harry. He knew, yet those past months he never takled about it with him.
Only when he first told him. After they shared that beautiful moment, admiring the sunset. How could he be so stupid and never talk about it with him?
Closing your eyes helps you get a moment with yourself even if you're in a crowded room. You can think more clearly and it gives you a moment to recompose yourself. Louis closed his eyes in an attempt to find the right words, before he spoke to Harry.
Harry was the last thing he saw before he did, Harry was all that he saw when they were closed, yet Harry, wasn't what he saw when he opened them.
Some things happen with no warnings. It's impossible to predict the future and some people learn this the hard way. Yet, to win in life we have to fight. Everyone fights his own battles, making his own decisions that lead the way. You can't always except someone to warn you.
Noone warned Louis when he closed his eyes. Noone warned him that when he would open them, the most precious thing for him in life, would be gone. Noone warned him that Harry would be so heartbroken. Noone warned him that Harry would end this just like that.
He kept staring at the spot where he remembered him to be couple minutes ago. The trees' branches that moved due to the breeze, were the only thing that could be heard.
His heart had broken into millions of pieces and it seemed impossible to put them back on his own. He needed Harry. Harry is his world, Harry is his everything. Memories started flashing through his head.
"Lou? Will you be my boyfriend?"
"Only if you'll be mine."
"And your eyes. Your eyes...so blue. Not the ordinary blue. They are special. It's like the colour the ocean has when it's peaceful and there's sun everywhere."
"They work like magnets. You can't stop looking at them and from the moment you do...you want to drown in them. They change colour too. When you're angry they get darker. Still beautiful though. Maybe more...mysterious. But when you're happy...or when you're laughing, they are so bright. They are sparkling."
"Then why you're not looking at them now?"
"Because how am I supposed to stop then?"
"I would now say I love you...and mean it with all my heart...but I don't. The words I love you could never be enough..."
"Then I suppose we'll have to create new ones."
"Oh my god...you're such an idiot."
"But you love me."
"Sadly yes."
If he had to fight for Harry, he would.
Because, for him, Harry's the most beautiful person in the world.
The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss and have found their way out of their depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life, that feels them with compassion, gentelness and a deep loving concern.
Beautiful people do not just happen.
And if you're lucky enough to meet such a beautiful person, you shouldn't question if it worths fighting for them.
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