He felt something semi-soft underneath his back, a thin mattress of some kind. Yet he could clearly feel the smooth cement floor underneath. He snapped his eyes open, hissing and squinting his green orbs when he had immediately looked into a cold lamp that had been somehow installed into the ceiling.
He growled, attempting to roll on his side to get up, only to realise he couldn't use his hands properly and instead of getting them underneath him, they were tied together, making him roll on his stomach and hit his chin against the floor, he bit his tongue as it had accidentally stayed between his teeth, making him flinch and then growl under his breath angrily. "Arsebadger."
He wiggled up on a sitting position, brows furrowed as he studied the thin handcuffs, huffing in annoyance at how fragile they looked.
But his high ego was soon dragged down a notch.
As he tried to snap the handcuffs in half, he flinched when they sizzled and electricity ran down his wrists, making him jolt slightly and freeze, holding his hands up in the air as he moved them again they would vibrate with electricity once again.
He was tense, too weary to brush the dark hair out of his eyes, slightly making him take in the whole place he was locked in.
The thing he noticed first, were the grey walls that surrounded him on either side and the enormous glass wall that kept him from wandering down the mysterious corridors. What made him frown was the lightness of clothes that weren't his. The colour white was so off, it almost made him growl. He was wearing a white shirt that kept close to his skin, along with white, soft trousers. He had no socks nor shoes. He also noticed a folded clothing near his mattress, making him believe it was a jacket or a sweater of some kind. Again, the colour white. There were no brands as to give him a hint where he was, and Fergus felt a coldness in the pit of his stomach; fear.
As he slowly lowered his hands, wearily looking at the cuffs, almost waiting for them to give him another zap of electricity. They didn't.
He pushed himself up, ignoring the lightheadedness as he leaned against the wall, jumping as he felt something pressing against his back, as he curiously looked behind, he noticed a doorknob.
Looking around suspiciously, he inched away from it, hesitantly opening the door, his wrists still bound. He stepped into the plain room, eyes landing on the toilet and a sink that had been somehow installed into the wall. He wasn't surprised at how high tech everything was, if anything, he was impressed, but not surprised. He tried to reach deep down, to caress the boiling magic that flowed in him, only to hiss as he felt the cuffs digging into his skin, burning it just slightly.
Apparently, the tech also forbid him from using his abilities, not that he knew the full range of them anyway.
He slammed the door shut, going to sit back on the tiny mattress as he studied the cell with a glass wall. He didn't know hopelessness was a colour as he blinked at the light grey walls. It looked like a lunatic asylum but he was certain it was not one.
Once again, he needed to come up with a front to put up, the fear and hesitance he could not use anymore, he could try his best to answer their questions, but he didn't want to. Besides, what would they want from him anyway? If they wanted information about the Lennons, he would not give it to them.
Because he'll be damned if he let someone else kill the old bastard.
So silence and sarcasm it is. Annoyance can lead to frustration, frustration can lead to either releasing him or, the negative outcome, his death. But he didn't really have anything to lose, did he.
It didn't take long for someone to appear near the glass wall, he didn't move as he looked at them with a neutral expression. The two men were hard to read and were definitely fit and well trained. There was the first hint as to where he was, they both wore black coloured clothes (as if they were mocking Fergus, who was forced to wear white, who did they take him for, Virgin Mary?), on both of their shoulders there was a tiny logo of a bird, but Fergus didn't recognize it. A military organization?
"Get up." one of them said in a monotonous tone as Fergus watched the whole glass wall slid into the ceiling. yeah, definitely not a flex. He did as they asked, raising an eyebrow quizzically at the man who had spoken. "You will be led to the interrogation room and we ask you to not resist nor harm people who we might meet on our way, we do not wish to harm anyone." the man said again, taking a step back to allow Fergus to step into the hallway. His green eyes roamed over the men, assessing the knives, guns and batons on their persons. They were definitely armed and had no hesitation to use them should Fergus give them any trouble.
"Well, Mr Policeman, lead the way to our next adventure." Fergus said with a half-smile as he stepped closer to them hesitantly, the man's eyes widened slightly as if he was surprised Fergus spoke at all. "Alright kid, don't act rash now, I'll lead you." he said, his calloused fingers taking a hold of Fergus' elbow as the second man who Fergus labelled as mute stayed behind a step, his hand always on the gun on his side. Both were almost his height and looked to be in their early thirties if not late twenties. And Fergus had no intentions on testing their fighting abilities if he himself was restrained like an animal.
"As long as you don't turn into a paedophile who likes younger men you're all good." he said easily, eyes roaming the white corridor and the grey door they were nearing. The mans lips quirked up slightly. "It's all professional, don't worry, you won't be mishandled." he reassured the boy as he swiped a card as the door opened. There were stairs and to his relief, they headed towards an elevator. "I'm Fergus, what's your name?" It didn't hurt to play friendly, they already knew his name. The man looked at Fergus, his eyes growing softer with each sentence. "Sorry kid, can't tell you."
"I think your name is Ralph, You look like a Ralph, what's your name?" He peeked left, looking curiously at the man who was frowning and eyeing Fergus up as thought he was going to kill the boy right there. He remained quiet. "I think you look like a Bob." The man who was holding Fergus' elbow chuckled, but tried to cover it up with a cough as the other man glared at him. “Ralph, answer me this. What is it that if you have, you want to share with me, and if you share, you do not have?” he asked slyly as the elevator came to a stop, he watched curiously at Ralph, seeing the confusion he was trying to mask.
"A secret.” came a rough reply from behind them "bingo!” so he is the smart one out of the two, the dangerous one, Fergus noted, nodding as they went down numerous places, he was convinced they were trying to confuse him. ”Next question, what's y'alls favourite day? I like Christmas, we usually fly all the way to Toronto, Canada and Ma usually cooks carrot cake, and let me tell you, it is to die for.” Ralph nodded, swiping his card as yet another door opened. “We usually stay in Manhattan, Christmas is celebrated big here.”
First of all, he was very unprofessional, and second of all, they were in Manhattan? Where the Avengers tower is, so they must be near it, if not even in it, because as Fergus could recall, Tony Stark personally came to retrieve him. But then again, does Stark have a secret organisation under his tower? Or is it even his tower anymore? Fergus cursed himself for not paying enough attention to the news.
“I've got another question, you ready?” he asked, noticing that there were people strolling through the halls. “Go ahead, kid.”
“What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is all the time?” he saw the concentration in Ralphs's face, a frown pulling between his dark brows. “A spy? An agent? Oh, definitely an agent of shi–”
“A widow! You call her a widow, because her husbands dead.” Bob answered hurriedly, most definitely catching up on Fergus' interrogation. “Right, yeah, a widow.”
An agent of sh... It? Fergus chuckled, making a small and harmless conversation, but whenever something important was about to be answered, Bob cut in. He noticed the looks people they passed gave them, obviously used to it since none of them asked questions, looked for too long or stayed in the way.
Fergus also realised when one of the workers walked by with a cup of coffee, that he was, in fact, starving. And he bet whatever place this was, those people were aware and would probably use it against him.
“Well, here we are, kid.” Ralph said, opening a heavy door and leading the tall teen inside. It wasn't much, but it was definitely an interrogation room, that much Fergus had seen from movies. Ralph pulled out the chair and loosened his grip on Fergus' elbow as the teen sat down. “Good luck, and I suggest you just speak the truth.” the man said once more joining Bob outside the room.“Sure, it was nice meeting you, say hi to your wife from me, Ralph!” he said before the men closed the door, no doubt it could not be opened from the inside.
Immediately claustrophobia crept in to cloud his judgement, but he closed his eyes, focused on his breathing and reminded himself that he was, in fact, not in the Lennons basement.
Just a nameless organisation, wanting to ask him questions.
He looked around briefly, his eyes landing on the two-way mirror next to him, he blinked slowly, just knowing behind it there was someone, studying him, trying to see what he was going to do, was he going to try and unlock the door? Break the mirror? Wolf out?
Fergus did nothing as his eyes slid on the floor. I didn't know hopelessness was a colour, he thought bitterly as his focus was pulled away from the plain walls on the person who entered.
There was a tall, bulky man with a scar that ran down the side of his face, dark, emotionless eyes glared at Fergus, letting the teen assess him before he closed the door with a quiet click.
So, their first move is intimidation. The dark-haired teen clasped his hands and rested his elbows on the table as the bulky man pulled out the chair across from him.
This was ough to be interesting. Highly trained spies and policemen and agents made Fergus almost feel as if he was in a Bond movie.
Exciting and terrifying.
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